Tuesday, May 24


Finally... I am feeling like things are falling in their place.. my fiancè finally got a job (thanks to a classmate), I am in good heath passed my Biology class that I took at Rio Hondo, and got a good grade on this pass essay.. Thank God!.. and just everything feels good.. I hope things stay like this.. I haven't had such a good feeling... its been a while..


  1. congrats! it's awesome to hear when someone has things falling into place. :-)

  2. Congrats on everything! We often have to go througgh hard things so we can really appreciate the good that comes to us!

  3. I realize people do not need millions to be happy...we can become happy with the smallest things in life. **The value is not in the amount we have, but the amount of value we give to things** :)

  4. Congratulations, as my grandma used to say "after a thunder storm there is always a rainbow". Sometimes things do not seem to be going our way, but slowly and with time things straighten themselves out and start coming together and most everything finds its way of working out. Congratulations once again.

  5. thank you everyone for your comments they meant a lot to me..
