Tuesday, May 24

TTh AFTERNOON (not AM) next week: mini-meetings

Afternoon people:  Your papers are still due on Thursday - you can leave them at my office door any time PRIOR TO 4:10pm ON Thursday. This week, you only see me on ONE day, not TWO. You come to see me in 2s or 3s.  here are your times:  


  1. So do we have class on those days?

  2. Morning has regular class.
    TuTh PM has only these mini-meetings - no regular class.

  3. What is the question to this paper that's due on thurs?

  4. MexicaPrincess - absent last week? did you find out from a student?
    The question for Thursday's paper is this: when you look over your papers, all four of them, do you find a common theme when you see the way you look at yourself and the way you look at others? Or do you use unique spectacles for each? And does Sociological "theory" inform either one of the other or both views?
    comment back if you need more.
