Sunday, February 26

omg!!! this paper is so tedious!! i spent all afternoon on it and i am so fed up but i'm glad i'm finally done now i kan chill and be lazy! lol


  1. I just finished revising my paper :)
    and I'm just relaxing as well. What a good way to end a Sunday eh? lol

  2. im barely starting it!!!! idk what how how to start just like my first one...

  3. I was the same way, but once I started writing I was on a roll. Feels good to be I need to do papers for my other classes, joy.

  4. In the beginning i was hating this essay, but i realized that it was pretty free, we had a lot of freedom with it, and in the end i really liked writing the paper, I feel like it is one of the best papers i have written, i really let loose.

  5. Tell me about it!!! I just finished mine.

  6. I have just finished my paper!!! Now all I need is revision and editing or maybe better yet I will go to the writing center to help me revise it. Tonight I will be able to sleep without worrying about paper #2! lol!
