Monday, February 20

Im SO SO SO Stress Out!!!!!

I really have to Quit one of my Jobs!! I just feel I’m so behind with everything since my car accident. I’m stress out working two jobs going to school and taken care of my son. Not complaining because everyone has responsibility and this come with being an adult. But I feel that since I am paying out of pocket for my education I should be move involved in school activities, joining a club studying at school in the library. but working to jobs I no longer have the time to stay on campus to do my homework the same day the assignment was giving and to truly give it my all. If I quit one of my jobs yes I will still be able to maintain bills and rent, I just would have to cut back on some of my Habits ( Shopping and eating out) But if I do quit a job it would really teach me more self control ( and that fine with me) but also I'll be able to really be involved on campus they way I used to be and also spend time with my son the way I use to. I’m really scared I might have to have surgery on my ear from my recent car accident :( after the accident my ear has this sharp pain that come and go and I really cant hear the way I use to. I hate when Dr. give you bad news ( Well they say we have bad news but isn’t 100% certain. Well don’t tell me until you are !!!) lol then I might have a pinch nerve that caused sharp pain to shoot through my lower left side of my leg. Yesterday my son and I walked to the store and I fell to the ground because the pain wouldn’t allow me to stand or keeping walking on my leg. Smh I’m so young to be experience this I’m not even a quarter yet. I feel much better that I let it out. My family looks at me as the strong one, so I have to carry that image so I never get the chance to express how I really feel or to show a sign of weakness. But thanks to AM pages and this Blog I Can... Shout out to DR T for making this happened :) I’m happy now


  1. good: glad the two vehicles of communication serve!

  2. Keep your head up! Just a thought. have you looked into financial aid or a student loans? I too have a child and FinAid/student loans help out A LOT. I only work one job 20hrs a week. I know a lot of people have negative opinions about loans but when you have to take care of family it really relives unnecessary stress! Just a suggestion! :)

    1. Thanks for the advise!!! Yea I have looked into it! Well I took one out but I haven't used it yet! I don't like paying people back that's why I don't borrow I rather go broke then to borrow! People say its pride but I look at it when you borrow you gotta pay tem back so when you get paid you still gonna be broke for paying back what you borrow then you feel the need to borrow again so you want be broke lol! So with the loans I wanna use it for like an emergency ... Rent due to me not been able to work due to on going pain!

      But I wish I could work one job I would love and enjoy that! I'm at work now on my phone blogging lol I love my students at my job so I guess that's what keeps me here: lord know the money don't :)

  3. At Loyal Lay- I totally understand that stress of working two jobs. I currently have two jobs as well, and between the daily community and the hours I spend playing "catch up" during the weekend, I often wonder if its even worth it. I have thought about loans, but my mother has instilled this fear in me (loans are bad). Lately I have been considering leaving one job as well, I just hate that I'm always tired and behind on my school work. I literally cannot study during the week because I have to go to bed as early as possible to wake up at 5am the next morning. I truly hope you aren't as stressed now that you quit one job. I should truly think about doing the same.
