Sunday, February 26

good times

I just threw a huge party at my gf's place last night, it actually went way better than i had expected. We had lots of food, drinks, jello-shots, and even had a beer pong table going. Best part was the fact that the party did not get shut down too early; i guess the neighbors really like my gf :)  There was some awkwardness though.. i invited my gay friend to come join in the festivities and he turned out to be the life of the party! On the other hand, some of my friends displayed their true colors that night. A few of them made some rude comments about his sexual orientation... of course behind his back. That really ticked me off for a little while. A little booze and all of a sudden people start saying some annoying things, i guess some people don't know their limits.


  1. we are all jerks from time to time. sometimes ourselves being a jerk is the best way for us to learn not to be a jerk. let's hope they learned something.

  2. it makes me wonder what else is being said behind your back!
