Friday, May 27

Never Satisfied

As much as we want to prevent racism, it still exists. Not only racism but inequality also. We fight for equality but when we are treated equally to other races, genders and other social classes, do we not complain? We as human beings are never satisfied with anything. We complain how broke we are, and when we come into some money, it's never enough. If it's not about money, it's about school, work, friends, family, pets, weight, age, car, the list goes on and on. Have you ever wondered y we are never satisfied? Something happened 2day that really irritated me. I have a friend who is the district manager for a company and she brings home $7k a month..NET!!! She called me 2day venting how broke she is. R U SERIOUS?? I asked y she was so broke, she sd its cuz of the new rent that her and her bf are paying on a home. They pay $2500 on rent for a house. I would think for that much, they should've just bought a home...but anyways, i asked y she moved in that house without thinking about all the bills they have. she sd she was tired of living in an apt. B4 living in this house, her and her bf lived in a 3 bd apt paying $1800. The apt was a nice size apt. She complained about her SUV she had and how much gas is costing her. She complained about how she gained weight by living with her bf. She complained about how she is assumed of having money becuz she is white. She complained that the guys get paid more than she does at her job. Now, she moved to a house cuz she was tired of an apt. She got a hyundai sonata cuz she was tired of high gas price. She started going to the gym and lost about 25lbs cuz she complained about her weight. She complained about how the men in her position is getting paid more than her so she got a raise so she brings home $7500 a month. She has no credit card bills, so thats one thing she isnt paying. IS SHE SATISFIED? nope....all she did on the phone was complain. WHY??? I DONT UNDERSTAND!!!! how come we are NEVER satisfied? If we're not complaining about one thing, it's something. I jus had this irritating convo with my friend and thought i would share with you guys. We all complain about every little thing. have you ever wondered y we do that? We all know life is unfair. We all know things never go the way we want. We all know we cant have our cake and eat it too. We know nothing is, y do we complain so much? hmmmm...jus a thought...


  1. I dunno how old she is, but I too, was once in her shoes. I notice I save a lot more now, earning WAY LESS than I did when I was making a lot of money. It's about how much save, cut costs, differentiate between needs and wants, you'll always end up saving more. I don't know why she's bitching. 7500 net is a nice sum and way more than what our Dr.s are making at Cal State LA and I can that with confidence.

  2. Wow. This is a very real post that is so full of truth. I believe she is doing that (complaining so much) because she is not truly happy with her life. Or at least not happy with herself. Maybe next time you speak to her, you could tell her to be a little more positive about her life. It seems that she is pretty well off considering how horrible the economy is as well as there are poor people dying all around the world of starvation. We all just need to could always be worse. I know we are all lucky to have life and be able to choose what life we live because a lot of people do not even get to do that.

    Anyway, don't let it eat you up..she is just venting. It is obvious you are a great friend because you sit there and listen but also remember, that she may not be good for your health. I wonder how she would react to you if you were honest with her..about how you felt about what she was saying.

  3. oh, I net that-in about 2 and a half months. Why don't you take yourself to a Yoga class and forget about people like this? then next time she calls you, you can listen for a bit and then say, "Hey, can I say something? Can I tell you about me for a second? I met a monk, and the monk was so peaceful. It felt so good to be near him." Peace in the heart is the most important thing. From there is no racism, no inequality - nothing but peace and surrender. Do not bother yourself with people who are still confused.

  4. Eeesh MT. Thank you for sharing. My friend teaches @ a public school. Since he's in one of those "Danger zones" he gets an extra 5K a year. Some districts offer more. Without working the summer, having a couple of TAs, he makes over 50K a year NET. That's what I call a good life. Too bad he's waiting for that tenure. I can't wait to see what kind of teacher he becomes since we've both worked at the same private after-school math/english/science schools all the Asian Parents send their kids to. :-)

  5. thanks for all your comments. Funny thing is, i had a convo w/ her 2day. She started off complaining AGAIN! I told her to jus be happy for wut she has. There are so many ppl, including myself, who doesn't have the things she has. lol...MT, i gave her the monk line u told me to say to her next time she complained, SHE STARTED CRACKING UP!!!! well, that had her change the subject, so thanks for that suggestion.
