Friday, March 16

Move and Move Again

Just sent Paper #3 to MT. YAY!  One down and now SOC 412 final to complete.

I received word yesterday that my roommate and I have to move from our house at the end of June.  It has been a great deal - $600 between the two of us - because I previously lived next door to this house and knew the elderly lady who moved in with her daughter out in Palmdale.  But, they want to rent it to another neighbor who is building a new house and can pay them $1500. It makes total sense and I am so grateful my roommate has been here for 4 years and I moved in nearly two years ago.  I am moving to Boston in September anyway so it is kinda a hassle but this news will force me to get my butt in gear and get rid of a lot of the furniture and things I still have.  And, also decide which items I can move across the country with me - it won't be much!  My dog and I will move in with a friend in Monrovia for July and August until school gets out the first week in September.  So, we will survive.

Anyway, changes, changes and life goes on.   Have a good weekend and Happy Saint Patrick's Day.  If you drive, don't drink and if you drink don't drive!! And, be careful out there.  Saint Patrick's Day on a Saturday night gives people an excuse to over indulge.


  1. i wish u luck in Boston and i hope everything falls into place for you...i know moving is hard and annoying but once u settle in its the best feeling in the world trust me i have been there before...i wish u well and take care of your lil doggy kuz they are the most loyal creatures ever...even more than people

  2. Amen to the dog issue that's for sure. My dog and I would live in our car before we ever part. Moving - I never moved as a child and only once during my 22 year marriage (we separated and I moved a mile away for a year) but since my divorce I have moved and downsized many times so it is much easier when you don't own as much and keep it simple. But there are still so many items even trying to live a minimalist life!!! LOL. Anyway, it will all work out and, you are right, each move feels a bit better. Less stuff, more time for what is important in life.

  3. Hey how is ur final going in 412 I'm so stuck idk Wat to do!!!!! I wanna scream!! It's not that's it's hard I just find myself repeating what I said already ! Seem like for Marx he states the same thing about class and change ugh how are you doing with it? I'm just going to write what I know the best and pray that he likes it. If I don't past that class I might just go into a stage of depression , I been at it since Thursday, I haven't went out watch tv , I went to the library rented several books to help! Well hopefully ur having a better time at it than me :) good luck :)

  4. I wish I had read this earlier .... sorry ........ i feel the same way. I a getting an A in the class so thankfully I didn't even need an A to keep my A (hope that makes sense) but I always try to get an A if possible. I just did the best I could. I don't quite get Weber and I ended up comparing Marx, Du Bois and Gilman. Anyway, I hope you did okay. I emailed her at the end and told her I am sure I left some stuff out but I did the best I could. Yes, I agree, sometimes you just keep repeating yourself. Are you in 414 next quarter? I am taking the day class. - Gayle
