Wednesday, May 18

Your a Pimp?

Ok so I know this is so random but I havn't talked to anyone about it and I kind of wanted to share with yall. Well this past weekend my friend's dance team had a performance in SD. I went with them and we got hotel rooms and we was just partying having a ball, doing what we do. Of course these two girls on the team, they are a hot mess but they meet these two guys around the hotel and start talkin to them. Well you know I was making my rounds to everyone and met up with them. Now one of the guys was so fine and we started talking exchange numbers; that whole bit. So we talked whole night, he just moved out there 2 weeks ago from the bay and tellin me all about himself. He seemed like a real nice, sweet guy. WELL little did I know we have been talkin these past couple days and he tells me well girl you seem real cool but I need to tell you something and you might not like it but I want to be 100 with you. So then this fool proceeds to tell me how hes a for real a pimp. I was in so much shock, like he look so young and seem so shy I couldn't believe it. He was telling me about how him and his brother were there that night because one of his brother's "girls" was working and they were just doing what they do.I am still in so much disbelief, on one hand Im like this crazy mutha you not wut is so shady and I want to call the cops on them and totally disapprove of what they do and how they treat women and make money off of it. Then on the other hand I believe I have this flaw that always wants to see the good in people and Im here trying to rationalize it like well he was telling me how this is the way to get fast money right now, he did not have the opportunities that other people have to go to college and he sends money home to his younger sisters and brothers and this is only temporary til he can get his stuff together, and he would never mistreat a woman..... WOW I don't even know what to say


  1. wild. a pimp with a theory-of-self from Robert Merton.

  2. How long do you suppose it will take him to "get his stuff together" while he is pimping? He gets reinforced by fast money. He likely won't change until negative consequences are imposed = getting arrested. It seems like another case of someone breaking the rules until someone else forces him to be ethical. Yeah, he sounds like a "real nice, sweet guy" ...
