Monday, May 23

No Time?

I don't know if anyone else is feeling this way but I feel as if there is not enough time in the day to accomplish everything. I feel as if all of my responsibilities I have are all creeping up on me and I go to sleep with a to do list in my head and I wake up exhausted. Maybe it's the expectations I have on myself that I feel like I need to do everything. Also, the finals weeks before the end of the quarter are always stressful. A part of me wonders if all this worry and stress is even worth it? I wish my life was more simple and relaxed, but I know that I need to change in order to do so. Is anyone else having this problem?


  1. no, I completely agree.
    it sux. :X

  2. I am going through the same thing. I am going on four hours sleep today and will probably have to do the same tomorrow because I have a final on Wednesday. But just think we only have a couple of weeks to go and then we can take a nice little break. I think all this stress is worth it because we are getting a college degree out of it.

  3. I completely understand how you feel. These next two weeks are going to be so busy for me but we have to stay with a positive attitude and do our best. Its all worth it at the end :-)

  4. Seems everyone is feeling the pressure.
    reminds me of that queen and david bowie song.. under pressure.

  5. I have that same problem.. I try to relax because not that long ago I had to go to the hospital because I got an anxiety attack.. the dr told me that it was because of my stres.. and just told me to try to relax... I try my best but I undertsand school is so stressful and some professors do not make college any easier.. just take it one class at a time don't over whelm yourself with everything you have to do.. and when u go to sleep try to clear ur head, because remember that even though we are busy all the time our body needs to rest too... just take a deep breath and take it one step at a time..

  6. Thanks everyone for the support!
