Sunday, May 29

Last three Assignments

Classes will be over next week and I have three more assignments, i need to finish, two for this wed and one for next monday. Oh and study for a final. Im so over it by now, im ready for the next quarter. I am feeling really lazy to get started on the two assignments for this week. I think ill do them tuesday, i need one more day of rest so that i can get motivated to get started. I hope everyone had a great weekend and now is ready to finish there last assignments for this quarter!


  1. ugh, im in the same boat as you. I have too many papers and take home finals, and one in class final on wednesday that I just can't seem to concentrate on. ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

  2. Same here. I am spending memorial day weekend at starbucks writing papers. How fun!

  3. I totally agree! I haven't gotten much done this weekend. But Im determined to start today! And I am definitely ready for this quarter to end because i want to be able to relax without feeling guilty! good luck! =)
