looks like an interesting film
Tuesday, August 14
Tuesday, August 7
Thursday, August 2
Tuesday, July 24
Troubled teens
Thursday, July 12
Monday, June 25
Welcome Summer Writers
This blog's for you - entirely voluntary. Share ideas, insights, fears, and courage.
Saturday, May 5
Friday, April 13
Tuesday, April 3
Spring Quarter
OMG it's so annoying that professors aren't allowed to add anyone. Like seriously this school is getting worse and worse. Can't wait to graduate and never have to deal with adding and stressing over which classes to take and stuff.
Sunday, April 1
I wrote in my journal today. Wow. I'm going to make a habit out of it. I guess I took that from the class (along with a few other things). Mission accomplished prof, thanks!
Friday, March 30
Anyone buying the lottery today. It's crazy $640 million. I need to go buy some. For those of you playing good luck!!!!
Thursday, March 29
Hi MT - I can't find my hard copy of how to do the reference page for a paper. I thought there was one on your website but I can't find it. Can anyone direct me to it? (Gayle for SOC 301 last quarter) Thanks!
Wednesday, March 28
I love the sound of that name!!! lol...video was very relaxing to finsih off the qtr and prepare for finals..
My Grades Are Up!
Just checked and they are up. There is a statement on GET that says grades aren't official until Friday morning at 8am but I found mine. Yipee!!! Good luck everyone.
Monday, March 26
Friday, March 23
I need advice! ASAP!
I really need help for some decisions. My head is going all over the place because I can't seem to decide what job to keep. I currently have 3 jobs =\ I have no idea how it happened. Two are in Downey( one is a restaurant & the other one is a retail store), & the third in Downtown LA(restaurant). I want to save for a trip and I'm having a hard time choosing which jobs to keep. I just want them temporary, and then I'll quit for the summer to travel, I hope! What would you guys do if you were in my shoes?!? >_<
Thursday, March 22
Anyone want to sell their Sociology Books?
Hi, I was wondering if any of you have taken these courses with these professors:
SOC 390 Method soc research w/ Nivedita Vadya
SOC 414 Contemporary soc theory w/ Louis Esperanza
SOC 460 Race and ethnic relations w/ Ronald Skashima
SOC 444 Sociology of popular culture w/ Cristina Bodinger
If you have please send me an email with a price range, if you wish to sell your books. Sorry I can only do email for now since I will be out of the country for a week and a half. Thank you.
email--> merlucveg22@gmail.com
SOC 390 Method soc research w/ Nivedita Vadya
SOC 414 Contemporary soc theory w/ Louis Esperanza
SOC 460 Race and ethnic relations w/ Ronald Skashima
SOC 444 Sociology of popular culture w/ Cristina Bodinger
If you have please send me an email with a price range, if you wish to sell your books. Sorry I can only do email for now since I will be out of the country for a week and a half. Thank you.
email--> merlucveg22@gmail.com
Wednesday, March 21
Spring Break
I am done with school with this quarter and am ready to enjoy my spring break. Everyone have a blast and be safe.
Tuesday, March 20
I want to THANK everyone who brought something delicious to eat for the pot luck today! I wish everyone a safe mini vacation. Peace, Love, and SOOOUUUULLLL! :-)
It was great seeing everyone for the last class meeting. The food was great very delicious. Thank you everyone and Professor Tabor for having the opportunity to be in your class. Have a great weekend! Hasta la vista baby! :)
Monday, March 19
Can anyone please give some direction as to what we are supposed to be doing for the Final? I missed class and I am completely confused. Do we just have to copy and paste and make corrections/apply the correct grammar or do we actually have to create our own sentences? Any help is greatly appreciated! :)
Night People - Tuesday: 6:30-8
If you are driving, bussing, or training to campus just to hand in the final paper, use this post to connect with some other student who could print yours out for you and deliver it.
Starlight Potatoes
10 White Rose Potatoes
3 cups grated cheddar cheese (mild to sharp - up to you.)
2 bunches of scallions - diced
2 cans cream of mushroom soup (cream of potato soup is okay too.)
8 ounces plain yogurt
8 ounces sour cream
1 cube butter
1 cube butter
corn flake crumbs - few cups
Boil the potatoes until a fork goes into them easily but don't over cook. Remove skin from potatoes.
To make the sauce put everything except the yogurt and sour cream into a pot and slowly let it all melt - stir so it doesn't burn at the bottom, then add the yogurt and sour cream and cook until creamy consistency and fully heated. Don't burn.
Butter an oblong pan. Layer slices of cooked potatoes on the bottom - about 1/2 the potatoes. Pour on about 1/2 the sauce and smooth it all out. Add another layer of sliced potatoes and the rest of the sauce.
In a small pan melt the other cube of butter then slowly add corn flake crumbs until you like the consistency. (You can buy corn flake crumbs or just mash up some corn flakes.) They should be slightly covered with butter but not greasy. It's up to you. When they look the way you like them, add the topping to the potatoes.
Bake at 375 for about 40 - 45 minutes or until they start bubbling. Remove from over and let sit for a few minutes. Serve. Enjoy. Accept all the love your diners give you because this dish is so incredible!! YUM!!
- Gayle Thompson 3/19/12
3 cups grated cheddar cheese (mild to sharp - up to you.)
2 bunches of scallions - diced
2 cans cream of mushroom soup (cream of potato soup is okay too.)
8 ounces plain yogurt
8 ounces sour cream
1 cube butter
1 cube butter
corn flake crumbs - few cups
Boil the potatoes until a fork goes into them easily but don't over cook. Remove skin from potatoes.
To make the sauce put everything except the yogurt and sour cream into a pot and slowly let it all melt - stir so it doesn't burn at the bottom, then add the yogurt and sour cream and cook until creamy consistency and fully heated. Don't burn.
Butter an oblong pan. Layer slices of cooked potatoes on the bottom - about 1/2 the potatoes. Pour on about 1/2 the sauce and smooth it all out. Add another layer of sliced potatoes and the rest of the sauce.
In a small pan melt the other cube of butter then slowly add corn flake crumbs until you like the consistency. (You can buy corn flake crumbs or just mash up some corn flakes.) They should be slightly covered with butter but not greasy. It's up to you. When they look the way you like them, add the topping to the potatoes.
Bake at 375 for about 40 - 45 minutes or until they start bubbling. Remove from over and let sit for a few minutes. Serve. Enjoy. Accept all the love your diners give you because this dish is so incredible!! YUM!!
- Gayle Thompson 3/19/12
There was a pattern of infidelity in my previous relationship, and I turned into a complete different person because of it. I was always miserable, my personality changed suddenly, and I felt unhappy. I had allowed a guy to be in control of my life and my happiness for almost 5 years! It was awful and unhealthy. But I put a stop to it and decided to end that relationship. I kept giving in to second, and even third chances... thinking that we can overcome the past and become closer, but it was the same routine over and over again. I am better now, happier, and free! There are times that I look back at all the good times we had, but recognize that underneath it....there was a shadow of lies and betrayal. Things are not always what they appear to be... Thanks to Snodgrass I realized that he was not betraying me or lying to me, he was betraying himself! I have learned to gain insight, and I learned to love myself more. I no longer let things get in the way of my happiness as before :)
My New Blog
At the beginning of this class I was CERTAIN I would get my blog up and running before the end of the quarter. Yesterday my dog was sick with a bad tummy and we were home most of the day so I worked on editing my posts. I am nearly done. Today is the last day we are together so I want to share it with you. It is about Bach Flowers, emotions, and other holistic healing modalities. If you are interested check it out. There is also an article about the time I spend working for Cesar Millan, the "Dog Whisperer." I will miss this class but it got my butt in gear and helped my writing. Blog is now live which will may mean more clients and connecting with more like-minded individuals!! xoxo over and out - Gayle
Sunday, March 18
....which way are we goin ?
another piece of mine..
if you're movin to the left but you never knew the right // outta sight outta mind
never find the time to see your blind to strings on human kind
puppet master / let me be / he won't do it so i cut the strings
& now I'm telling u I'm free / but see i spent my last check on what was not necessity
whoaa buddy / the rent is due
& i don't have but i got the new Dre's / enough dro to last for days
but with nowhere to rest your head / no change for water / none for bread
no fret for words i never said / u see i told u but u fled
because the truth is scary very / its revolutionary
better come with ammunition for your war on intuition
see the battle it surrounds u / & when u look outside the box the truth it will have found u/ u control what comes around u / they can no longer bound u!
& everybody telling me to watch the time thats falsified / i won't abide / refuse to live a lie
...and i ask u / which way are we goin? can u tell me where are we goin?
if you're movin to the left but you never knew the right // outta sight outta mind
never find the time to see your blind to strings on human kind
puppet master / let me be / he won't do it so i cut the strings
& now I'm telling u I'm free / but see i spent my last check on what was not necessity
whoaa buddy / the rent is due
& i don't have but i got the new Dre's / enough dro to last for days
but with nowhere to rest your head / no change for water / none for bread
no fret for words i never said / u see i told u but u fled
because the truth is scary very / its revolutionary
better come with ammunition for your war on intuition
see the battle it surrounds u / & when u look outside the box the truth it will have found u/ u control what comes around u / they can no longer bound u!
& everybody telling me to watch the time thats falsified / i won't abide / refuse to live a lie
...and i ask u / which way are we goin? can u tell me where are we goin?
Up working on Durkheim n Marx
Been working at these two since Saturday their thought on crime, law, social change, family, labour by comparing and contrasting these paper going to be at least 16 page or more ! Why can't all teacher be like Dr.T when it comes to writing lol
Two down one to go!!!!
E.O.S went great I wrote about my generation and technology I felt it goes hand and hand with one another.. I wrote more than four sentence is that ok?? I like the topic I really got into the exercise lol I felt like I was speaking this to my friends :) well I'm all done with soc 301 and pas327 just 412 and man am I having a hard run with if.
Whale: DayTime Whale
I need to know: who is Whale? I have a Whale with a few grades and no real name to attach this Whale to. Thx.
Almost done with the final EOS. I have to start on studying for my other Soc final which is this Wednesday at 8 a.m super early no too happy about that oh well it is what it is. It is a lot of reading. Better start now. Wish me luck! Have a nice sunday!
Finished with my sentences. It was a fun learning experience because with many of the EOS rules, I felt like I would have to write something wrong in order to use it. So, of course I didn't. LOL. Anyway, I feel fine about what I wrote.
See everyone tomorrow.
See everyone tomorrow.
Last EOS
They everyone I was wondering for the sentence can I just talk about the blog or do I have to talk about the internet too?
Saturday, March 17
Sally Student!
I got one from Sally Student! I won't say who. : ) thanks, Sally. always nice to hear from you.
I hope Professor Tabor received paper #3 which I submitted last night. I was having problems with my computer so hopefully it went through. If not I will re-send again. I know your probably thinking I'm lying but i'm not it is the truth. :)
Friday, March 16
New Job! :D
So I currently have a new job! :D At first it was stressing, and I wanted to quit before ever starting. But now after 2 weeks of training and work I actually enjoy it. There's only one problem. We had three trainers that helped all of our team learn the stuff like preparing the food, pos system, the menu, and tips to be faster, since it wasn't opened yet. I got really attatched to them. They helped me alot and made it fun!! Today they leave back to Florida, and all I'm thinking is how weird the job is going to be without them! =\ It made realize how easy people come and go out of our lives yet leave a mark. I might not get to see them again, but I'm really greateful for meeting them! I just had to let it out there. :)
I think this is the most relaxed I've before finals. I am usually super stressed and freaking out. I have finished all my papers and it feels great. All I have left to do is the paragraph for this class and study for my criminal justice final which I am not worried about at all. Woot Woot!!
So FN Upset
Today I was getting ready to walk out out of my door and a sheriff officer was standing in my face. I was startled and he asked me my name. I told him. He asked for my ID and I showed it to him. He said, "Ms Franklin I am serving you a court order from the Los Angeles Superior court. You have a hearing on March 23, 2012 at 8:30 am in Department N. Please sign here". I was devastated. It was a restraining order from my child's father. I looked through the paperwork and he put down some of the foulest lies you can ever see in writing. I broke out in tears because he walked out on me and my baby two years ago. I haven't seen him outside of court walls and all I have been doing is taking care of my daughter without his help. It's like he has nothing better to do but try and destroy my life. So instead of taking my baby to see him for his weekly monitored visit every Friday I just kept her home and for a very long time she won't be seeing him. I wish he would leave me the Fuck alone with his miserable ass. He hasn't seen me in over a year, why do you need to restrain someone you don't talk to or see? So during my spring break I'm not dealing with none of this shit anymore. I will be changing my number soon and moving very far away after graduation.
Move and Move Again
Just sent Paper #3 to MT. YAY! One down and now SOC 412 final to complete.
I received word yesterday that my roommate and I have to move from our house at the end of June. It has been a great deal - $600 between the two of us - because I previously lived next door to this house and knew the elderly lady who moved in with her daughter out in Palmdale. But, they want to rent it to another neighbor who is building a new house and can pay them $1500. It makes total sense and I am so grateful my roommate has been here for 4 years and I moved in nearly two years ago. I am moving to Boston in September anyway so it is kinda a hassle but this news will force me to get my butt in gear and get rid of a lot of the furniture and things I still have. And, also decide which items I can move across the country with me - it won't be much! My dog and I will move in with a friend in Monrovia for July and August until school gets out the first week in September. So, we will survive.
Anyway, changes, changes and life goes on. Have a good weekend and Happy Saint Patrick's Day. If you drive, don't drink and if you drink don't drive!! And, be careful out there. Saint Patrick's Day on a Saturday night gives people an excuse to over indulge.
I received word yesterday that my roommate and I have to move from our house at the end of June. It has been a great deal - $600 between the two of us - because I previously lived next door to this house and knew the elderly lady who moved in with her daughter out in Palmdale. But, they want to rent it to another neighbor who is building a new house and can pay them $1500. It makes total sense and I am so grateful my roommate has been here for 4 years and I moved in nearly two years ago. I am moving to Boston in September anyway so it is kinda a hassle but this news will force me to get my butt in gear and get rid of a lot of the furniture and things I still have. And, also decide which items I can move across the country with me - it won't be much! My dog and I will move in with a friend in Monrovia for July and August until school gets out the first week in September. So, we will survive.
Anyway, changes, changes and life goes on. Have a good weekend and Happy Saint Patrick's Day. If you drive, don't drink and if you drink don't drive!! And, be careful out there. Saint Patrick's Day on a Saturday night gives people an excuse to over indulge.
Last Days of Work
I recently put in my 2 weeks at my job. Some were upset that I did not mention I was leaving. I have only worked their for 5 months. In this case I felt like the 'stranger'. I was there long enough to impact the group. Now I really want to focus on school and it was hard to focus while working. I am glad to say that I got my 'happiness' back.
BTW my manger would schedule me 25 hrs this week and 30 hrs for next, on finals week! SMH
BTW my manger would schedule me 25 hrs this week and 30 hrs for next, on finals week! SMH
Thursday, March 15
Last Lecture Class of the Quarter
Today I attended my last lecture class of the Quarter! I am really looking forward to having a week off, then back at it again. I hope everyone has great weekend and good luck on finals next week! :)
Hope everyone has a nice, pleasant and relaxing weekend. Good luck with finals next week and study hard to get the best grades. Cheerio!!!
I want to wish everyone...
GOOD LUCK on your finals! Study hard people! I know i will be hitting the books hard. I have three papers to write and i have to study for two extremely hard tests. My contemporary Soc. class is probably going to be my most challenging class to study for. Anyone else have difficult classes this quarter?
I'm doing the last edit run of my paper. I'm happy to be done and looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend of studying for finals. Have a good weekend everyone. :-)
Wednesday, March 14
someone asked
about citing my website ... you do not need to cite my website.
The two citations should be
legitimate ones: published book, article, or someone else's website--just not
encyclopedias or Wikipedia.
The notes on my website are
just general information about the therapists - I do not need to be cited
for my synopses of these theorists.
The Emotional Life of Your Brainby Richard J. Davidson
Usually ships within 24 hours- List Price: $25.95
- Online Price: $15.26
- (You Save 41%)
What Teachers Makeby Taylor Mali
Available for Pre-Order. This item will be available on March 29.- List Price: $19.95
- Online Price: $10.97
- (You Save 45%)
Nearing the End
It deeply saddens me that this class will end soon, and the possibility of losing a great instructor at this school is on the table. I have had the best college experience while taking this one writing class. MT has taught me more than what was on the syllabus she prepared as a foundation for my learning. Wherever her journey takes her I wish I could go too. I'm not ready to say goodbye to you guys either. The laughs and tears we have shared is a side of CSULA I didn't know we had. I had such a bad experience thus far, but taking this class has given me hope and a new trust in people. Don't mean to get mushy, it's just my life has opened up in a way I never knew existed and it's all because of one person who followed her heart and took the unconventional road. Love you MT, you will never be forgotten.
please take the time to
to watch this short movie http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=gXDMoiEkyuQ&vq=medium Every human will enjoy this video. And we of Soc301 will remain together if we take this to heart and practice it. Balance within - Harmony without. ~ MT
"Your problem is not your problem, your attitude towards your problem is your problem"
Quote by Joyce Meyer
Quote by Joyce Meyer
sociology majors or anyone who finds this interesting
Sociological Images: Seeing is Believing is designed to encourage all kinds of people to exercise and develop their sociological imagination by presenting brief sociological discussions of compelling and timely imagery that spans the breadth of sociological inquiry.
Sociological Images: Seeing is Believing is designed to encourage all kinds of people to exercise and develop their sociological imagination by presenting brief sociological discussions of compelling and timely imagery that spans the breadth of sociological inquiry.
If anyone is interested they should check out this page it's run by professors all around the country and they provide pretty interesting ideas on topics. I personally love it. enjoy.
Its almost the end ='(
I can not believe we are on our final week. Next week we only meet one more time and we are done for the quarter. It was a pleasure being in this class and it opened up a lot of opportunities. This class not only helped me find myself but gave me the ability to write about myself which is sort of the hardest things to do. Thank you again Professor Tabor you have done a great job, good luck to everyone in the near future.
"Unlike puppets we have the possibility of stopping in our movements, looking up and perceiving the machinery by which we have been moved. In this act lies the first steps towards freedom."- Peter Berger Sociologist
"Unlike puppets we have the possibility of stopping in our movements, looking up and perceiving the machinery by which we have been moved. In this act lies the first steps towards freedom."- Peter Berger Sociologist
Because I am an artist ... I will share a piece of my art.
I met this sista the otha day & she was headed to class
she said she'd been really distressed about the flow of her cash
& so she's dancing at the spot and while she's shakin her a**
she's thinkin bout the possibilities;
responsibilities are sitting on her shoulders -- feelin heavy
pressure like the weight of the world; she does a spin and a twirl -- on that pole
her goal is to stack those dollar bills to by her little brother meals -- nobody knowin how she feels
and it kills her -- that cover girl conceals her -- black eye
the one that her boyfriend left on her face when he went to the place that she works
and he says it hurts him -- and she will not desert him -- no, she won't
haunted by confusion -- the illusion, that nobody else will want her -- damaged goods, misunderstood
she settles; for that little boy she calls her man -- and never started with her 4-yr plan.
I wrote this piece to Mos Def's "Sunshine" instrumental produced by Kanye West. Wrote it a longgg time ago but was flippen through my old pieces and thought I share this one. It's actually quite different from the majority of my work... in regards to context.
she said she'd been really distressed about the flow of her cash
& so she's dancing at the spot and while she's shakin her a**
she's thinkin bout the possibilities;
responsibilities are sitting on her shoulders -- feelin heavy
pressure like the weight of the world; she does a spin and a twirl -- on that pole
her goal is to stack those dollar bills to by her little brother meals -- nobody knowin how she feels
and it kills her -- that cover girl conceals her -- black eye
the one that her boyfriend left on her face when he went to the place that she works
and he says it hurts him -- and she will not desert him -- no, she won't
haunted by confusion -- the illusion, that nobody else will want her -- damaged goods, misunderstood
she settles; for that little boy she calls her man -- and never started with her 4-yr plan.
I wrote this piece to Mos Def's "Sunshine" instrumental produced by Kanye West. Wrote it a longgg time ago but was flippen through my old pieces and thought I share this one. It's actually quite different from the majority of my work... in regards to context.
It's interesting. Our networks that is, and how they reflect our truth.
A few excerpts from my Paper 2 essay:
"When I first discovered the socio political system which Africans, diasporic and continental, are afforded is one which deems our attributes to be undesirable, the way I looked at the world and its inhabitants shifted. As a result, those who I surrounded myself with shifted. I sought to be around those who could in some way contribute to my growth, contribute to my understanding. Ha! But that was some time ago. I laugh because it's humorous to me, to look back on how I use to feel, what I use to value and how angry I was when the truth discovered me and when I accepted her."
"To exclude the socio economic aspect of the concept of alienation and apply it to my social networks, I acknowledge in my life what seems to naturally go together. I refuse, most of the time, to entertain that which does not contribute to a harmonic structure."
"When I first discovered the socio political system which Africans, diasporic and continental, are afforded is one which deems our attributes to be undesirable, the way I looked at the world and its inhabitants shifted. As a result, those who I surrounded myself with shifted. I sought to be around those who could in some way contribute to my growth, contribute to my understanding. Ha! But that was some time ago. I laugh because it's humorous to me, to look back on how I use to feel, what I use to value and how angry I was when the truth discovered me and when I accepted her."
"To exclude the socio economic aspect of the concept of alienation and apply it to my social networks, I acknowledge in my life what seems to naturally go together. I refuse, most of the time, to entertain that which does not contribute to a harmonic structure."
Hi! I know I am a little late, but I have had the craziest last two months! I am actually in the best of moods today! Maybe because it's the last official day of class and break is coming soon, who knows!
I did enjoy the class. Very many classmates had a lot of interesting things to say that were inspiring and note-worthy. Tabor was a very interesting character as well and I must admit, i enjoyed her presence and her encouraging smile. Discussions were sometimes random but I always found some sociology in them.
Confused- Yes, I was at times. Yes, I was present in class, so that has nothing to do with it. I feel that there was no solid instructions. Rules were always changed and questions were left unanswered. Then when we asked on the blog, sometimes, not all the time, instead of answers, accusations were said. That wasn't very inspiring.
Morning Pages: Possibly my favorite part of the class because we had a chance to write freely! It was a useful tool for me to let out emotions that I hid and to help build them up into words to tell. Sometimes I would write letters and thoughts that were directed towards my father. Before my fathers death, he wrote in journals, notebooks, and whatever paper he could find. He wrote mostly biblical works, quotes, and thoughts. In a way I believe he knew his time was coming so he wanted to get closer to God and to also leave something behind for his children. He wanted us to prepare for his absence. So in a way I took on his writing ways to connect with him. These morning pages helped me cope and I was very thankful for this assignment. Thank you!
Blog: I do like the idea and enjoyed reading many posts. I do wish I had spent more time on it. I found a lot of similar feelings and postings that I could of joined, and do plan on joining in on. Very stimulating and inspiring.
Pea Activity- Wasn't a great fan! Found it a little intrusive and forceful. First, Tabor said no one HAD to speak, then it turned into EVERYONE had to speak, so I didn't quite enjoy that very much. I don't mind speaking in public at all but it was not the time for me personally. I am the girl who started balling over her father's death. I just feel that it was intrusive because the whole session, feelings were brought out and emotions were building up like crazy and it forced me to think of something I think of all day and everyday. I didn't need people to see that side of me. I don't like pity. It wasn't healthy at all for me. That week ESPECIALLY was not a good week for me. The last thing I wanted to do was talk about anything negative or tear-jerking. I had cried enough. I wanted positivity and it was no where to be found that week. So i feel like, if you do decide to continue with this exercise in later courses, you could at least warn the class, not force the class, or change the energy by promoting and speaking of good.
EOS: At the beginning I was a fan because I know my writing skills are not perfect and I needed assistance. I was a little discouraged when we stopped focusing on EOS because I felt that it was vital. Reading it over myself was a little difficult, so i felt if were to talk about it more in class or do pracatices during class, since this is a writing class, I could have improved and understood a lot more about writing.
Overall: I did enjoy coming to class. I learned a lot about others and it definitely forced me to be more independent as far as figuring things out on my own. I liked that we were able to write about random things and express our thoughts on the blog. Thank you Tabor =)
I did enjoy the class. Very many classmates had a lot of interesting things to say that were inspiring and note-worthy. Tabor was a very interesting character as well and I must admit, i enjoyed her presence and her encouraging smile. Discussions were sometimes random but I always found some sociology in them.
Confused- Yes, I was at times. Yes, I was present in class, so that has nothing to do with it. I feel that there was no solid instructions. Rules were always changed and questions were left unanswered. Then when we asked on the blog, sometimes, not all the time, instead of answers, accusations were said. That wasn't very inspiring.
Morning Pages: Possibly my favorite part of the class because we had a chance to write freely! It was a useful tool for me to let out emotions that I hid and to help build them up into words to tell. Sometimes I would write letters and thoughts that were directed towards my father. Before my fathers death, he wrote in journals, notebooks, and whatever paper he could find. He wrote mostly biblical works, quotes, and thoughts. In a way I believe he knew his time was coming so he wanted to get closer to God and to also leave something behind for his children. He wanted us to prepare for his absence. So in a way I took on his writing ways to connect with him. These morning pages helped me cope and I was very thankful for this assignment. Thank you!
Blog: I do like the idea and enjoyed reading many posts. I do wish I had spent more time on it. I found a lot of similar feelings and postings that I could of joined, and do plan on joining in on. Very stimulating and inspiring.
Pea Activity- Wasn't a great fan! Found it a little intrusive and forceful. First, Tabor said no one HAD to speak, then it turned into EVERYONE had to speak, so I didn't quite enjoy that very much. I don't mind speaking in public at all but it was not the time for me personally. I am the girl who started balling over her father's death. I just feel that it was intrusive because the whole session, feelings were brought out and emotions were building up like crazy and it forced me to think of something I think of all day and everyday. I didn't need people to see that side of me. I don't like pity. It wasn't healthy at all for me. That week ESPECIALLY was not a good week for me. The last thing I wanted to do was talk about anything negative or tear-jerking. I had cried enough. I wanted positivity and it was no where to be found that week. So i feel like, if you do decide to continue with this exercise in later courses, you could at least warn the class, not force the class, or change the energy by promoting and speaking of good.
EOS: At the beginning I was a fan because I know my writing skills are not perfect and I needed assistance. I was a little discouraged when we stopped focusing on EOS because I felt that it was vital. Reading it over myself was a little difficult, so i felt if were to talk about it more in class or do pracatices during class, since this is a writing class, I could have improved and understood a lot more about writing.
Overall: I did enjoy coming to class. I learned a lot about others and it definitely forced me to be more independent as far as figuring things out on my own. I liked that we were able to write about random things and express our thoughts on the blog. Thank you Tabor =)
Submitting Post or Comment
Do we just write/type a post or comment date on a sheet of paper and submit it with the grade rubric we use for our papers today?
SOC 301
Since I participated in "off the grid" week, I haven't blogged here as much as I did earlier in the quarter. But I wanted to stop back in and say how much I have enjoyed this blog, our day class, and meeting everyone. It has been a privilege to be a part of MTs (perhaps) last quarter at CSULA - thank you for everything you have shared and taught us. Even though some of us have been a bit "confused" at times, don't take that to heart because I think we all have to go to a place of confusion sometimes in order to learn. If it was all so simple then we wouldn't need professors! I have been confused in SOC 412 too but now, as it comes to a end, I look back and realize how MUCH I have learned and that is partly because of you. I have some idea who Marx, Weber, Durkheim, Du Bois, Gilman and Cooper are and their core ideas. Honestly, our 301 class turned out to be so different from what I thought it would be when we first started - much better than what I originally thought. Good luck to EVERYONE as you continue your Sociology, Psychology, Social Work and other studies. Stay true to yourselves, be creative, realize that change is inevitable, and being able to adapt to change is what keeps you healthy.
Tuesday, March 13
A great way to meet your goals and 9 month goal!
Hello everyone,
Here is a website I use to keep track of my short term and long term goals. You can find people who are working on the same goal and get support; you can cheer others and vice-versa. The website is called "43 Things", some of you are probably members already. I started using this website over a year ago and I have founded essential. I hope many of you try it and find it just as useful. Good luck on all of your goals for the year and on your exams!
website---> http://www.43things.com/
Here is a website I use to keep track of my short term and long term goals. You can find people who are working on the same goal and get support; you can cheer others and vice-versa. The website is called "43 Things", some of you are probably members already. I started using this website over a year ago and I have founded essential. I hope many of you try it and find it just as useful. Good luck on all of your goals for the year and on your exams!
website---> http://www.43things.com/
Link for Final Paper #3 AND for the final
Here you go everyone ..... LINK for paper #3 and MT adds:
- no page numbers required - too complicted to omit page numbers from title and abstract page - so just eliminate them all. I'll be able to tell what page I am on via MSWord ~ MT
- ALSO, ALL, look to the RH column of this blog and see the list of LABELS: click Paper 3 and you'll see all the chatter back and forth about it. ~ MT
Had a veryyyyyyy nice weekend
Had one of the best weekends! My older brother, sister in law, and two nieces came to california from texas for my bday! I was feeling down because i was turning 29, but it was well worth a celebration with my family and friends. So i celebrated my last 20's by dancing, laughing, and smiles with my loved ones. I am just sad to see them go, but i will be heading to texas some time this year for sure. Now i have to focus on my paper #3 and studying for my finals. Yikes! Good luck everyone.
Finishing up and stressed!
I know almost everyone post stressed out, confused. Well it is the truth. That's college life. I have a math test next Monday I have paper #3 due this friday. Math is not my favorite subject but I must pass to raise my G.P.A. This is the last chance I have to take this class otherwise I need to take it outside of the school district. I hope I finish with everything on time. Well I must submit paper #3 on time that is no exception. : )
straight (not curved) line from GOAL to OPERATIONS
the difficulty of straight line: from goal directly to process without a "stop" in the "integration" quad:
- the bill introduced today in Congress would simply make it impeachable for an executive branch to declare war w/o Congressional approval - it is not against this particular President - just that any President must clear war with Congress
- the protest at CSULA last Thurs about the 80 dollar "fee" would be imposed (made into procedure) without socializing the student body (or the advisors) into what to expect or how the newly funded advisement money would do
- a "go to your room" or a swat from a belt from a parent to a child may not explain the reasons for the need for conformity: authoritative parenting follows the curve. authoritarian parenting tries to create a straight line from goal to process
- other examples?
We Are Young
Have any of you listened to the song.." We are young" by Fun?
That song is so inspirational! It is quite funny how I always use that phrase " oh, well..I'm young" hah
Take a listen! :)
That song is so inspirational! It is quite funny how I always use that phrase " oh, well..I'm young" hah
Take a listen! :)
paper 3
so do we have to mention one of the social theorist such as; Marx, Durkheim, Weber, or Simmel??
I was absent the day the professor explained about the paragraph that is due on the final date? is it on the last EOS exercise? or do we get to choose from the ones we have already gone through?
my first day back at work...
and i already stopped two fights, 4 MONTHS PREGNANT!. luckily I did not get hit at all or in any way. Thanks for the homecoming my fellow high school students. Now i remember why I enjoyed (most of my) vacation!.
Evening March 13 ALL at 7pm
TONIGHT would anyone like to meet with me about the final paper? sign up here under comments
6:00 (in the hallway - since the other teacher gets out late sometimes)
6:15 (in the classroom) - TAKEN
6:30 (in the classroom) - TAKEN
6:45 (in the classroom) - TAKEN
then we all meet together starting at 7PM. You will bring your coversheet(s) with Blog Name and any post or comment - with date - to which you wish to draw my attention
If you wish to meet with me about your paper and you did not get to sign up for a time above, let me know in the comments, and we can see about meeting after the whole group meets at 7PM. At 7PM, you get the prompt for the final, which is due March 20, 7:30, per the instructions given out on March 13.
6:00 (in the hallway - since the other teacher gets out late sometimes)
6:15 (in the classroom) - TAKEN
6:30 (in the classroom) - TAKEN
6:45 (in the classroom) - TAKEN
then we all meet together starting at 7PM. You will bring your coversheet(s) with Blog Name and any post or comment - with date - to which you wish to draw my attention
If you wish to meet with me about your paper and you did not get to sign up for a time above, let me know in the comments, and we can see about meeting after the whole group meets at 7PM. At 7PM, you get the prompt for the final, which is due March 20, 7:30, per the instructions given out on March 13.
New soap opera!
Check out the new novela on Univision! I'm not into novelas too much, but every once in a while i'ts my distraction hahaha. Their is the hottie latin actor David Zepeda. Monday - Friday at 9 p.m. Just wanted to share with everyone who reads this. : )
So happy for my high school friend, she is graduating this friday from the police academy. She told me that the training was hell. She did it I'm super excited for her. I was going to be a cop once upon a time but decided not to. I changed my major to Sociology, It was the best decision I made. Wanted to blog about this. Thanks!
Believe in yourself...
I didn't really understand it much when I was little, but looking at it now, I recognize the message more and more. We analyze who we are and what our desires may be in our lives. As children, we look to the future and dream of endless possibilities. As we grow older however, those dreams start to die and we become afraid of what possible outcomes may come to fruition. This video reminds me of a time when I felt like I can do whatever I wanted, being able to dream big. There is even has a hint of existentialism; What are we here for? Where will we be? These are the questions that we don't often ask ourselves, but one thing is for certain, we must look into the future and face our fears. We don't know what the future will hold for us, and I for one look at this video as an inspirational message to keep pushing forward. I like to think that it is OK to fail, just as long as you believe in yourself. Don't fear failure.
Hope you can pardon the strange update, been contemplating an awful lot lately.
Monday, March 12
Ready for change
Tomorrow i'm scheduled for a written exam after work for a possible career change. It's something i have always wanted to do, i have a passion for it. I know it's going to be hard with the whole training but i'm ready for it, i believe that we as individuals should be "motivated" and pursue a change if that's what we really want and are ready for it too. I honestly can say that i'm ready and i'm also looking forward to it..wish me luck!!
Independent - Metro Ride
I finished paper #3. Although I have not proofread it yet, I am letting it sit till tomorrow so I can start proofreading and fixing any errors I might have missed.
One paper down, one more to go!
One paper down, one more to go!
Feeling good (paper#3)
I just started paper #3 and I am happy to say that I chose a great topic to write about. Getting off the grid! and having face-to-face interactions! What can be better than that? :) There is so much to say and as I write I find myself highlighting the importance of face-to-face interactions.
I will leave you with a question to consider,
I look forward to your response for that will help conclude my essay.
Leslie <3
I will leave you with a question to consider,
how can we make the best of both worlds - technology and face-to-face connections?
I look forward to your response for that will help conclude my essay.
Leslie <3
Tue/Wed this week - before Finals week
On Tue/Wed I will give Uthe prompt for the final paragraph: due next week, hard copy, at the time of the final.
This week, Fri Mar 16, midnight Paper #3 due via email. No late paper #3. Take care with naming and sending.
See technical requirements HERE
This week, Fri Mar 16, midnight Paper #3 due via email. No late paper #3. Take care with naming and sending.
See technical requirements HERE
Reprieve on due time for #3
you will each now have until Friday at midnight.
remember how to name your word documentremember how to type the Subject Line of your email.
remember to bring me the cover sheet(s) for Paper #1 and #2 THIS WEEK.
Idea for Potluck
yes, night people, day people decided to have a potluck. You know, when there is a potluck, there is always left over food and also a handful of ppl have to stay behind to clean up. If everyone brought food we would have too much. Therefore, I suggest the following: a potluck of under $10 useful unexpected gifts: maybe we get 5, maybe we get 10, maybe we get 15- we'll see.
I just found a little tool so useful at one of the "big box" stores, I would like to wrap it one up and give it away. There are many easy-to-acquire items: 5-10 lottery tickets, $5.00 worth of US Stamps, a COSTCO flashlight (they come in a pack of three, so giver can keep two), a gift cert to TJs, a KUHN vegetable peeler (the best vegetable peeler), an exacto-blade with cover, a thermos - oh, there are a lot of great little practical gifts. You might have a favorite "gadget."
What we do NOT need are: candies, another Mug, "a tie", OR a knick-knack.
So let's say we pile as many gifts together as we accumulate for that final day. Food-makers can still bring food they wish to bring, which Qn33La is organizing. Santa or the Easter Bunny can parcel out the gifts to the GREATEST BLOGGERS (GBs). I'll have a list of GBs. GB winners can swap what they pick if they wish.
That way, everyone will get to participate because everyone can at least toss in a dollar bill in a bow or a five dollar bill in a bow or a ten dollar bill in a bow: all of which could go into the 'useful gift' pile.
And if some of us use the opportunity to share some favorite, useful under $10 tool with all, then we all learn about useful tools.
I just found a little tool so useful at one of the "big box" stores, I would like to wrap it one up and give it away. There are many easy-to-acquire items: 5-10 lottery tickets, $5.00 worth of US Stamps, a COSTCO flashlight (they come in a pack of three, so giver can keep two), a gift cert to TJs, a KUHN vegetable peeler (the best vegetable peeler), an exacto-blade with cover, a thermos - oh, there are a lot of great little practical gifts. You might have a favorite "gadget."
What we do NOT need are: candies, another Mug, "a tie", OR a knick-knack.
So let's say we pile as many gifts together as we accumulate for that final day. Food-makers can still bring food they wish to bring, which Qn33La is organizing. Santa or the Easter Bunny can parcel out the gifts to the GREATEST BLOGGERS (GBs). I'll have a list of GBs. GB winners can swap what they pick if they wish.
That way, everyone will get to participate because everyone can at least toss in a dollar bill in a bow or a five dollar bill in a bow or a ten dollar bill in a bow: all of which could go into the 'useful gift' pile.
And if some of us use the opportunity to share some favorite, useful under $10 tool with all, then we all learn about useful tools.
Some things to think about for Paper #3
Solitary: WRITE NOW one page on what you expect
Space – Territory - feeling (Simmel, Durkheim)
Decor – membership
Class – success – popularity – “happening”
Inside – outside – envelopment
Membership (Durkheim, Marx)
Membership (Durkheim, Marx)
Argot ('lingo', language, vocabulary and 'accent')
Recruitment -- population going in the right
direction? Increasing? Decreasing?
Join in – hover or jump right in
Forced or voluntary membership
Rules, symbols (Durkheim)
Sanctions: “Looks” to ostracism
Gender –
class – age – style hierarchies, breakdowns (Marx)
FOLLOW-THROUGH: What impact will this have on your life? What one thing can you “carry with
you” and apply – how is that working?
spirit - solution - optimism - pessimism
Beginning middle end
or “ongoing”
Sense of success or failure from the event for the participants.
technical requirements for this paper: see maureentabor dot com for a list
technical requirements for this paper: see maureentabor dot com for a list
I used the word in class, and I used it incorrectly.
but I like this one better http://www.audioenglish.net/dictionary/temerity.htm
but I like this one better http://www.audioenglish.net/dictionary/temerity.htm
Sunday, March 11
I have finished my major essay.. i feel so accomplished!! finals are next week! & i'm done with college forever!!
So much to do!!
I have to do a lot of math homework and finish my papers for my other classes. I need to boost my G.P.A. up. I guess that's life if we want to be successful. I need to do better in paper #3 to at least get a decent grade in soc 301. holy b-jesus!
Eco-Feminism! Presented with the SUS and FMLA! (GM5)
Hey there lovely readers! My name is Emmanuel Nunez. I'm the co-vice president of the Feminist Majority Leadership Alliance (FMLA) at cal state la. We advocate equality and a voice for women on campus. Our organization meets every other Wednesday at 3:15p in the Gender & Sexuality Resource Center located on the second floor of the University-Student Union (206).
Our next general meeting is titled Eco-Feminism! Please join us at this informative discussion.
Eco-Feminism is a social and political movement that points to the existence of considerable common ground between Environmentalism and Feminism. In collaboration with the Students United for Sustainability (SUS), we will have an informed panel, moderated by Dr. Alejandra Marchevsky of Liberal Studies, that will explain the parallels between the historical exploitation of the environment and the historical oppression of womyn.
Our next general meeting is titled Eco-Feminism! Please join us at this informative discussion.
Eco-Feminism is a social and political movement that points to the existence of considerable common ground between Environmentalism and Feminism. In collaboration with the Students United for Sustainability (SUS), we will have an informed panel, moderated by Dr. Alejandra Marchevsky of Liberal Studies, that will explain the parallels between the historical exploitation of the environment and the historical oppression of womyn.
TIME: This Wednesday! March 14th, 3:15p
LOCATION: Gender & Sexuality Resource Center at CSULA
Call me crazy,I'm still confused as to how we are supposed to start paper #3. Depending on what we choose we either write about our experience and how it involves our lives? For example going to the museum, how does that change or makes our lives any better or what? I'm still wondering how that will make 4 pages? thanks!
New puppy
My boyfriend gave a puppy yesterday, she is the cutest little dog I just want to pet her all day lol. Her name is Minnie, I have four dogs now, but I feel like this one is special, not just because my boyfriend gave it to me but because I feel like we had a connection, I can tell she also liked me :) now im going to go buy her a cute bed lol

Its hard to stay so active on this blog, when you have other things to do and its not like i can carry my big lap top everywhere, that is why i finally gave in and got my self an iphone. I have become so obsessed with it and i give so much credit to those who are off the grid because i would so not be able to do that.
Saturday, March 10
Good bye Until Tuesday
Even though i still didnt plan 100% for this i feel good and not as worryed about my phone then the last time. My son is with his grandmother for the weekend so i know he is safe and how to find him, and thats all that matter for me in my life is him, so im the Library and going to walk downtown and enjoy this day. Hope yall have a wondeful weekend and see you Tuesday 7:00pm dont forget !!!!!
Two more weeks
Two more weeks of school and my Soc 412 professor is gone mad. We have two papers left and a final smh what is he thinking. Man if I dont pass this class I'm not sure what I will do. I can see if i slack off or wasnt trying thing I wouldnt be so upset, but I feel I'm working my butt off....ugh this is the wrost year for me at CSULA :( but its okay today is a good day so I'm filled with joy just thought I get that off my chest.
My Iphone 4s rob right in front of my eyes :(
I guess I have no other choice but to really go off the Gird!! Wednesday am while at work, a student took my I phone of my desk. (I think I’m more upset because here I am trying to help these at risk drop out students better their life, and one of them steals from me) but it’s ok what goes around comes around. So I have been of the gird for 3 days. I'm on here today just to do some work. After class I was really going to go off the grid on my own. Now I feel like I’m force to go off the grid, because of my phone been going. Well I could buy another one, but I think I’m getting use to not having a phone. And sad to say I think I might like it. A lot in my life has change since class, I’m now taken public transportation, it has been over seven years since I have gotten on the bus, I forgot how much I really enjoyed riding the bus, you get to meet so many people and with my outgoing personality it’s so fun. Plus I get to ride Long Beach Transit bus for free because I work for CUSLB cool right.
i just made my self the best breakfast sandwich, consisted of over easy eggs, muenster cheese, avocado, shredded bell peppers..bomb.com... can't wait to make for tomorrow morning. have a good saturday y'all :)
I have so many things to do and so little time! Working full time and going to school full time has definitely been a challenge! I keep trying to think positive, but I am exhausted. :(
Culture Pot Luck. Please feel free to bring a food that represents your culture. Post your name and food item you will bring. Thank you all! Hope this helps bring us a little closer=) Also if you can answer a couple of questions on that day...1.WHY DID YOU CHOOSE THIS DISH? AND 2. WHAT DOES THE DISH MEAN TO YOUR FAMLIY OR COMMUNITY?
Food to me has always been a gate way to the soul. Families and friends can sit together with good food while talking and laughing all night long. Even strangers can have a sense of belonging because food transcends barriers. With the culture pot luck I wan t to create openness and candidness amongst each other. An open dialogue will help us to let go of any negative feelings we have as a community. So let's make a social movement within cultures and create a real MELTING POT.... ANY ONE READY FOR SOME Culture SOUP!!
Food to me has always been a gate way to the soul. Families and friends can sit together with good food while talking and laughing all night long. Even strangers can have a sense of belonging because food transcends barriers. With the culture pot luck I wan t to create openness and candidness amongst each other. An open dialogue will help us to let go of any negative feelings we have as a community. So let's make a social movement within cultures and create a real MELTING POT.... ANY ONE READY FOR SOME Culture SOUP!!
Matthieu Ricard on the Habits of Happiness
This is one of my favorite videos of TED talks.
I hope you find this video as inspiring and useful as I do.This is recommended to everyone, especially anyone in a relationship having problems, or letting go of someone they think they love but can't seem to be happy together or without them. This video talks about our anger, resentment, attachment and how moderation can help you become happier. Happiness starts in our minds...hopefully some of you actually watch it, is worth it!
I hope you find this video as inspiring and useful as I do.This is recommended to everyone, especially anyone in a relationship having problems, or letting go of someone they think they love but can't seem to be happy together or without them. This video talks about our anger, resentment, attachment and how moderation can help you become happier. Happiness starts in our minds...hopefully some of you actually watch it, is worth it!
Friday, March 9
Today not a happy friday nor TGIF
My motto in life is the unexpected is expected because I feel that things that sometimes happen in your life are sure unexpected. Such as today, one of my son's guinea pigs died. Very sad. I took him to the vet as soon as I could but still although all the efforts, I had to make the hardest decision that I was not expected to make in my life, putting the poor little thing to sleep.
Today has been very sad and tearful day. When I was at the vet's office all I could think of was how will I tell my son. I felt like I had failed as a mom because I was going to cause my son pain.
Losing a pet is horrible and learning how to cope with this loss will surely be a learning experience.
I know there's people that are not fans of guinea pigs or animals period but I think its very true that an animal does love you unconditionally. An animal doesn't care if you ugly or beautiful they love you and all they care if the love you give them.
Ugh.. I don't mean to depress anyone just had to let some of my feelings out. I have to say this has helped.
Today has been very sad and tearful day. When I was at the vet's office all I could think of was how will I tell my son. I felt like I had failed as a mom because I was going to cause my son pain.
Losing a pet is horrible and learning how to cope with this loss will surely be a learning experience.
I know there's people that are not fans of guinea pigs or animals period but I think its very true that an animal does love you unconditionally. An animal doesn't care if you ugly or beautiful they love you and all they care if the love you give them.
Ugh.. I don't mean to depress anyone just had to let some of my feelings out. I have to say this has helped.
For the past two weeks I have been so frustrated with work, school, and my children I just need a break I do not know if I am coming or going. To make things worse finals are coming and I don't know where to begin. I hope I do good on paper #3 for the past hour I have attempted to start but my mind is blank hummmph maybe I should just go to sleep and try again in the morning :-(
Officially Free.
After almost 2 weeks of being stuck at home, i am cleared to return to work :) but now, i don't want to go. My baby is nice n healthy and growing very fast! happy 4 months to me! :) my fiancee wants to take me out for some fresh air, but I'm too lazy. I think i'll call in a pizza :)
I've been seeing the p90x infomercials a lot and have always wanted to try it. However, I wasn't about to pay $120 plus shipping and handling which is another $20 for it. I found it for $60, I couldn't believe it. If anyone else wants it let me know.I was so excited to get it but haven't had the time to try it. Has anyone done it or want to do it? I need some motivation. Hopefully, I can get myself to do it and get in shape before summer.
I am literally dying at my job! It is so stressful, we have no benefits and we are encouraged to do a lot of shady things that I do not agree with! I have been applying every where for the past 3 months. There is a position that I recently applied for here at CSULA, and they will actually pay for my grad program!! I did my internship there and I have kept in contact with some of the administrators there. I heard yesterday that there was 200 application turned in (6 of the were mine). I want this job so bad! I feel if I were to work here, my life would change dramatically! My physical and mental health would highly benefit from it!!! Wish me good luck everyone!!!
Thursday, March 8
we are near the end...
This quarter has gone by too fast... I cant believe we have one week left and it's FINALS WEEK!!! although, this quarter was difficult I feel that I learned the most not only academically but about myself.
P.S the blogs saved me! when ever I was confused or lost reading the everyone's comments really cleared things up for me. THANK YOU to everyone...
P.S the blogs saved me! when ever I was confused or lost reading the everyone's comments really cleared things up for me. THANK YOU to everyone...
lesson learned
I bought a motorcycle a couple of months ago for all the wrong reasons... and when i finally admitted to myself the true reasons behind such an expensive purchase i was determined to sell the bike and make it a $5,000 lesson. But recently one of my classmates from the motorcycle safety course i took found me on facebook and has offered to go out for a spin. and i'm hoping that with this encounter i can transform the purchase of this bike into something positive. Regardless, if it works out or not i'm happy that i learned something new and never again will i do something or buy something to latch on to a failed relationship or a guy. lesson was learned, i think i'm finally coming into my own.
Wednesday, March 7
hello, everyone I hope i did not miss much today. I have been in the Hospital since sunday afternoon and just got released today. I swear I HATE hospitals they are so depressing and there was always some one more sick than you next to you. Hospitals gross me the hell out, i do not ever want to go back to a hospital again.
Day Class - 1:30
I will unfortunately be missing today's class. I'm going to San Diego to surprise my mom and younger sister. It is their birthday today! I can't wait to see the look on their faces.
If anyone can inform me on what happened in today's class, that would be wonderful. Thanks.
Have a great weekend!
If anyone can inform me on what happened in today's class, that would be wonderful. Thanks.
Have a great weekend!
Tuesday, March 6
Kony 2012
This movement is great, but do you think this mobilization can exist within our own country,in order to change hegemonic ideals of greed that have transcended on to other countries. in forms of power.
PAPER #2 :(
I did horrible on paper #2. I need to consider proof reading my paper before turning it in because that cause me my grade and I also need to make my points more ellaborate. I'm very disappointed in myself; however, I will do better on paper #3 and my final. :)
Lol....toooooo funny
He thinks It's Kool to sit on my laptop already I moved him like 10 times n still continues to sit on ma keyboard lol...
paper 3
I'm pretty excited for paper 3. It seems pretty interesting, especially since we pick our topic. I did great on paper one but I definately didn't do my best on paper 2 so this next one's going to be a big come back! Good luck everyone!
Graduation postponed!
My expected graduation was for this June, but I have decided to postpone it till next June 2013. I will be doing a program for social work which will benefit me to get hands on experience. That way when I apply for a job as a social worker they see that i have experience. I'm happy about it, why pressure myself in trying to finish. I wanted to graduate with my friends but oh well i'll make new friends for next year. lol
Bummed out!
I'm a bit bummed out about my grade for paper#2. I got a 'C'. I got a 'B' on paper #1, so seeing a 'C' was like ahhhhhh. I understand now why it was a'C', it was a couple of things that I missed. For one my paper was late, I numbered the abstact page, the reference page was so bad. I know how to do ASA format, but this one i was confused because Tabor blogged to a student about referencing 'The Stranger' a different way, well i guess I misunderstood. It seemed to good to be true so i thought oh, okay i guess that's the way it's supposed to be. Oh well, Tabor said that the only way to improve this grade was to do a superb job in paper #3. I will cross my fingers. I'm stressed out now!!!! I could do it. Wanted to blog about how I felt.
Commencement is abt inspirat'n & acheivement
help us identify outstanding graduates whose achievements are newsworthy so we may
showcase them. It is helpful to know if they are
planning to attend Commencement (nice but is not essential).
are looking for seniors or master’s candidates who have:
• achieved extraordinary academic distinction,
• provided outstanding service to the community,
• earned a degree despite personal hardships or disabilities
• majored in an unusual or non-traditional field, and/or
• traveled down a fun, interesting and unique path to graduation.
... share with us other human-interest stories about students who’ve made tremendous positive transformations at CSULA. Provide the following about students whose story you suggest:
brief description (major, city of residence,
student’s outstanding story, etc.)
contact info (email and phone number, if
name and phone number of nominating
Please distribute
this LINK to others who may be aware of outstanding students. Thank
you. For more info, call Paul Browning or Margie Low
at (323) 343-3050. mail SUBMISSIONS to the Public Affairs Office, #8580-01, Admin. 819 or e-mailed to paffairs@cslanet.calstatela.edu.
Monday, March 5
Change: Is the capitalism an obsolete economic system?
The celebration of birth and death has been a significant part of human history. Technological development has led to great change throughout human history.
Is it possible that technological development has made Capitalism and any other Monetary "Economic" System obsolete? Technology gives us the power to provide everyone in the world with the basic necessities of life.
Maybe we need to mourn the death of capitalism...you be the judge! :D LINKS BELOW. What is a resource based economy? --->http://www.theresourcebasedeconomy.com/2011/06/will-a-resource-based-economy-work/
Change ----> http://blog.thezeitgeistmovement.com/blog/taunia-roberts/technological-advancements-create-revolutions
Is it possible that technological development has made Capitalism and any other Monetary "Economic" System obsolete? Technology gives us the power to provide everyone in the world with the basic necessities of life.
Maybe we need to mourn the death of capitalism...you be the judge! :D LINKS BELOW. What is a resource based economy? --->http://www.theresourcebasedeconomy.com/2011/06/will-a-resource-based-economy-work/
Change ----> http://blog.thezeitgeistmovement.com/blog/taunia-roberts/technological-advancements-create-revolutions
This weekend I went to see the movie GOOD DEEDS. It was a great movie- even though it was predictable. I enjoy a love story. It makes me happy to see a movie with positive Black people. Thank goodness for Tyler Perry. In the movie the main character had to learn to put himself first, in doing so, he had to walk in his employee shoes. Without giving up to much of the movie- I believe that this movie could teach others not to judge a book by its cover. This is what i will be doing for my paper(walking in someone else's shoes). From a sociological stand point ii will become the stranger and the observer on how others perceive me; and letting my subjective views fly out the window. I hope to walk away with a better understanding of my person of choice- 2 learn from this experience- and t0o pass on GOOD DEEDS across the globe.
“The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshit story you keep telling yourself as to why you can't achieve it.”
― Jordan Belfort
― Jordan Belfort
Is there anyone in the Holocaust Group who has not gone yet, or is there anyone from another group who would like to go with me? I was not able to make it with my group because my court appearance was longer than expected. For the ones who were supportive and was wondering what happened............... not much. I have to go again on March 13 and the case will be dismissed. My daughter's father has not done some court ordered things (parenting classes etc) and he should have done them PRIOR to filing custody amendments. Until he has completed them he cannot have anymore visitation than his monitored one hour a week. I so have the upper hand. Lol He wants to amend my sole legal and physical custody order. He's an idiot. I'm not worried about anything. But anyway, thanks..................
Rummage Sale
The campus police department has a sale of lost and found items every six months on campus. The last time around I bought two new flash drives for .50 cents each and a Verizon cell phone for $15. The cell phone had no damage, scratches, or internal damage; it is priced online for $100. What a steal. It's this coming Wednesday March 7 from 9am-12pm in front of the Physical Education Building. Come early to get the good stuff, there is usually a line. There were nice laptop computers, bikes, etc. Cash only folks. I always get excited about junk; hope to see you guys there. I plan to be there around 11am.
my terrible sister
my weekend sucked major booty and two days later it is still bothering me...
it was my dad's bday on saturday and i was so excited that we (my sibblings and I) decided to join forces and buy my dad this expensive tool box from sears. my sister volunteered to buy it and pick it up, on top of that we made reservations for this brazilian restaurant. my sister not only gets there late but then forgot to buy the gift after i had been reminding her for two weeks. i was so upset that we gave my dad the money which i know he would only spend on bills. the next day my dad calls me to tell me that he co-signed for a new car for my sister....rewarding bad behavior. a day later im still irritated... i cant beleive this girl is my sister!!! she is someone i would never talk to if she wasnt my sister. she is 32 years old and i'm always having to cover her bad behavior, especially when her husband calls me looking for her...i have to lie and pretend she just left... eventhough i havent seen her in weeks!!! geez
it was my dad's bday on saturday and i was so excited that we (my sibblings and I) decided to join forces and buy my dad this expensive tool box from sears. my sister volunteered to buy it and pick it up, on top of that we made reservations for this brazilian restaurant. my sister not only gets there late but then forgot to buy the gift after i had been reminding her for two weeks. i was so upset that we gave my dad the money which i know he would only spend on bills. the next day my dad calls me to tell me that he co-signed for a new car for my sister....rewarding bad behavior. a day later im still irritated... i cant beleive this girl is my sister!!! she is someone i would never talk to if she wasnt my sister. she is 32 years old and i'm always having to cover her bad behavior, especially when her husband calls me looking for her...i have to lie and pretend she just left... eventhough i havent seen her in weeks!!! geez
i dont have internet access at home so it is kind of hard to blog on the blogger....
yes it sucks! lol
but i just found out that their is an app for this on my android phone :) isnt that great lol i dint know wished i would of known sooner would of been more active on the blog!
yes it sucks! lol
but i just found out that their is an app for this on my android phone :) isnt that great lol i dint know wished i would of known sooner would of been more active on the blog!
Being home all day...
Blows. Even with cable, there is nothing interesting to watch on TV between 8am and 4pm. I can't believe i actually miss work. I'm sure when i return those feelings will QUICKLY go away. i feel fine but i have a few weeks more of this. The only bright side is my babysitter comes to me and picks my son up. Nice.
Soc 390
Has anyone taken Social Reseach Methods? Also does anyone have the book, might looking to sell it?
Sunday, March 4
Cali weather
It's a beautiful day in Cali. I'm really enjoying the weather this weekend. I did alot of out doors events. I went to the park, pool party, and a welcome back soldier BBQ. I really enjoyed myself. Im headed to the gym and catching an earl matinee with my bestfriend later. I'm going to finish my fun filled weekend off with homework and reading lol :-)
Saturday, March 3
Emotions, emotions, and emotions!
I know i am posting this a bit late, but i just want to comment and thank MT and all classmates for Wednesday's class. It was an emotional, helpful, and encouraging class. My heart and blessings goes out to all of you, and i hope you all know, and believe that you are all special, strong, and beautiful human beings. Know that there is always a light at the end of the tunnel, no matter how hard time gets, just believe and have faith that you will succeed and over come. Hang in there everyone, it will get better, and good things will come in due time. You will see :)
Recap of Tuesday night class
Hello Classmates,
I spoke to Professor Tabor and she told me that the night class was great last Tuesday and I don't doubt that! But, unfortunately I couldn't make it. I would like to know if someone can fill me in on the "group thing" and the topic. I hate missing class because I enjoy this class and I also do not like falling behind because it makes feel disconnected. Can someone please fill me in? Thank you!!! =)
I spoke to Professor Tabor and she told me that the night class was great last Tuesday and I don't doubt that! But, unfortunately I couldn't make it. I would like to know if someone can fill me in on the "group thing" and the topic. I hate missing class because I enjoy this class and I also do not like falling behind because it makes feel disconnected. Can someone please fill me in? Thank you!!! =)
Wednesday, February 29
Day class
Enjoyed the bond and the emotions expressed today during class. Although I'm a bit shy I felt good speaking about basically anything. It's funny how I can't speak in front of a classroom with classmates, and at the community college that I work at I administer exams for students which requires that i speak for about 10 to 15 minutes regarding test procedures and other information. I have been doing that for the past 6 years. I wonder why that is. :)
today's class
Was by far one of the best experiences I've ever had an any class. I know for a fact that I will always remember and cherish this class and especially this day. I've never been one to talk much in class because I feel that pressure of when I open my mouth I have to me absolutely 100% correct. I don't know if it's just something subconscious or if it's the fact that I don't want to ask or say something stupid in front of my class mates/ teacher. Anyways, point being was that in today's open discussion I didn't feel that burden I always felt like I had the ability to say anything without being judged, maybe that's why I felt that I spoke so much.
I don't know if any of you noticed that while other people were talking I was doodling on my notebook. I've always seemed to listen better as I doodle and also because seeing how emotional people were getting, which i'm so happy they felt at liberty to do so, I felt i couldn't look at them. Not for any bad reasons but because I know myself and when I see someone getting emotional I immediately start to channel their feelings and i'd start to cry myself. I might be a little too empathetic sometimes.
I don't know if any of you noticed that while other people were talking I was doodling on my notebook. I've always seemed to listen better as I doodle and also because seeing how emotional people were getting, which i'm so happy they felt at liberty to do so, I felt i couldn't look at them. Not for any bad reasons but because I know myself and when I see someone getting emotional I immediately start to channel their feelings and i'd start to cry myself. I might be a little too empathetic sometimes.
long story short, the discussion was great because it made me feel like i'm not the only one with these hidden struggles. I've always known that other people go through things but it's one thing to know and another thing to see/ hear them first hand. I'm so glad we had the ability to do this in class, i think more teachers should definitively do activities like these more!
Today's class
I loved the way Tabor handled the class today. I felt like connected with all at a comfortable level as well as emotional. My intentions were not to let out my tears and cry, but I couldnt help it. I felt relieved letting out my thoughts on my current situation...
My thoughts have changed and I recognize that I can do all that I want too.
I have a more positive way of thinking on reaching my expectations thanks to your advice! I want to thank you all for your feedback! you all helped me understand in a more clear view that I can manage my time and still do all that I want too :)
much love and respect,
<3 Leslie
My thoughts have changed and I recognize that I can do all that I want too.
I have a more positive way of thinking on reaching my expectations thanks to your advice! I want to thank you all for your feedback! you all helped me understand in a more clear view that I can manage my time and still do all that I want too :)
much love and respect,
<3 Leslie
I appreciate the fact that MT had us in a circle again with the green pod and hearing everyone's thoughts and regards with school and other things. It made me realize that we're somewhat the same and not so different:
After class, I called my mom and bawled, letting her know how appreciative I was of her and my dad's support while I finish school but when this quarter started I was really homesick. There was no one I can talk to, I really didn't have friends and my living situation sucked. But I realized I couldn't stop now and let them down, or myself for that matter. To me, there's no place like home but this struggle is only a part of life and we all overcome it.
I wanted to refrain from getting emotional and said something short so might as well express it on the blog.
After class, I called my mom and bawled, letting her know how appreciative I was of her and my dad's support while I finish school but when this quarter started I was really homesick. There was no one I can talk to, I really didn't have friends and my living situation sucked. But I realized I couldn't stop now and let them down, or myself for that matter. To me, there's no place like home but this struggle is only a part of life and we all overcome it.
I wanted to refrain from getting emotional and said something short so might as well express it on the blog.
| ||
If anyone gets this before class today (Wednesday) would you please let MT know I will not be there. My SOC 412 class was cancelled and I decided to come home. I have TONS to do to get ready for being "off the grid" anyway. Hate to miss class but I will see everyone on Monday. Thanks - Gayle
Tuesday, February 28
Museum of Tolerance is $11.50 with student ID. On the weekends they are closed on Saturdays, open Sundays from 11a.m till 5p.m. On the weekdays i know most people work and or course we have school so maybe the weekday would not work. Also, The Gene Autry museum is free on the 2nd tuesday of the month. The tickets are $6 dlrs with a student ID. Not bad.
10. go off the grid
I'm going 10 days - and 3 night time and I think 5 day time are going 7 days and then re-assessing. I am preparing and preparing so that I don't "go off the wagon." I plan to keep a journal: one page each morning and one page each night. Wednesday night before March 1st will be my first entry. I also plan to keep a big list of projects done. I think I'll light candles each night as I take out my pen and paper. This is the biggest group. Maybe we can start Digital Anonymous when we are done. We have only one day to post here - then we must communicate telepathically.
9. ride alongs
I think there are four in the day, and now one at night. Use this post to join forces and possibly to share notes. Maybe you do not share your unique insights, but you can share some basics, like how busy, what types of calls--that sort of thing.
7. become someone you are not
day students with some interesting plans to dress up then dress way way down in same territory - going so far as to seem homeless if not homeless and pregnant, and maybe even applying for welfare. One person will join the community of dog-people - and I suggest you watch this set of three videos for that
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vuOVBgypTyQ and the evening is adding a person who is "dolling up" with hair extensions and maybe some more officially "femmy" clothing. Join forces here: plans, laughs, insights, etc.
5. Thursday politics
night's Mr. Ramos will try to find Lola (whom he knows) and "Mr. Practical" to join forces. Good!
3. club: gay club or strip club
a few in the day and three in the night. could use this post to join forces and share ideas . . . It would be great to see if you can apply what we learned in the film about gender to the gay bar: what can be seen of gender styles there?
2. Church, Temple, synagogue, Buddhist temple
3 night people and maybe one day person, Ms. Fogg-Sullivan.
Ms. Fogg, comment here - the night people are going together to 2 places, one Buddhist and also to Michael Beckwith's Agape Church in Culver City. Join them!
Ms. Fogg, comment here - the night people are going together to 2 places, one Buddhist and also to Michael Beckwith's Agape Church in Culver City. Join them!
1. Collect $$, pack lunches, distribute
charity! What a fun project. No one is going to hop on it, but someone should suggest it to your Soc professor the first week of the next quarter.
Write it up like a recipe:
Sociological Consciousness
25 Sociology students
$1 each
etc etc. ... do the entire project with the goal of writing a project manual for many sociology classes to come: those who wish to be part of the solution rather than to analyze the problem.
Write it up like a recipe:
Sociological Consciousness
25 Sociology students
$1 each
etc etc. ... do the entire project with the goal of writing a project manual for many sociology classes to come: those who wish to be part of the solution rather than to analyze the problem.
class was fun tonight
I'll now try to post on each of the 13 topics and get day and night together where possible.
paper 2
just finished writing the paper but not to enthusiastic on the quality of the paper, i probably shouldn't of waited till last minute. but i got it done! i learned my lesson i gotta get on the ball especially when taking 16 units
Ok, well I've been having many things on my head. I need help on one. I don't know whether to get a new car or use the money I have and take some trips instead? I've always wanted to travel and now is my opportunity, but then I want another car. The one I currently have works ok, but after my car accident it makes a lot of noise. They told me it would be less than $1000 to fix it. That means the left over money would be used for trips. But then again I want another car. What would you guys do? Help, please! :D Thanks.
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