Wednesday, February 15

Whitney's Funeral

So the funeral is coming up sometime this week. Can't remember if it's Friday or not, but I was just thinking about the reports surrounding her death. It's a shame how society is finally trying to give the African American community room to thrive and do well and what do we do? Get strung out on drugs and leave the same community behind with more questions than answers. I don't understand Mr. Rick James, Michael Jackson, and many others.

Dorothy Dandridge         1922-1965          Singer, Actress            Overdose of Imipramine
 Whitney Houston         1963-2012              Singer
 "A combination of Xanax and other prescription drugs mixed with alcohol".
Frankie Lymon             1942-1968              Singer                             Heroine Overdose
Billie Holiday              1915-1959                Jazz Singer
Cirrhosis of the Liver caused by Alcoholism
(All of these black stars are DEAD because of drugs)
I'm not saying that it is only the African American community dying at the hands of illicit drugs but I hate to see us go out like that. I try to support some of these antics but when I see drugs in the picture I immediately get turned off and no longer feel sorry the dead. I realize I can only vouch for the well-being of me and my toddler. R.I.P. W.H.

*Don't bash me Soc 301, just saying* Lol


  1. It is SO not just a black thing. So many white people are on pharmaceutical meds and then drink ..... and it is years or this. Just look at what happened with Demi Moore to name one recent one and so many "just regular" people who become addicted to uppers and downers ..... so many I don't even know the names of these drugs .... then add a little alcohol to the mix and a little Advil PM to go to sleep ..... eventually their bodies can't take it. But, these stars that have so much - so many people to take care of them - so many opportunities - so much money - it is hard for us (regular people) to understand why they self destruct - such a sad, sad waste.

  2. Not just an issue with black people.

    Elvis Presley? He did drugs and a combination with his weight problem killed him.

    Chris Farley, one of my personal favorite comedians. He died of a cocaine overdose.

    Some were even completely accidental. Heath Ledger, he died due to a toxic combination of sleeping pills.

  3. I know drugs are not exclusive to any one race, it's just that my race has has overcome so many societal struggles and I would like to see more progress and less setbacks. It's a shame and all I can be responsible for is me and my toddler. I just shake my head and refuse to allow her to get set on idols and stars and such. She can believe in herself and the rest is HerStory.

  4. why is everybody so worried about whitney houston all of a sudden? she's a druggy and she killed her own self.. she's still a junky famous or not? people need to stop worrying about celebrities because they don't give a dam about us...amen

  5. I think we the fans, haters and media play a big role in these celebs turning to drugs. I am not making any excuse for them but just imagine not being able to do regular things like walk down the street or going to the grocery store without cameras in your face.. How would you feel reading stories that not only bloggers post but the people write tearing you to pieces and criticizing your every wrong note or missed line... I understand that it is the price of fame but I can only imagine how hard these celebs have it. We make them feel like they need to be perfect all the time they are humans first and I know how it feels when someone puts me down so imagine that x the masses I really feel bad for people who are always in the media. I was on twitter and facebook while watching the funeral and alot of the comments that was being made was disgusting people even had the nerve to criticize some of the singers that were visibly shaken up and an emotional wreck trying to get through their song for their beloved friend.I have decided to watch the things that I say about these celebrities and people in general and just become a bit more positive.

    1. So true !! We as a people put to much pressure on them like they are any different from us we hold them on a higher standard because they are in the lights and they have this images to protect . When they probably feel like I just wanna be human, we all fall short and have issue so calling name want get us no where. But if we as a people where more unity and not always so distant from each other there no telling who a lot of people life would changes if we had a stronger bond to help others out instead of talk about them when their doing bad what happened to helping people and been kind ... idk
