Wednesday, February 29
Day class
Enjoyed the bond and the emotions expressed today during class. Although I'm a bit shy I felt good speaking about basically anything. It's funny how I can't speak in front of a classroom with classmates, and at the community college that I work at I administer exams for students which requires that i speak for about 10 to 15 minutes regarding test procedures and other information. I have been doing that for the past 6 years. I wonder why that is. :)
today's class
Was by far one of the best experiences I've ever had an any class. I know for a fact that I will always remember and cherish this class and especially this day. I've never been one to talk much in class because I feel that pressure of when I open my mouth I have to me absolutely 100% correct. I don't know if it's just something subconscious or if it's the fact that I don't want to ask or say something stupid in front of my class mates/ teacher. Anyways, point being was that in today's open discussion I didn't feel that burden I always felt like I had the ability to say anything without being judged, maybe that's why I felt that I spoke so much.
I don't know if any of you noticed that while other people were talking I was doodling on my notebook. I've always seemed to listen better as I doodle and also because seeing how emotional people were getting, which i'm so happy they felt at liberty to do so, I felt i couldn't look at them. Not for any bad reasons but because I know myself and when I see someone getting emotional I immediately start to channel their feelings and i'd start to cry myself. I might be a little too empathetic sometimes.
I don't know if any of you noticed that while other people were talking I was doodling on my notebook. I've always seemed to listen better as I doodle and also because seeing how emotional people were getting, which i'm so happy they felt at liberty to do so, I felt i couldn't look at them. Not for any bad reasons but because I know myself and when I see someone getting emotional I immediately start to channel their feelings and i'd start to cry myself. I might be a little too empathetic sometimes.
long story short, the discussion was great because it made me feel like i'm not the only one with these hidden struggles. I've always known that other people go through things but it's one thing to know and another thing to see/ hear them first hand. I'm so glad we had the ability to do this in class, i think more teachers should definitively do activities like these more!
Today's class
I loved the way Tabor handled the class today. I felt like connected with all at a comfortable level as well as emotional. My intentions were not to let out my tears and cry, but I couldnt help it. I felt relieved letting out my thoughts on my current situation...
My thoughts have changed and I recognize that I can do all that I want too.
I have a more positive way of thinking on reaching my expectations thanks to your advice! I want to thank you all for your feedback! you all helped me understand in a more clear view that I can manage my time and still do all that I want too :)
much love and respect,
<3 Leslie
My thoughts have changed and I recognize that I can do all that I want too.
I have a more positive way of thinking on reaching my expectations thanks to your advice! I want to thank you all for your feedback! you all helped me understand in a more clear view that I can manage my time and still do all that I want too :)
much love and respect,
<3 Leslie
I appreciate the fact that MT had us in a circle again with the green pod and hearing everyone's thoughts and regards with school and other things. It made me realize that we're somewhat the same and not so different:
After class, I called my mom and bawled, letting her know how appreciative I was of her and my dad's support while I finish school but when this quarter started I was really homesick. There was no one I can talk to, I really didn't have friends and my living situation sucked. But I realized I couldn't stop now and let them down, or myself for that matter. To me, there's no place like home but this struggle is only a part of life and we all overcome it.
I wanted to refrain from getting emotional and said something short so might as well express it on the blog.
After class, I called my mom and bawled, letting her know how appreciative I was of her and my dad's support while I finish school but when this quarter started I was really homesick. There was no one I can talk to, I really didn't have friends and my living situation sucked. But I realized I couldn't stop now and let them down, or myself for that matter. To me, there's no place like home but this struggle is only a part of life and we all overcome it.
I wanted to refrain from getting emotional and said something short so might as well express it on the blog.
| ||
If anyone gets this before class today (Wednesday) would you please let MT know I will not be there. My SOC 412 class was cancelled and I decided to come home. I have TONS to do to get ready for being "off the grid" anyway. Hate to miss class but I will see everyone on Monday. Thanks - Gayle
Tuesday, February 28
Museum of Tolerance is $11.50 with student ID. On the weekends they are closed on Saturdays, open Sundays from 11a.m till 5p.m. On the weekdays i know most people work and or course we have school so maybe the weekday would not work. Also, The Gene Autry museum is free on the 2nd tuesday of the month. The tickets are $6 dlrs with a student ID. Not bad.
10. go off the grid
I'm going 10 days - and 3 night time and I think 5 day time are going 7 days and then re-assessing. I am preparing and preparing so that I don't "go off the wagon." I plan to keep a journal: one page each morning and one page each night. Wednesday night before March 1st will be my first entry. I also plan to keep a big list of projects done. I think I'll light candles each night as I take out my pen and paper. This is the biggest group. Maybe we can start Digital Anonymous when we are done. We have only one day to post here - then we must communicate telepathically.
9. ride alongs
I think there are four in the day, and now one at night. Use this post to join forces and possibly to share notes. Maybe you do not share your unique insights, but you can share some basics, like how busy, what types of calls--that sort of thing.
7. become someone you are not
day students with some interesting plans to dress up then dress way way down in same territory - going so far as to seem homeless if not homeless and pregnant, and maybe even applying for welfare. One person will join the community of dog-people - and I suggest you watch this set of three videos for that and the evening is adding a person who is "dolling up" with hair extensions and maybe some more officially "femmy" clothing. Join forces here: plans, laughs, insights, etc.
5. Thursday politics
night's Mr. Ramos will try to find Lola (whom he knows) and "Mr. Practical" to join forces. Good!
3. club: gay club or strip club
a few in the day and three in the night. could use this post to join forces and share ideas . . . It would be great to see if you can apply what we learned in the film about gender to the gay bar: what can be seen of gender styles there?
2. Church, Temple, synagogue, Buddhist temple
3 night people and maybe one day person, Ms. Fogg-Sullivan.
Ms. Fogg, comment here - the night people are going together to 2 places, one Buddhist and also to Michael Beckwith's Agape Church in Culver City. Join them!
Ms. Fogg, comment here - the night people are going together to 2 places, one Buddhist and also to Michael Beckwith's Agape Church in Culver City. Join them!
1. Collect $$, pack lunches, distribute
charity! What a fun project. No one is going to hop on it, but someone should suggest it to your Soc professor the first week of the next quarter.
Write it up like a recipe:
Sociological Consciousness
25 Sociology students
$1 each
etc etc. ... do the entire project with the goal of writing a project manual for many sociology classes to come: those who wish to be part of the solution rather than to analyze the problem.
Write it up like a recipe:
Sociological Consciousness
25 Sociology students
$1 each
etc etc. ... do the entire project with the goal of writing a project manual for many sociology classes to come: those who wish to be part of the solution rather than to analyze the problem.
class was fun tonight
I'll now try to post on each of the 13 topics and get day and night together where possible.
paper 2
just finished writing the paper but not to enthusiastic on the quality of the paper, i probably shouldn't of waited till last minute. but i got it done! i learned my lesson i gotta get on the ball especially when taking 16 units
Ok, well I've been having many things on my head. I need help on one. I don't know whether to get a new car or use the money I have and take some trips instead? I've always wanted to travel and now is my opportunity, but then I want another car. The one I currently have works ok, but after my car accident it makes a lot of noise. They told me it would be less than $1000 to fix it. That means the left over money would be used for trips. But then again I want another car. What would you guys do? Help, please! :D Thanks.
13 possibilities
- Collect money, make lunches, and hand out to homeless
- Church, Temple, synagogue or Buddhist temple
- club: strip club or gay club - maybe twice
- cultural event: Holocaust Museum, Watts Tower, or other venue
- political event: maybe the Thursday occupy event on campus next week
- switch genders for a couple of days
- costume up to create a new social identity: handicap, pregnant, mother, dog owner walking around and at a training class, upscale to downscale, etc.
- sit in a court - watch proceedings
- ride with police - "ride along"
- Go off the grid for a week
- AA or Anything-Anonymous meetings
- Become a Simmelian "stranger" in a couple of groups that let you in
- Independent
Touching footage of Angela Davis
Some rare footage compiled by Swedish reporters who were reporting the black power movement in Sweden at the time. This is Angela Daviss' portion of a mix tape of all the black power footage compiled into one. I could not get the video to embed so heres the link, sorry for the inconvenience Very strong stuff, enjoy..
Monday, February 27
Paper 2
Wow I have never had so much trouble writing an essay as I did with this one. Have no idea if I even did it right but at least I did it and will get some points for it. Anyone else feel the same way?
So our paper is due today. Im kind of nervous about it because it was a challenge, but a good one. I hope everyone did well!!!
BUT WHAT I ABSOLUTELY HATE THE MOST IS THIS: "i" it doesn't capitalize i when its lonely i don't get it?
* if anyone knows how to fix this can you please let me know its so frustrating.
BUT WHAT I ABSOLUTELY HATE THE MOST IS THIS: "i" it doesn't capitalize i when its lonely i don't get it?
* if anyone knows how to fix this can you please let me know its so frustrating.
Sunday, February 26
My paper #2 might be two days late from the original due date. I'm blogging about it and being honest. This weekend I was juggling this paper and studying for the math test that i have on tuesday which will be super difficult. I've only turned in one EOS paper late because of the rain. I know that turning in late papers will lower a grade, but i won't be able to turn in by tomorrow monday. Ahhhhhh!!!! :(
help paper #2
does anyone know how i would cite material from a lecture? I've been searching for it online but I haven't found anything.
What do you think?
I am one of those persons that is constantly checking my phone, or texting. It has became a distraction
to be texting anf checking my facebook (fb) frequently. I want to change this, and deactivate my fb, and set
my phone on silent for a few days and see the outcome of it. This was my idea for our third paper... but I'm
not so sure if I will keep up with this. I've never done this, so it will be fun to see the difference.
It's not so much the fb, but the texting. I want to have social interactions in person, and I want to be less dependent on technology. Life was good when we will go out to dinner with my family, and there were no interruptions, or when I received an actual call on my birthday instead of a text, or a post on fb.
So... what do you all think?
to be texting anf checking my facebook (fb) frequently. I want to change this, and deactivate my fb, and set
my phone on silent for a few days and see the outcome of it. This was my idea for our third paper... but I'm
not so sure if I will keep up with this. I've never done this, so it will be fun to see the difference.
It's not so much the fb, but the texting. I want to have social interactions in person, and I want to be less dependent on technology. Life was good when we will go out to dinner with my family, and there were no interruptions, or when I received an actual call on my birthday instead of a text, or a post on fb.
So... what do you all think?
good times
I just threw a huge party at my gf's place last night, it actually went way better than i had expected. We had lots of food, drinks, jello-shots, and even had a beer pong table going. Best part was the fact that the party did not get shut down too early; i guess the neighbors really like my gf :) There was some awkwardness though.. i invited my gay friend to come join in the festivities and he turned out to be the life of the party! On the other hand, some of my friends displayed their true colors that night. A few of them made some rude comments about his sexual orientation... of course behind his back. That really ticked me off for a little while. A little booze and all of a sudden people start saying some annoying things, i guess some people don't know their limits.
Time is of the Essence
When I talk to people on a daily basis the one thing I hear most is, "I
am too busy or I don't have enough time". I find myself repeating those
same words. How did America get so darn busy?
This weekend I went to see two fantastic movies. First I saw Safe House.
It was great and had a lot of adventure. I also saw The Act of Valor;
this movie was the best military movie I have seen in a very long time.
The movie industry turned me off for a while because every movie seemed
the same. You saw one and you could imagine what 2 would look like. I
had a great weekend, and it didn't cost me one dime. Friends don't let
friends pay for their own movie tickets. Thanks Fandango!!!
Simmel Citation
Hmmmmm............. so when we were doing The Stranger article by Simmel I found it on the web - thought it would be easy enough to cite. I go back to it to learn that it comes from a book by Kurt Wolff (Trans.) I suppose I can figure out how to put it in my references but which author do I use? Simmel - who wrote the article? Or Wolff who I guess created this book? Or translated it?
here's a NYT piece that may help
some of you with the "networks" issue
The first two posts on this blog - first, the two versions of the song by Neil Young - and then the next post and all the comments on aging and living alone are also relevatory.
The first two posts on this blog - first, the two versions of the song by Neil Young - and then the next post and all the comments on aging and living alone are also relevatory.
Reference Page
Would you like us to cite the information we got from you in class and from the Writing for
Sociology Details LINK that we are using to talk about the theorists?
Saturday, February 25
Talking About Movies ......
Has anyone seen Tree of Life? I just tried to watch it and a half hour into it I had to call my best friend and ask her what it was about. I mean, I get the concept about "Nature" and "Grace" but ...... I had no idea what was going on and I was totally bored. I don't think I am cerebral enough. Or spiritual enough. Or something. I just want to be entertained when I put a movie in.... was not in a mood to think so much.
Movie: The Help
I just saw The Help yesterday. I loved the movie. It made me cry in different parts throughout the movie because of the circumstances that these women were going through at that time. I haven't yet read the book, but it makes me want to read it even more. Have you gals and guys seen the movie? What was your view of the movie?
He Said, She Said
I am just mentioning a few things from this movie but I can't figure out how to cite it in text. I have gone to her website and where to purchase the video but can't find the year or producer. You can purchase it through "Into the Classroom" and I assume Tannen produced it? But, can't figure it out. MT if you can guide me .... please respond. Thanks.
paper #2
quick question - I have a quote that I've personally known forever because I loved it when I first read it. I want to use it in my paper but I can't locate the book in which i read it from in order to cite it. I know the name of the book i'm just missing the page number. I know that for the citation page it won't be such a problem but for the in text citation what should I do since it calls for the page number.
Under the Tuscan Sun
So the plumbers and the licensed contractors finished all their work today and i felt like Diane Lane in the movie Under the Tuscan Sun. Where she is starting her brand new life and in order to do so she bought this fixer-upper house and hires contractors. Well, during all those renovations and the long hours spent with the workers they become friends and she cooks for them, they talk and hang out until they finish the work and have move onto the next job. the last day of construction its quiet somber and they all say their goodbyes and part ways. well, today that was me and very saddened to see them go. what i thought was going to be a horrible experience turned out to be a pleasant wonderful experience.
miss you Juan, Humberto and Javier. Thank you for not only fixing my house but in a sense giving me my life back. I learned to laugh again and enjoy someone else's company in this lonely house
miss you Juan, Humberto and Javier. Thank you for not only fixing my house but in a sense giving me my life back. I learned to laugh again and enjoy someone else's company in this lonely house
Final and Final EOS
The final will be fun, productive, and creative. It will be our final EOS.
so no more EOS until the final - and on final day you will bring your sterling EOSs to class and vie for the prizes of the best EOSs. I'll tell you the numbers and more details when it nears. For right now, we can focus on finishing #2 and starting #3.
so no more EOS until the final - and on final day you will bring your sterling EOSs to class and vie for the prizes of the best EOSs. I'll tell you the numbers and more details when it nears. For right now, we can focus on finishing #2 and starting #3.
Friday, February 24
Please help
Can someone please tell me which articles we had to read for Marx and Durkheim? I cant seem to find my notes at the moment..Thanks!!
paper #2 help
i'm a little confused on what we have to write for paper #2 i know we have to cite at least 2 quotes but what does the essay have to be? can anyone help please & thank you!
Making Sack Lunches for the Homeless - idea for a group
Hi Day Class -
I mentioned, in the comments portion of MTs post on paper 3, about an idea I had. I have a friend in San Francisco who did a project making sack lunches and handing them out to the homeless population. I thought it might be one idea and wonder if anyone else would like to join me. My initial idea was peanut butter and jelly but he said they don't really like that - funny, I thought. But, decent meat sandwichs would be fine too.
I wrote to him on Facebook and here was his reply:
"Hi Miss Gayle! Awesome.! I made a ham, turkey and cheese(in a ziplock so the homeless can reuse the bags) with individual packets of mustard and mayo. A bottle of water 2 napkins, a bag of chips and an alpine chocolate mint. It all came down to about $1.53 per bag lunch.(costco) The best part to it was having the boys & girls club 2nd-5th graders either draw or write little notes on em'. Believe it or not I've had my homeless community complain about pb&j..and some were vegetarians!"
I mentioned, in the comments portion of MTs post on paper 3, about an idea I had. I have a friend in San Francisco who did a project making sack lunches and handing them out to the homeless population. I thought it might be one idea and wonder if anyone else would like to join me. My initial idea was peanut butter and jelly but he said they don't really like that - funny, I thought. But, decent meat sandwichs would be fine too.
I wrote to him on Facebook and here was his reply:
"Hi Miss Gayle! Awesome.! I made a ham, turkey and cheese(in a ziplock so the homeless can reuse the bags) with individual packets of mustard and mayo. A bottle of water 2 napkins, a bag of chips and an alpine chocolate mint. It all came down to about $1.53 per bag lunch.(costco) The best part to it was having the boys & girls club 2nd-5th graders either draw or write little notes on em'. Believe it or not I've had my homeless community complain about pb&j..and some were vegetarians!"
So, an idea is - 1.) we raise the money for 100+ sack lunches - goal of $200. We ask for donations from our class members (just a few bucks each - whatever anyone wants to give) - then we have a limit that we can only donate $1 - $5 each. The other money we have to raise - family or friends of classmates. We could take 15 minutes and stand outside our building as people are walking past ..... as a group ... and ask for donations. We would get something! If there are 5 of us, we each raise $30, if there are 10 of us we each raise $15 - $20 - if the whole class participates, we raise less. This is just part of the process, part of the experience/experiment. Someone could shop, then we could all get together and put the lunches together - very simple stuff. I am thinking a juice instead of water - just for the extra calories. I would also be willing to bake some homemade chocolate chip cookies. Then find a good nearby place where we could distribute the sack lunches. We would have to figure this out - I know the places in Highland Park and Pasadena but maybe we go downtown? I am not sure - someone could research that. Then, we all write a first person paper on the experience.
Anyway, these are my initial thoughts. I don't have tons of time and know others are in the same boat. But, personally, I would like to do something where I give something back. And, this is something I have never done before!! See you all on Monday. Post if you have any other ideas about this.
- Thanks, Gayle (Madame X)
Thursday, February 23
Has anybody started there abstract paper for each paragraph? I'm having trouble as to what to write. Help?
I do not like the fact that when i meet a new guy they are so sweet and loving. I just meet this is guy and i already feel as if i know him and im comfortable around him, which is weird because we've only hung out once. We text and voxer each other and i get so antsy...WHY?????????
True Blood
I was wondering if there are any other truebies out there. I am obsessed with True Blood. I hate the fact that we have to wait a whole year for the new season. My favorite character is Eric, he is so cute. I also really like Jason. I have watched every season and I can't for the new season to start. Team Eric!!!!
I hate how people are so moody, can you say bipolar!!? One minute they are nice, the next they are acting different. It upsets me especially when you see 4x a week. I want to just go off on them, cant imagine how pissed i am..
Wednesday, February 22
Paper 3
For paper #3 I like the idea of going places where u never been!
I would go to the strip club or a gay club lol never been! Who hasn't neither?
I would go to the strip club or a gay club lol never been! Who hasn't neither?
observation - groups of 3-6
- group before or after class: bring lunch or dinner or snacks
- group on a Thurs night - out somewhere
- group on a Friday night - out somewhere
- group on a Saturday: picnic
- strip club
- church or synagogue or Buddhist temple
- cultural event: Holocaust Museum
- sporting event
- political event: maybe the Thursday occupy event on campus next week
- switch genders for a couple of days
- costume up to create a new social identity: handicap, pregnant, mother, dog owner walking around and at a training class, upscale to downscale, etc.
- sit in a court - watch proceedings
- ride with police - "ride along"
- gay club - maybe twice
- more to come
Cheap gas
I had just gotten out of work (I'm a private tutor) and the student lived around Compton, well on my way back I passed through a gas station and the gas was like 15 cents cheaper than anywhere else so i pull in. Just as I'm starting to pump gas, 2 men go up to a man in front of me and ask him where he is from. I began to get nervous since I know where this sometimes leads up to.... As I'm waiting for my tank to fill which feels like forever, the men in front of me continue arguing and then start to fight :o , well now I'm afraid of someone pulling a gun out or something so I get scared spill some gas :'( and try to hurry in my car (forget the receipt) I see one of the gangsters in the floor and the security standing somewhere with his phone probably calling the cops or texting as he might be used to seeing this. I know there is nothing I could of done I was just surprised, I had never seen anything like this and I don't live in the best neighborhood..
I guess the cheap gas wasn't worth it... Just felt like sharing it.
I guess the cheap gas wasn't worth it... Just felt like sharing it.
Blog after the quarter is over!!!!!
I would love to keep blogging after this class is over !!! How do you start blogs? I wanna do blogs! Serious blogs and random ones and allow ppl to reply to them!!
It would be cool if she allow us to lol probably not because her other class will do blog.
It's a NICE DAY outside!
Although I like school I would rather be somewhere else enjoying the weather!
Never Lived Memories...
Last night I dreamt I was with my father, my nephew, my brother, and sister. We were at my grandmother’s house lounging in the front yard. My nephew sat and spoke to me as if he had something to hide. It was very strange. Soon I picked up a picture I found of all four of us within that moment. The figures (us) started moving within the picture and it soon became reality. We stared at a camera, my father, my nephew, my brother, and my sister, smiling and holding each other close.
Earlier that day, I was skimming through pictures of my father and my siblings. I was reminiscing from when my father was still alive. My nephew wasn’t in any of the photos but he is always in my thoughts. It’s strange how our subconscious and previous events collaborate to make a memory that never existed, like my dream.
Good Morning Beauties!
After writting in your journal how did you feel? Were you more relieved?
I found myself to be more passive and relieved. I will cotinue writting on my own, but it's not going to be right when I wake up. Instead, I want to write at night just before bed, so I can fall asleep with a "clear mind". Will you continue to write in a journal?
<3 Leslie
I found myself to be more passive and relieved. I will cotinue writting on my own, but it's not going to be right when I wake up. Instead, I want to write at night just before bed, so I can fall asleep with a "clear mind". Will you continue to write in a journal?
<3 Leslie
Paper #3 night
many good moments of sharing came up. many spoke from many points of view. this is good.
... paper ideas were to watch vid in class; avoid the obvious "what would Marx say about it"; maybe investigate solutions that work rather than problems that linger.
As for myself, I am beginning to seep over into the "why don't we move to a different topic for paper #3" group.
... paper ideas were to watch vid in class; avoid the obvious "what would Marx say about it"; maybe investigate solutions that work rather than problems that linger.
As for myself, I am beginning to seep over into the "why don't we move to a different topic for paper #3" group.
See U @ the TOP!
It is 0100 and i cannot sleep *ZZZ*. I have been sick lately but I don't think that is it. I think that I am scared to death about graduating this June. Why? because i am no longer looked at as a child under the rule of others. But as a woman who has to take her place in the real world. I have to be successful for my family and strong too. I didn't ask to be put in this driver seat; society made me! just like a child pressure by her teenage friends society has pressured me to stand up and be a womYn. OUCH. that is a lot of pressure for one person to handle. but I know I can handle it. I pray every morning and night for the courage to laugh failure right in the face and cry on its shoulder when i am down. but to never back down. EVER! I hope that success will hold on tight to me and not let go because i sure won't. AND I vow never to take advice from someone more screwed up than me! SEE U @ THE TOP!
Tuesday, February 21
I forgot to turn in the OMEGAS 11, 14, 15 paper. I thought MT had not collected it last week, buy apparently she did. One of the day classmates blogged back to me and said she collected it last Wednesday. I even did it as soon as she assigned it. I feel special about that. LOL.
Hey Day Class - with the hustle and bustle of paper #2, don't forget that our journals are due tomorrow - Wed, Feb 22.
hey hey hey: everyone say thanks to Gayle! Gayle, which "quadrant" did you end up in? go w the flow informal or go w the flow formal? ...... Oh, I am definitely FORMAL go with the flow. Obviously I like to keep things on track and always have a daily schedule but it is MY daily schedule - not anyone else's. I don't need to hear everyone's feelings or whining except when consulting with people and then it is part of my job but I need to be observant rather than fall into their story. - Gayle
hey hey hey: everyone say thanks to Gayle! Gayle, which "quadrant" did you end up in? go w the flow informal or go w the flow formal? ...... Oh, I am definitely FORMAL go with the flow. Obviously I like to keep things on track and always have a daily schedule but it is MY daily schedule - not anyone else's. I don't need to hear everyone's feelings or whining except when consulting with people and then it is part of my job but I need to be observant rather than fall into their story. - Gayle
I find it very difficult for me to sleep at night so I read to help me fall asleep again. Last night I had the most AMAZING dream in a long time. I was dreaming that I was in high school again and Johnny Depp was my teacher. The students were all coming in from lunch and the classroom was decorated like Christmas in a mall. It had a few Christmas trees, light, and of course presents. And here Johnny comes strolling in with his Pirates of The Caribbean demeanor and then it began to make a little more sense. Then everyone started talking and laughing and touching everything. Then the movie we viewed in class yesterday started to remind me of how boys and girls communicate. Girls were whispering in each others ears. Boys were ripping the presents open looking for things to fight with. I couldn't believe what was going on. I took out my phone and started taking pictures. The teacher just twirled around the room checking to see if everyone was having a good time. I kept thinking, isn't it February? What's going on? But I kept taking pictures. I was snapping a photo and some of my friends, suddenly the group was slightly turned away from my gaze like they were distracted with something. I looked over to see what they were staring at. In the midst of the lights and all the commotion going on someone softly tapped me on my shoulder. As I turned around to see who it was................................................... My alarm went off. Nooooooooooooooooooooooo. I couldn't believe it. Now I'm blogging before my first statistics class this morning. Sweet dreams everyone.
Proposal for Paper #3 -
Each writes an independent paper
We watch one film together - on the civil disturbance of 1992
We each have 3 citations (in addition to the film)
There are many (but not too many) interesting articles on LA Riots if you put the following words in the search engine.
We could figure out how these articles could be read by each other and shared - about 25 articles, 25 students - each read one and report. then each of you have easy access to 3 citations that work for you.
You use, at least briefly, two of the four thinkers in your analysis
- Max Weber: "ideal type"
- Karl Marx: social class and alienation -
- Durkheim: solidarity or anomie -
- Simmel: size of groups or other sociations
You avoid the pitfall of
- the obvious
- the political, the evaluative
- the over-general
decide together on hard copy due final day March 13 or 14
or electronic copy due Saturday morning 3/17
New born Baby abandon at Gas Station!!!!!!
I'm not the one to judge anyone at all ! That's not my place. Bt there are to many places that you. Luke leave your babe instead of dropping it at the gas station on the air machine. Tonight I went to the gas station and news vans was everywhere! So I asked what's going on? Come to find out a women left her new born baby in a blanket and trash bag with the cord on!!! Two thought came to my head! One the women was a teen mom who wasn't awhare that she was with child and got scared and had the babe premature didn't want to get In trouble by her mother so drop it off! Or it was an addict who had the babe and didn't care! But why do that when the hospital was just blocks away. Smh hopefully the babe is okay I went to the hospital to see my father is at the same hospital the baby was taken to , but they wouldn't give n e information out on the baby! Lord what's going on with the world ! Now instead of dealing with having a child your now facing charges against abandon your child
Monday, February 20
Cloud of Judgement 2
Last night I went out to Hollywood and was able to connect with all types of people. When a guy approached me I gave a smile and set aside the judging. Many conversations where short and sweet plus gave me more confidence and made it easier to enjoy my time out vs. than being a wallflower. This helped me gain more control on completing my goal; slowly but surely I will succeed.
OMEGAS 11, 14, 15
Professor Tabor hasn't collected the assignment right? I still have it since last week. I didn't hear her say she was collecting it.
I missed class today, didn't want to but had to due to an emergency. I havent't missed class except for the day that it rained and i had that accident, and of course today. I'm sure I missed a lot of information. Was a film shown? Professor Tabor or anyone can update me on the events of today's class. Thank you.
Im SO SO SO Stress Out!!!!!
I really have to Quit one of my Jobs!! I just feel I’m so behind with everything since my car accident. I’m stress out working two jobs going to school and taken care of my son. Not complaining because everyone has responsibility and this come with being an adult. But I feel that since I am paying out of pocket for my education I should be move involved in school activities, joining a club studying at school in the library. but working to jobs I no longer have the time to stay on campus to do my homework the same day the assignment was giving and to truly give it my all. If I quit one of my jobs yes I will still be able to maintain bills and rent, I just would have to cut back on some of my Habits ( Shopping and eating out) But if I do quit a job it would really teach me more self control ( and that fine with me) but also I'll be able to really be involved on campus they way I used to be and also spend time with my son the way I use to.
I’m really scared I might have to have surgery on my ear from my recent car accident :( after the accident my ear has this sharp pain that come and go and I really cant hear the way I use to. I hate when Dr. give you bad news ( Well they say we have bad news but isn’t 100% certain. Well don’t tell me until you are !!!) lol then I might have a pinch nerve that caused sharp pain to shoot through my lower left side of my leg. Yesterday my son and I walked to the store and I fell to the ground because the pain wouldn’t allow me to stand or keeping walking on my leg. Smh I’m so young to be experience this I’m not even a quarter yet.
I feel much better that I let it out. My family looks at me as the strong one, so I have to carry that image so I never get the chance to express how I really feel or to show a sign of weakness. But thanks to AM pages and this Blog I Can...
Shout out to DR T for making this happened :) I’m happy now
He Said...She Said...
I loved the movie today! It's always so interesting to compare/ contrast girls and boys. I am not going to lie..half of the things she said i have done! For example, I would be telling my boyfriend this awesome story that happened to me and as soon as I feel he is not paying attention I whine and tell him to pay attention, though when I ask him to repeat it... he really repeats it word by word.... ahaha
Pretty good class today!!
Pretty good class today!!
Dogs and Marriage
we were talking in class about marriage as a commitment. a commitment is a unique experience in life, and without commitment, well, you just miss that part of life.
getting a dog is a commitment. you cannot decide one morning: no dog. you agreed, so ... dog.
this is in response to the question of whether marriage is a social convention.
yes, it is a social convention, and primarily it serves to raise children.
like many social conventions, this convension 'makes the world go round'. That we have rules against theft is a convention. that we have rules against murder is a convention. that we have rules against incest is a convention. stronger genes are produced when people's of divergent 'lines' merge. conventions serve ... life and life's experience. conventions are not necessarily arbitrary. Take even; fork on the left, knife on the right. Well, since 85% of people are right handed, this is the easiest way to pick up your utinsles and start cutting your food into bite sized bits.
getting a dog is a commitment. you cannot decide one morning: no dog. you agreed, so ... dog.
this is in response to the question of whether marriage is a social convention.
yes, it is a social convention, and primarily it serves to raise children.
like many social conventions, this convension 'makes the world go round'. That we have rules against theft is a convention. that we have rules against murder is a convention. that we have rules against incest is a convention. stronger genes are produced when people's of divergent 'lines' merge. conventions serve ... life and life's experience. conventions are not necessarily arbitrary. Take even; fork on the left, knife on the right. Well, since 85% of people are right handed, this is the easiest way to pick up your utinsles and start cutting your food into bite sized bits.
Petition - Cameras in LAUSD Classrooms..smh
There's a petition going around that I'm not too keen on. It has to do with putting cameras in LAUSD classrooms. Am I the only one that thinks this idea is absurd? Are they just basing this petition off of a few schools (yes)? Won't that interfere with the dynamics of a classroom (yes)?? Will it inhibit the creativity of teachers, simply knowing that their every move is being scrutinized (yes)??? I think the whole thing is rubbish. What do you think?
the week in 1992
If we go the way of the "fake fur group," watching some film(s) together and gathering (anonymously) our own reactions to find patterns in our reactions, we still might choose to divide into "functions" organically.
Most would take the data and analyse in a paper - but others might volunteer for these functions:
1. describe how we came to this assignment (maybe a 2-3 page introduction, including a shared description of the week in 1992)
2. develop the final questionaire to be distributed to the groups - lead this process
3. compile the data from all the questionaires - hard work, one volunteer already
4. video brigade to supplement the anonymous questionaires - one or more volunteer already
5. read and comment on "the best of the best" papers to summarize the project - this would be "after the fact" and you might need to take an "incomplete" to volunteer
6. submit the final project to the on line journal, follow up, and inform us all of results. (also "after the fact.")
Let's say (in theory) you might wish to join 1-2-3-4-5-or 6 as a member. That might excuse you from all or part of the exercise that "most" would do, which is to take the data and analyse it.
Most would take the data and analyse in a paper - but others might volunteer for these functions:
1. describe how we came to this assignment (maybe a 2-3 page introduction, including a shared description of the week in 1992)
2. develop the final questionaire to be distributed to the groups - lead this process
3. compile the data from all the questionaires - hard work, one volunteer already
4. video brigade to supplement the anonymous questionaires - one or more volunteer already
5. read and comment on "the best of the best" papers to summarize the project - this would be "after the fact" and you might need to take an "incomplete" to volunteer
6. submit the final project to the on line journal, follow up, and inform us all of results. (also "after the fact.")
Let's say (in theory) you might wish to join 1-2-3-4-5-or 6 as a member. That might excuse you from all or part of the exercise that "most" would do, which is to take the data and analyse it.
The day class and the night class may work on this together or go divergent ways.
Capiche? Comments?
If you do not comment/post about this project ... well ...
Sunday, February 19
Is it ok for guys to check out girls?
I just got in a stupid argument with my bf about this. I wanted him to apologize for checking out girls in front of me...and he says he didn't do anything wrong. How could this be!!!! We were at Urban Outfitters and some hoochie retail girl bends over all the way while she's wearing booty shorts, my boyfriend was drooling!!! I was so hurt! He says I shouldn't get mad because everyone does this true? Could men be wired so differently than women, that it is physically impossible for them not to stare!!!!
Saturday, February 18
New threshold: the new normal
over 50% of births to women under 30 are to unmarried under-30 women.
Amazing Observation (Joshua Bell)
This is so awesome: A man sat at a metro station in Washington DC and started to play the violin; it was a cold January morning. He played six Bach pieces for about 45 minutes. During that time, since it was rush hour, it was calculated that 1,100 people went through the station, most of them on their way to work.
Three minutes went by, and a middle aged man noticed there was musician playing. He slowed his pace, and stopped for a few seconds, and then hurried up to meet his schedule.
A minute later, the violinist received his first dollar tip: a woman threw the money in the till and without stopping, and continued to walk.
A few minutes later, someone leaned against the wall to listen to him, but the man looked at his watch and started to walk again. Clearly he was late for work.
The one who paid the most attention was a 3 year old boy. His mother tagged him along, hurried, but the kid stopped to look at the violinist. Finally, the mother pushed hard, and the child continued to walk, turning his head all the time. This action was repeated by several other children. All the parents, without exception, forced them to move on.
In the 45 minutes the musician played, only 6 people stopped and stayed for a while. About 20 gave him money, but continued to walk their normal pace. He collected $32. When he finished playing and silence took over, no one noticed it. No one applauded, nor was there any recognition.
No one knew this, but the violinist was Joshua Bell, one of the most talented musicians in the world. He had just played one of the most intricate pieces ever written, on a violin worth $3.5 million dollars.
Two days before his playing in the subway, Joshua Bell sold out at a theater in Boston where the seats averaged $100.
This is a real story. Joshua Bell playing incognito in the metro station was organized by the Washington Post as part of a social experiment about perception, taste, and priorities of people. The outlines were: in a commonplace environment at an inappropriate hour: Do we perceive beauty? Do we stop to appreciate it? Do we recognize the talent in an unexpected context?
One of the possible conclusions from this experience could be:
If we do not have a moment to stop and listen to one of the best musicians in the world playing the best music ever written, how many other things are we missing?
Friday, February 17
Valentines Day
My Valentines day was really nice. I spent the morning with my best friend because both our mates had to work on valentines day. We went to the movies to see "The vow" and then we ate sushi at a place called Ra. I never had sushi before this was my first time. Surprisingly, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be either. I didn't expect to see my Valentine because she had to work all day but some how she managed to get off earlier and we had a late dinner together and everything turned out perfect. I had a really good day.
Thursday, February 16
Girls vs. Boys
I find it hard living in an apartment with my guy cousins. They always want to be right and whenever I try talking to them they talk over me but it's hard because I tend to attack them rather than talking to them. I never lived in a household with only guys at home besides my dad and brother. Girls and boys are totally different when it comes to communications. They never listen.
Penn and Tellers BS! - Video Games
Some strong language, this did air on Showtime after all. There are other episodes as well, ranging from "the bullshit" of PETA, Astrology, religion organizations and more.
Wednesday, February 15
Whitney's Funeral
So the funeral is coming up sometime this week. Can't remember if it's Friday or not, but I was just thinking about the reports surrounding her death. It's a shame how society is finally trying to give the African American community room to thrive and do well and what do we do? Get strung out on drugs and leave the same community behind with more questions than answers. I don't understand Mr. Rick James, Michael Jackson, and many others.
Dorothy Dandridge 1922-1965 Singer, Actress Overdose of Imipramine
Whitney Houston 1963-2012 Singer
"A combination of Xanax and other prescription drugs mixed with alcohol".
Frankie Lymon 1942-1968 Singer Heroine Overdose
Billie Holiday 1915-1959 Jazz Singer
Cirrhosis of the Liver caused by Alcoholism
(All of these black stars are DEAD because of drugs)
I'm not saying that it is only the African American community dying at the hands of illicit drugs but I hate to see us go out like that. I try to support some of these antics but when I see drugs in the picture I immediately get turned off and no longer feel sorry the dead. I realize I can only vouch for the well-being of me and my toddler. R.I.P. W.H.
*Don't bash me Soc 301, just saying* Lol
Dorothy Dandridge 1922-1965 Singer, Actress Overdose of Imipramine
Whitney Houston 1963-2012 Singer
"A combination of Xanax and other prescription drugs mixed with alcohol".
Frankie Lymon 1942-1968 Singer Heroine Overdose
Billie Holiday 1915-1959 Jazz Singer
Cirrhosis of the Liver caused by Alcoholism
(All of these black stars are DEAD because of drugs)
I'm not saying that it is only the African American community dying at the hands of illicit drugs but I hate to see us go out like that. I try to support some of these antics but when I see drugs in the picture I immediately get turned off and no longer feel sorry the dead. I realize I can only vouch for the well-being of me and my toddler. R.I.P. W.H.
*Don't bash me Soc 301, just saying* Lol
a little late, but still a v-day post
currently i'm not one to be celebrating v-day with a loved one but i'm not bashing on the day either. I read this post somewhere online via twitter and I thought it was hilarious! It read:
You don't have a valentine on valentine's day? Some people don't have a mother on mothers day or a father on father's day so shut up!
Tuesday, February 14
I recently moved to Los Angeles last September and celebrated a birthday last week. My mom is coming to visit on Thursday and we are going to dinner on Friday, any restaurant recommendations preferably in West LA by Santa Monica? Thanks!
Happy Love and Friendship Day!
My boyfriend does not like this day, because he believes that if you love someone, you wouldn't have to wait for this day to go all out, you should show your love every day. I pretty much feel the same way. I do not need a bunch of expensive things or dinner, I just want to be shown that you love me, that's all the counts to me. The sucky part is that I am sick in bed. I need to gather my energy do study and do some homework, which is what i am doing now. Happy Valentine's Day Everyone. Hope you all have a great day with your loved ones.
Simple and Sweet
Though I worked all day, studying for midterms all night and my hubby is deployed...I am happy with my Vday! Got a Skype date with my love :)
I left you a sample paper
... to make paper #2 more understandable. I call it "A Peaceful Valentine's Day." You'll see the link: it's in red. Some might identify with this image below; I do not. I say why not take the reminder of good ole' Saint Val to show love? U need not do it with $ $ $ $ presents.
Presenting and Attending PSA meetings
...for students presenting at or attending this year's PSA meeting in San Diego, please contact Gretchen Peterson so that we can submit the paperwork for travel support. Funding priority will go to presenters, but there may be money to support attendees as well depending on how many student presenters we have. The travel paperwork needs to be completed soon, so please get in touch with Gretchen as soon as possible.
Blah...valentines day
Valentines day is lame.. Marketing scam obviously. I do run into some genuine happiness on major corporate holidays like today though. My girlfriend loves the glam of red painted v-day cards and painted flowers, and i have to admit that when shes happy... I'm happy! Since this is a sociology class, i think i will point out some ideology relating to critical theory. False needs = consumerism and euphoria in unhappiness. Marketing strategies like valentines day is way old and needs to be buried in the same place multinational companies that are creating these false needs should be. I don't know.. just me :)
Legend of Valentine's Day
The legend is that Valentine was a priest who served during
the third century in Rome. The emperor didn’t allowed soldiers to get married
because he said single men made better soldiers. Valentine didn’t believe that
and he would still perform marriages for the young men in secret. When the
Emperor found out he ordered that Valentine be killed. Valentine was sent to
jail and people will take him flowers and notes. He became friends with the
daughter of the guard. The day he was killed on February 14, he left her a note
thanking her for her friendship and loyalty and signed “Love from your
Valentine.” It is said that the note started the custom of exchanging love
messages on Valentine’s Day.
valentine's DAY, holi-DAYs
So here's my opinion. A few people here at work have said the same thing all day and it is really annoying me. About 10 people have said to me "Why is it only one day out of the year? if someone loves you they'll show u all year". What perfect world did u come out of? In a perfect world, we'd also pay things on time and there would be no need for Deadlines to keep us in check! but thats why they were created! to give us ONE day where we "should" get it together. For those of us who are Catholic, we shud celebrate the birth/life of Jesus EVERYDAY! but we dont! so thank god for christmas DAY or i would really feel like a horrible catholic! And to our great mothers and fathers who should get credit EVERDAY but unfortunately LIFE doesnt allow us to, thank god for mothers and fathers DAY! And last but nOt least, for those of us in a relationship, if we didnt have jobs, kids, bills, and other things going on Im sure we'd be lovey dovey all day, but we all work 24 hours a day doing LIFE. So thank you babe, for having ONE day to make time to show me how much u love me.
I really dont know what the big fuss is... Vday seems to be special to certain women but men seem to hate this alleged holiday. I truly beleive it's gender based because women need reassurance that they are loved and special. Contrary to men who feel that there relationship is perfect until women start pressuring them to express their feelings. Newsflash: most men dont need to express every single emotion/thought they have. If there is a problem in ur relationship you will know and believe me if u dont know how he feels about u without buying u stuff then... guess what, u have a problem and the problem might not b him, maybe the relationhip or u.
i have always skipped vday, even when i had a boyfriend. we stayed at home and rented movies. everything is always overpriced and it takes too long to get a table at any resturant. we are socialized to give into this B#$$% holiday.
i have always skipped vday, even when i had a boyfriend. we stayed at home and rented movies. everything is always overpriced and it takes too long to get a table at any resturant. we are socialized to give into this B#$$% holiday.
I was listening to KPCC (NPR) yesterday and heard a show about a mammal that is really into sex. They do it for pleasure, to make up after a fight (relives the anxiety), and out of boredom. They don't play favorites, males do males and females do females. I wish I could find it on their website but I just can't - forgot the biologist's name (female out of USC or UCLA I think) and I can't find the animal's name either. But, the point of this is - - the interviewer said something like - so do we perceive them to be very promiscuous or just like free loving hippies or what? And the researcher said - Darwin feminists don't like the word "Promiscuous" because all it means is someone else is having more sex that they (the person or society making the judgment) thinks they should have. I just thought that was interesting and funny and true. Wanted to mention it on Valentines Day. LOL
I do not think I have loved this holiday more than I have the past few years. I know its because I for sure have a valentines every year now that I am in a relationship. I do not mind playing into all the nonsense either. I do not believe it is necessary to go over board and spend all your money. I do believe that there is a great day just to show some extra love and affection. so why not??? I enjoy this holiday, almost as much as when I was in elementary school and I would prepare all my Valentine's gifts with my mom and dad to take to all my classmates. Its fun, its not that big a deal, but it is definitely fun.
Valentines day!
i never really understood why this day is marked as so important to many people in relationships, when i was in a relationship i made sure not to be socially constrained to show my affection to the person i love on this day. my idea on this day is if you care about someone so much, it should be seen through your actions throughout the time spent with the individual, maybe thats just the sociologist in me. days that become socially accepted to show affection towards each by giving chocolate,cards, flowers,and other presents is not a day that i can accept as the way you show your love to one another.
Back to reality
I have been MIA for a few days because i went to Seattle, WA for the weekend then I went to Canada and a whole day.. It was a much needed vacation, felt great!! Now i' back to reality, concentrate on my homeworks and readings.. Feels great to get out of California for a while.
Valentines Day tunes
My friend Albert put together this Valentines Day mixtape. Enjoy and have a great day! x
Valentines Day '12
Valentines Day '12
Valentines Day
Early on Valentine's Morning and just want to say Happy February 14th Day to everyone. I have been reading the posts about Valentine's Day and realize how much expectation goes into it and how much pressure there is. It has never been a big deal for me - married, with someone, not with someone - just enjoy the day and give love to your parents, friends, children. Just be open to love and give and receive it all day. Don't make it a big deal and certainly don't fight about it. It is one day. Your relationships are for every day.
Monday, February 13
Je ne comprends pas!
I think it's odd that I enjoy writing fiction during leisure time, but seem to have trouble writing for this class. The assignments are not difficult. It might be the creative aspect of the assignments that trouble me. I don't think I've had this sort of freedom in a course. Either way, it must get done.
Valentine's Day

Happy "Almost" Valentine's Day to you all! Whether you are with someone or single I hope your hearts are filled with love! And may we always remember that Valentine's Day is not only a day of romance, but a day of friendship! On Valentine's Day and ALWAYS may we be thankful and feel blessed to have our loved ones by our side! Life wouldn't be the same without them! May you all have a HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!!! <3
Paper #2
Hi everyone
Happy Valentine's Day
So I'm a bit confused for Paper #2
any idea what is it that we need to write about?
I dislike being confused and not comprehending this paper, but I guess it happens to everyone.
Thanks for your input/help
Happy Valentine's Day
So I'm a bit confused for Paper #2
any idea what is it that we need to write about?
I dislike being confused and not comprehending this paper, but I guess it happens to everyone.
Thanks for your input/help
Its so funny because I never really had an opinion about Valentine day up until lecture last week: Maybe its because I have never been in a relationship around the time it came. Valentines day is more of a day for women than man I would think: But then I’m not sure. I’m now currently dating so this is a bit interesting and new for me because my boyfriend isn’t into receiving gifts so I’m not sure to get him a gift or not. I would want him to get me something, even thought he’s not into the whole gift exchange. But what’s so special about Valentine day any way? Maybe I haven’t really experienced the whole effects of the holiday because I haven’t dated in so long, so maybe its really a special day for certain people. Valentine day whole decor is teddy bears, balloons, cards, flowers and chocolate all things that women tend to like and appreciate more then man so is it really intended for women? I asked a few friends and family member all who are women what they are getting there mates and to my surprise only my older married friends and kin where getting their husband something. So I don’t know about Valentines day. So tomorrow we have class so and then afterwards gonna have game night with my boo nothing special since I’m so unsure how this day goes: Hopefully he surprise me, because I love to be surprise
Valentine's Day from a different perspective
Well, Valentine's day is not one of my favorite holidays. Prior to my recent relationship, past Valentine's days I would either break up with a boyfriend before the holiday or the idiot would "forget". In my recent relationship, the past two Valentine's Days were a hit and miss-the first one we were fighting and not talking (my fault but that is what works out the kinks), the second he was at Yale on an internship program and I was in the middle of midterms and could not leave. This year, we are going to the Kings game Thursday, but it is what we do-low profile things and just enjoy each others company. To be honest, like I said, I am not big on Valentines Day stuff. One, I am allergic to chocolate. Two, I hate the commercials because they are cheesy and we ladies know that guys do not always show up with a Zales bracelet at dinner. Lol. Sorry, those types of commercials make me laugh. Plus, have you seen the price of diamonds these days? Sheesh! Also, guys as well as ladies should not go overboard one day of the year-they should do it at all times of the year aside from anniversaries. I can honestly tell you I get more happiness of a random video or song sample sent to me via email or a night of just hanging out and talking rather than one night of corniness, which my boyfriend does not do, and I am glad he doesn't. This is not to insult any romantics out there, but I guess I am just one of those people who should be shown appreciation all the time as to one holiday of the year. I tell this to my brothers all the time-don't make a fuss out of Valentine's Day. Make the girl feel special all the time, so when Valentine's Day does come around, you just make her feel more special because not only did you remember it (c'mon guys, we all know you sometimes forget), but you went a step further than you normally do.
Valentine's Day
Personally, I find Valentine's Day overrated. I don't think we need a certain day to appreciate our loved one. I been with my boyfriend for about 3 years now and I can honestly say everyday is my valentine's day. I appreciate everything he does for me and I'm sure he feels the same way. In other words, my ideal valentine's day is treating it as if it was any other day. All I want from him is simply acknowledge me and appreciate all the things I do for him. I'm not going to lie, gifts do put a smile on my face and it's nice to show off to your girlfriends but by the end of the day gifts don't matter. Everyone just wants to feel loved and i do (=
Valentine's Day
My ideal type does not wait until Valentine's day to tell me how much he loves me. He will not take me out to dinner, by me cards and chocolate just because it is a "holiday". My ideal guy shows me throughout the year and when valentine's day comes around it is just another day. I have been with my ideal guy for the past 8 years and when valentine's day come around sometimes we go out and laugh at the guys scrambling for last minute gifts, other times we will stay in with our kids and have a family night.
Cloud of Judgement
Last night I went to Hollywood for a party at the W Hotel and entered a different sphere out of people I wouldn't normally socialize with. I walked into a cloud of judgement. I felt eyes looking at me, especially from the women. I had no idea of what to say or even do. People will judge; it's only natural for us and as "Sociologists" we have to let go of the idea of judging people and simply be. Also, I need to work on my social skills, it was hard for me to talk to anyone. Any thoughts?
Sunday, February 12
The Subway
I have a car but it takes me an hour to get to campus each day. As the days are getting hotter and prettier I think I might trade in my keys for a bus pass and see what's out there in the world. I want to do like the New Yorkers, reading my newspaper with my leg folded across the other. I want to be able to talk to people face-to-face other than on my blue tooth in traffic all the time. I think I could drive two days and take public transportation two days. Haven't decided officially yet but Tuesday I plan to test it out.
My ideal relationship is defined by mutual respect. I'm the type of person that is willing to give everything I can into my mate's happiness. I try to be emotionally supportive in any way that I possibly can. I don't expect a man to spend a lot of money on me; there are several romantic activities that require little or none. I actually enjoy staying in and cuddling up on the couch. I don't want to sound like I prefer a couch potato; I'd like for my mate to be motivated. I just don't want someone who feels they must be at a club every night. I want to be with someone who has an education-- someone I can have a conversation with and who doesn't say "like" before every word. I don't want to be with someone that I have to wonder if they're screwing around all the time. Obviously that falls under mutual respect. Though I'm not sure if I want children, I'd like to meet someone who is open to the idea. I don't want to be with someone who is emotionally void and scared of commitment. Commitment phobes seems to be prevalent in Los Angeles, though. I've pretty much decided that if I want to have a chance at meeting anyone normal, I need to move out of this city!
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