Saturday, May 28

the I and the O, the 1 and the zero

There are two ways to be:  Tannen nails them in her video.  
  1. to communicate to find similarities
  2. to communicate to find distinctions
In the last century, women arose with the cry for equality.  However, equality (ironically) tended to mean equally able to fight within communication style #2.  In that style, some will win and some will lose. Some winners will be women, some will be men - and some losers will come from each sex.
What we miss in the "fight for equality" is the fight for the other form of communication:  that template wherein we discover our similarities.  
When a person is a sexist or racist or ageist, that person is looking at superficial distinctions and the history - or geology - within the persons who embody that distinction.
So, too, when a person calls others sexists or racists or ageists, one is enhancing and underscoring surgface distinctions.  

Go beyond.  Do not hold yourself back by calling people (who may deserve to be called names) by the names they deserve to be called.  That just keeps you in style #2.  
We all know Einstein's saying by now:  "You cannot solve a problem on the same level at which the problem was created.:  So let's not just parrot the line:  Go beyond.
We will become equal when BOTH communication styles (1 and 2 above) are understood as our templates and when we use the right one at the right time. 
"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." ~ Hamlet.
Look at the magic of I and O, of 1 and zero:   1 leads to 2,3,4 .... etc.  Zero is no-number:  Absence of counting. 


  1. You've just unwrinkled a quarter of my brain.

  2. yes. there are always two axes, and we tend to think only along one. E.g., learning not to be sick is not the same as learning to be healthy. Learning not to be unhappy is not the same as learning to be happy.
    I like how you use "unwrinkled" part of your brain. The last time I saw where you used it, I think someone unwrinkled a corner. This time, I am happy to see how it unwrinkled a quarter because I think that is the exact amount this "two-axes" thinking I am introducing in my book unwrinkles. And that is plenty. OK, back to writing.
