Monday, May 23


this is in interested video about UFO's.


  1. Is the Earth too small for UFO to land? Or, oops! Missed again? :))

  2. Whoaa, this post is very ironic. Someone just yesterday showed me this exact video..Its definitely very interesting and causes one to think.

  3. I watch Ancient Alien History on the History Channel. Very interesting as I've always felt there is no way we're alone in this vast universe.

    I still hold onto my religion, but at the same time, I'm not in denial of what could've been. There are cities, literally cities, buried underwater. It makes no sense. According to our history, human civilization as we know it began 5~8 thousand years ago.

    New findings are showing them to be anywhere from 10~100 thousand years old. Meaning, we weren't cave dwellers. I like this video. Wish it cut straight to the point faster, though.

  4. I love these kinds of videos. I just watched The Fourth Kind and now I'm scared!! haha

  5. lol this is hilarious(in a cynical manner)... i just talked to a friend of mine who's a very intelligent, rational person and is into scientology (weirdly) but other than that i appreciate his friendship and respect his views and he just told me he just met someone that used to work from Area 51, and literally explained everything this video just showed and EXPLAINED A LOT MORE IN FULL DETAIL! Weird coincidence and last night I turned on the T.V. don't know what channel, but was talking about Area 51. Most people would forget 10 years ago if you talked about any of this , your are toast! Now its okay to go mainstream and if u live in the Hollywood area, look up at the sky from 9pm-4am you will see UFO's :) GOOD LUCK HUNTING

  6. @mexicaprincess: how about u enlighten us with more about area 51? lol spread the knowledge

  7. I agree with "TheLoudOne" and "dvine" . . . lol. There is much evidence to support the notion that we are not alone in the universe. Plus, in my travels I've always found some kind of myth or legend of "other" beings so some part must be true. Hopefully, someday we will learn the "truth".
