Friday, February 24

Making Sack Lunches for the Homeless - idea for a group

Hi Day Class - 
I mentioned, in the comments portion of MTs post on paper 3, about an idea I had.  I have a friend in San Francisco who did a project making sack lunches and handing them out to the homeless population.  I thought it might be one idea and wonder if anyone else would like to join me.  My initial idea was peanut butter and jelly but he said they don't really like that - funny, I thought.  But, decent meat sandwichs would be fine too.

I wrote to him on Facebook and here was his reply:
"Hi Miss Gayle! Awesome.! I made a ham, turkey and cheese(in a ziplock so the homeless can reuse the bags) with individual packets of mustard and mayo. A bottle of water 2 napkins, a bag of chips and an alpine chocolate mint. It all came down to about $1.53 per bag lunch.(costco) The best part to it was having the boys & girls club 2nd-5th graders either draw or write little notes on em'. Believe it or not I've had my homeless community complain about pb&j..and some were vegetarians!"

So, an idea is - 1.) we raise the money for 100+ sack lunches - goal of $200.  We ask for donations from our class members (just a few bucks each - whatever anyone wants to give) - then we have a limit that we can only donate $1 - $5 each.  The other money we have to raise - family or friends of classmates. We could take 15 minutes and stand outside our building as people are walking past ..... as a group ... and ask for donations.  We would get something!  If there are 5 of us, we each raise $30, if there are 10 of us we each raise $15 - $20 - if the whole class participates, we raise less. This is just part of the process, part of the experience/experiment.  Someone could shop, then we could all get together and put the lunches together - very simple stuff. I am thinking a juice instead of water - just for the extra calories.  I would also be willing to bake some homemade chocolate chip cookies.  Then find a good nearby place where we could distribute the sack lunches.  We would have to figure this out - I know the places in Highland Park and Pasadena but maybe we go downtown?  I am not sure - someone could research that.  Then, we all write a first person paper on the experience. 

Anyway, these are my initial thoughts.  I don't have tons of time and know others are in the same boat.  But, personally, I would like to do something where I give something back.  And, this is something I have never done before!!  See you all on Monday.  Post if you have any other ideas about this. 

- Thanks,  Gayle (Madame X)

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