Thursday, March 8

lesson learned

I bought a motorcycle a couple of months ago for all the wrong reasons... and when i finally admitted to myself the true reasons behind such an expensive purchase i was determined to sell the bike and make it a $5,000 lesson. But recently one of my classmates from the motorcycle safety course i took found me on facebook and has offered to go out for a spin. and i'm hoping that with this encounter i can transform the purchase of this bike into something positive. Regardless, if it works out or not i'm happy that i learned something new and never again will i do something or buy something to latch on to a failed relationship or a guy. lesson was learned, i think i'm finally coming into my own.

1 comment:

  1. best lessons are the hard ones we learn from our mistakes. congratulations. you can devise a little giftie (gold star? a swim? a pedicure? a note in a diary?) that you give yourself when you learn from something .... stupid ... ( : ) ) that you did. Good!
