Monday, March 12

Some things to think about for Paper #3

Solitary:   WRITE NOW one  page on what  you expect
Space – Territory - feeling (Simmel, Durkheim)
Decor – membership
Class – success – popularity – “happening”
Inside – outside – envelopment
Membership (Durkheim, Marx)
Argot ('lingo', language, vocabulary and 'accent')
Recruitment -- population going in the right direction?  Increasing?  Decreasing?
Join in – hover or jump right in
Forced or voluntary membership
Rules, symbols (Durkheim)
Sanctions:  “Looks” to ostracism
Gender – class – age – style hierarchies, breakdowns (Marx) 
FOLLOW-THROUGH:  What impact will this have on your life?  What one thing can you “carry with you” and apply – how is that working?
spirit - solution - optimism - pessimism

Beginning middle end  or “ongoing”

Sense of success or failure from the event for the participants. 

technical requirements for this paper:  see maureentabor dot com for a list


  1. How long? Any required citations? If so, how many?

  2. max four pages
    citations - I'm going to read paper #2 first before I decide.

  3. Missed class on Monday, I blogged about it as to why I would be absent and will turn in paper #2 tomorrow. I know that it is late. :(. So is this draft due tomorrow Wednesday?

  4. no - this paper is not going to be due until Friday March 16th at midnight. it will be handed in via email and in a very particular fashion - I'll tell you the naming protocols next time we meet. if you prefer to hand it in hard copy, then it will be due the Tuesday or Wednesday prior, march 13 or 14.
    the NOTE YOU WRITE ABOUT YOUR EXPECTATIONS - WHAT YOU EXPECT TO SEE AND EXPERIENCE - are for your own preparation for the paper.

  5. Is the solitary one page paper on what we expect also due with paper #3 or is it a reference to get our ideas together for the paper?

  6. PB: it's for your use, your reference, to allow you to see better. It is not to be handed in. Rather, fold it into your paper as you see fit.
