Tuesday, May 24


I couldn't be happier for this long weekend.. it happens to be right before finals so it gives me a time to breathe... sort of... Does anyone have any plans?


  1. san diego baby! im excited to be home and will have monday off forsure. debating on whether to take sunday off too. I just want to relax and spend time with my other half.

  2. I have three papers due next week, two of them are ten pages each. So you know what I'm going to be doing this weekend!

  3. It is my Birthday this weekend :)
    I am spending it with family and the love of my life...
    Horse back riding, eating and writing.

    Hope you all get everything done and are able to relax and enjoy the moments that life brings you.

  4. An extra day off is a well welcomed gift. I agree with finals soon approaching, a day off to study and work on papers that are due is great. Unfortunatley i still have to work in the evening, but i plan on using my morning to get some assignments done. Good luck to everyone as they begin to prepare for finals.

    Lets all take a moement on Monday too also reflect on why we have the day off to begin with, to remember all those brave men and women who died fighting for this country.
