Tuesday, May 31

Woman Power

What do you guys think about this?? I agree with her!


  1. i loveee beyonce! but yea she definitely had a good point.. even though the song tries to be empowering its very contradicting to the reality women face today in this society.. even though we have had improvement in giving women a voice over years, we still face inequality and have a long way too go..

  2. I actually posted this EXACT video two days ago...

  3. Happy, I was like.. what the, where did my comment go? LOL
    Funny, you DID post this video two days ago.

  4. Awesome video is awesome. Beyonce can perform the shit out of that song, but it's such glaring misinformation in light of the fact that women do 2/3 of the world's work, yet only take home 10% of the actual profits, and own only 2% of the property. :/

  5. haha that funny u did.lol. man i shouldve seen this blog before putting it.lol.

  6. http://i.imgur.com/DumuT.jpg

    This was in response to comment about Jay-Z to kind of help this video a little more.

  7. Also, I'd rather have one problem (beyonce) than 99. That's in reference to the picture.
