Tuesday, May 31

A Quote from a Respectable Professor @ CSULA

Yeheudi Webster "Argue the argument, Not the arguer" --> personal attacks reflect how people have not let go of their nonrational tendencies. Biblical, Aristotle, Rousseau, Marxist and Satyr (BARMS) a reason why the foundation of our educational system has failed over the past centuries onto students rational thinking and new inventions.


  1. Personal attacks. Very interesting.

    obviously you have been in the classroom TOO LONG... whites are beneficiaries of this social political economic capitalist system since the beginning of 1492, and if you believe racism does not exist check out the bohemian club (youtube it) and what their agenda is about, and remember racism is not real until you experience it, you cant just only read about it, you need to feel it and see it with your own eyes. TELL THE NATIVE AMERICANS THAT RACISM DOES NOT EXIST along with your agenda of being the only "poster child at csula"and see what answer you get from them. Im sorry for saying this too rough, and and I apologize to Professor Tabor as well for saying what im about to, but you have a BIG POWER Issue and trying to do something for yourself at school and trying to add something like starting a "white power club" onto your resume is pathetic and selfish just so you get brownie points and acceptance in the white society! Your views disgust me and instead if you truly want to learn stuff outside of your world go live next to homeless for a week and let them tell you why this "white powered society" that you believe in, dumps them in cities and label and portray them the way they do in the media for others to be afraid to give them One Fucking Dollar to just EAT when they pass by them in the streets! You wont be change at CSULA you will be eaten up as student just like everyone else that's a student thanks to ROSSER! As for people in the South and in the North who are considered as "white trash" well guess what sweetie they are not the minority still because they suck up more money from welfare and are given those priorities over BLACKS, LATINOS, MEXICANS, ASIANS, and any other ethnicity in our society. Get your HEAD some Power help by a counselor, theyre free at school. Also change your WASA to something that sounds less fucking prejudice like KKK lol or something else with your sugar coating use of words!
    May 30, 2011 3:38 PM

    Dated May 30th, 2011, 3:38PM

    Personal attacks. Hrm.. Argue the argument, not the arguer.
    I have a word for you.
    H Y P O C R I T E

  2. I have a better quote for you. Let he/she who has no sin, throw the first stone.

    OUCH~ you threw it right it my eye.

  3. At first it seemed like an academic exercise to express my argument and why I think your WASA group has its fallacies written all over it and why you might as well call it something else, (starting with the president and having an inferiority complex with other ethnicity's way of bonding in order to overcome the hardships that they deal with having a "white culture" dominate their views) It seems like it is hard for you to assimilate to this White culture that you feel and think you are part of. I give you facts that are seen and experienced on a day to day basis and even explain how other groups would view you because I am obviously part of them ex Native Americans.You being of Asian descent(as you have stated in other blogs) is even hypocritical because you are trying to bash your own and others ethnicity groups at school, while trying to blend in with the white culture that has not accepted you whatsoever hence you believe you will be "a poster child". As your comments progress onto my blogs for this last week and now with you throwing your stones in your own eye lol I believe your comments are LAME, and will continue to only affect you. So stop taking everything I say so personal, and understand that not everyone will agree with your opinions/answers.
