Saturday, May 21

So i guess the world did not end after all!! yay!! for those who become traumatized by people predictions. ont believe everything people say.


  1. sorry wanted to say do not believe everything people say. live life one day at a time.

  2. I absolutely agree with you...although, I didn't even know there was going to be a rapture until pretty close to the day. I guess my network is pretty free and just lives life taking each day as it comes not worrying about what "may" take place... :)

    But I am definitely glad we are all still here. Thankful for that.

  3. I dont understand how ppl cn try to predict when the end of the world is coming....NO ONE knows! It's really irritating how ppl cn feed into that and start preparing for the end of the world. Do u remember the Y2K? lol...that was hilarious. Now that i think back on it, it's pretty funny on how we tried to prepare for it, but at that time, i did pretty much fall for it.

  4. yea i wonder what all the weirdos who believed that nonsense do when the world didn't end...damn weirdos. lol
