Monday, March 26


I want to see my grades already ahh it's taking forever for them to be posted.


  1. I'm nervous about it. I hope I did better on paper #3 then I did on paper #2. I remember Tabor saying the first day of class that if she saw that we blogged constantly and our papers were not that great then she would give us a descent grade.

  2. Me too! I've been checking get constantly lol I know they are due by the 30th

  3. Grades are posted by the college and don't usually show up until the date they say - the 30th in this case. It is hard to wait. Has anyone heard from MT with a copy of our paper #3 with changes?

  4. I have not sent out the emails yet. grades in the system first. then all the emails will go out at the same time. The grades are due from all prof's by 9AM tomorrow morning - so I suspect they will not be out for students until Thursday morning.

  5. I was checking for my grades so much that GET knows who I am lol.
