Wednesday, May 18

Please Help Me With This Problem i found out in February that my boyfriend was talking to his eighth grade ex-girlfriend for a whole month without telling me about it. This is how it went down...I suspected something was wrong sometime in the month of January...he works in LA and he said that he was going to pick up his income tax check from H&R Block, which was in LA. I said ok because it was right next to his work. he called me back and said that he was just going to pick it up the next day. so i said biggie. when he got home he called me and told me that he was going to pick up his check. i told him that why didn't he just stop by on his way home from work. he said because he wasn't thinking about picking it up but then he thought about it and decided that he should. that's when it all started...the suspicion. by the way when he came back from picking up his check he had cut his hair and was dressed to impress. everything was left in good standing...i guess

one day while he was taking a shower someone sent him a text message and i read it. It read "I'm back in LA" was from someone with the name Julio...i was like WTF he has no friends named Julio...I wrote the phone number on my school book without him finding out...i was so nervous to find something that i did not want to find out...i had huge butterflies in my stomach...i got home and i dialed the number...a girl answered...i had my sister tell her that she mistakenly dialed the wrong number and asked for her Cindy Ramirez...OOOOMMMMGGGG...i wanted to punch the freaken wall. I called him back with the excuse that my parents were fighting and i needed to get out of the house...

he was parked outside my house and i went inside his car. i asked that who was Julio. he said it was some guy from work. i said are you sure. he said yes. i told him its not Cindy. he said yes. i said tell me everything. he said that he bumped into her at a check cashing place in LA and exchanged phone numbers to keep in touch. he said that they were talking since the first week of January...i started to cry...he did not seem sympathetic to what i was going through. while i was talking to him he was supposedly reading a magazine and playing with his phone...he had a grin on his face...he made it seem like it was no big deal. he said that he hid it from me because i would not let him have a friend that was a girl. he said that they were talking during the night when he left my the way during that month he was leaving early from my house because he said he was tired and wanted to sleep early...i viewed the phone bill and i showed that they were talking for hours during the night almost everyday. they were also texting regularly. on his break from work he called her instead of me...the next day i called him and told him that he needed to stop talking to her if he wanted to be with me. he said that he was not going to stop talking to her and that i needed to grow up because he is going to have friends no matter what i say...i stood with him and told him that he needed to stop talking to her...he agreed

a week passed...we went bowling and he said that he found a phone at his job... he said that we should keep it just in case we lose one of ours...i said no because it was a tmobile phone and we have verizion. he said that he had to go to the restroom since he ate a lot before we went bowling...i said ok...something was not right...i said give me the phone while we were still at the bowling alley he said ok i will give it to you tomorrow cuz its at my house... i said no lets go get it now...we showed up at his house and i told him give me the phone...he pulled the phone out of his front pants pocket...WTF again...the phone was locked so i told him to give me the password so he did... i dialed my own phone number and the dam phone worked...WTF...i could not take it any more...this mother was still talking to her behind my back after i told him not to...he said that he was sooooo sorry and that he did not want to do anything with her...they were just friends...i stood with him

two weeks after this ordeal i calmly told him to tell me everything...he said that he went out with her four times after work to Jack in the Box...that just broke my weak heart even the way she is married and has a child...she shouldn't be talking to other men and also hiding it from her husband. i don't know what to think anymore...

this situation made me feel less of a woman. i felt ugly, fat and not loved at all. i feel so betrayed by him. i thought everything was perfect with us. we were talking about getting married pretty soon. this experience had me think twice about marriage. i wanted to know how she looked to see how pretty she was...i finally saw her today at our school in the library...that what made me do this blog...she was pretty cute. decent sized body...i do not feel good. i feel that there is more to the story. i don't understand why he did this...(crying)...he hurt me so much...i feel that he only tells me what i want to hear now... he says that it is a mistake that he did and that it will never happen again...idk hopefully because i love him so much i come to realize that he is my everything and i will not hurt him like he did to me...i hold a huge grudge about this...i love him so much and i feel that he does not understand where i am coming from...he says that i need to just forget about it and be happy and think about our future...i see him changing his character...he is more attentive to my needs and come straight home after work...he sacrified going to his moms house for me because he knows that i will start thinking that he is doing something bad...we moved in together three weeks ago and it is going smoothly...although i sometimes get worrried about what he is doing when he is not with me...he has always treated me like his queen... he does everything that i tell him to do...when he gets out of work he calls me and now he also shows me his hours worked for the week. i appreciate everything that he is doing to make me realize that he is trying to make things work for the sake of our relationship...

how can i forget about what happened? what do you guys think? how do i move on and be happy with him without thinking constantly about it? Please Help!


  1. You cannot forget the past that is the truth. Your story is so long and I got a bit lost. But the fact is that he was hiding things from you. You need to decide to forgive and forget or you will be tormenting your self for life. Trust yourself and hope for the best or let go and don't look back. Time will heal you but if you keep finding things you will just continue to hurt yourself.

    From my past experience . . moving in is not immunity to suspicious behavior. We must Love our self first before we can love anyone.

  2. I know exactly how you feel. I went through a very similar experience about a month ago with my significant other. Seriously, the same thing happened. One of his "friends" from work called his house late at night while I was there and the "mother f*****" thought he could hide it from me. He quickly ran to shut off the answering machine to make sure that I wouldn't hear her voice in case she left a message. He thought he was slick when he "discretely" unplugged the phone in case she called again. I actually noticed him unplugging the phone and that's about the time I blew up because I knew there was obviously something going on. He was acting weird and that sixth sense (intutiton( kicked in that told me something weird was going on. First of all, Do they think we are stupid or something? I could tell something was wrong right away. I asked him why he had turned off the answering machine and why he unplugged the phone. He told me the same story which is that he felt he couldn't have any girlfriends because he thought I would get mad. I think its a bunch a crap to be honest. He made me feel like it was my fault he had to be sneaky when his girl "friends" called the house. yeah Okay. They try to turn it around on you so that you feel guilty about the situation, making you self conscience.
    You know....It's the little things that really mean a lot like in your case the fact that he went with her to lunch or that he'd rather talk to her over you. I think those are the things that hurt the most because it makes you feel like he would rather be with anyone else but you. You start blaming yourself for his mistakes.
    As for me, I'm still with my significant other but to be honest there's a little something that is chipped away every time he gives me a reason not to trust him. I forgave him because we are all human and we all make mistakes but I cannot help the way I feel every time he breaks my heart.All I can say is that relationships helps us to grow and to become better people even if it means we have to learn to let go and move on which is the hardest thing to do. Forgive and Forget. I bet that you are a beautiful human being and its easy, and its easy to forget when you invest all of yourself into someone who does not appreciate it. I suggest you take time for yourself. Make yourself feel whole again because we cannot always count on others to that for us. Cry as much as you need to and remember that life goes on no matter what. It might hurt like hell right now but in time things will change.

  3. TRUdell . . it is sad that us ladies invest in relationships . . how come we don't invest in our self. How come we look for external people to make us happy and love us? I hope that there are guys out there that have a mental connection and know what they want. I think we need some guys to comment . . The stories you ladies are sharing has made me question.

  4. Yeah, it would be nice to hear a male's point of view on this one. I don't know why we invest so much time in others and forget to take care of ourselves in the process. Maybe we get too comfortable in relationships.

  5. I have been in a similar situation with someone who I am still with. We went through an entire YEAR of nonsense and we are still together today. Is it hard to carry on with someone who has been dishonest or has hidden things from you? HELL YES!! I am not the type of person to tell another what to do in their own life but I will tell you that PERSONALLY I am happy that I decided to stay with him. Have I forgotten?? Ummm...NO!!! I still remember every single detail as if it just happened five minutes ago. But I took it as a lesson for the two of us. I had to take a step back and look at the entire situation. Why would he do that? How did it make me feel? Why did I react the way I did? Etc...But at the end of the day, I love extremely hard and I fought for what I believed in and right now I am very happy with the choice I've made.

    The one thing that will probably drive you crazy is the "Why." No matter what, there are never enough answers to that simple question.

    Although I do not know you, know that you are beautiful. Don't let someone else make you feel less than what you are. I am not sure how strong a relationship with someone else can be if one person is not completely secure with themselves.

    Also, the only way to heal a wound is with time. Only time will tell if you will be able to move past heartbreak. As far as forgetting, that will never happen unless you suffer from dementia because you are human and humans simply don't forget hurtful events..

  6. I have no sound advice other than be strong and follow your heart.

  7. i was in a similar situation. Im still with my bf. He was talking to his ex when he wasnt around me. He also had her # under a guys name. One thing i can tell u is my bf stopped after he got caught the first time. his ex lives in St.louis, not that it matters but at least i kno he wasnt hanging w/ her when he wasnt around me. The only advice i cn give is to give it time. Is he worth it? If he is, he needs to be patient becuz it's going to b a while b4 u start trusting him again. I dont blame u if u question everything he does cuz thas the lost in trust thas making u feel the way u do. Give it time.

  8. I think you need to trust in your intuition and heart. Also, sometimes we hold onto something we love so hard (in your case your bf and relationship) that we can suffocate it. I think it might do you good to have some time for yourselves away from each other (just a night out here and there) and if you can't trust or believe him then the relationship might not be able to work. I truly believe everything happens for a reason and it may be hard but you'll make it through okay!

  9. If the trust is lost its very hard to gain it back but it is not impossible if u really love him and see that he is changing give it another chance and try to forget and forgive.
    Wish u the best I know exactly how u feel.

  10. If everything was cool in your relationship, your bf wouldn't be "talking" with another girl. While reading your story, I couldn't help but notice you are very controlling: checking his phone, telling him what he can and can't do, and telling him who he can and can't see. He has even sacrificed going to his Mom's house because you don't trust him! I am not trying to say you are the bad person here, I am just saying you are going about things in the wrong way. We (should)go about getting things we want in life by reinforcing behavior - not by punishing behavior. If you question every move he makes (perhaps rightfully so due to the fact he has been cheating) your relationship with him doesn't have a very good chance of surviving. The only person you can control is yourself. Watching him 24/7 to make sure he isn't cheating is not going to make things better between you two. Maybe the best way to move on and be happy is without him. Good luck...

  11. i actually did something similar when i was 16 years old. i was talking to my ex while with my new gf at the time. me and my ex were talking like friends but there was a couple things said that would say otherwise; like i miss you and we should hang out stuff. after my gf went through my myspace and found it; she made me show her everything! from even the messages in the trash. my gf told me i couldn't talk to her or anything so i didn't, i agreed. next thing you know i'm controlling her too, telling her she can't do this and that and can't talk to anyone. we both secluded ourselves from our friends and family and it was just us because our control over each other got bad. eventually after 3 years of emotional abuse we broke up. and it wasn't till i was older that i regretted what happened. i was 16 then, and i was 19 when i realized all that had happened. i regret how i stopped talking to that ex. i should not have stopped talking to her. i regret the shady stuff that i said to her cuz it wasn't fair to my gf so those things should have stopped and they could have. talking to my ex then, i felt like i was trying to be a typical "player" cuz that is how guys are perceived to be and peer pressure was a mother. being controlled sucks. controlling someone else sucked even more. when me and my gf broke up after 3 years of control i never felt any happier (after the tears dried up lol). i even waited a whole year to finally get back in touch with that ex i was texting behind her back and i never felt happier; it felt like i was finally taking control of my life and i was doing what i wanted to do...i found myself and it felt great. me and that ex are the typical "facebook" friends (another face on your page.) and me and the ex of 3 years are best friends; we have been broken up for almost 3 years, we still have some issues of what we want to be exclusive or not, but the control will never get to that point that it was when we were first dating, i will never let it get to that point so i guess we both learned our lesson. if she wants to talk to an ex or have a guy friend then whatever but just be HONEST of anything does happen. that's really all you can ask for is honesty. *moral of this male perspective story is that you can't control anyone; that nonsense will just get played out quick and as soon as you let go of that control and find self esteem, life is filled with so much happiness=)

  12. i cheat on my gf all the time!!! i dont love them other bitchs its just lust!!! i love my gf but all men are like that!! there's this saying we use, "what she doesnt know wont hurt her!!!" lol ur man shouldve just been more down low with it and not have got caught. its ok hope u guys are happy now but remember once a cheater always a cheater!! take care and hope you never find out again
