Wednesday, March 14

Nearing the End

It deeply saddens me that this class will end soon, and the possibility of losing a great instructor at this school is on the table. I have had the best college experience while taking this one writing class. MT has taught me more than what was on the syllabus she prepared as a foundation for my learning. Wherever her journey takes her I wish I could go too. I'm not ready to say goodbye to you guys either. The laughs and tears we have shared is a side of CSULA I didn't know we had. I had such a bad experience thus far, but taking this class has given me hope and a new trust in people. Don't mean to get mushy, it's just my life has opened up in a way I never knew existed and it's all because of one person who followed her heart and took the unconventional road. Love you MT, you will never be forgotten.


  1. oh, how sweet. I know that Alligator was already a sweetheart 10 weeks ago, so it gladdens me deeply to hear that alligator has been enriched by our combined experience in 301. everytime we see a smile by others or give our to them - as in the video in the post below, which is right here for a copy/paste. let me know how you enjoy it.

  2. Ok. I will watch this after dinner and comment tomorrow. Have a good night.
