Sunday, May 29

Go for it!!!

In 20 years,
you will be more disappointed
by what you did'nt do
than by what you did.


  1. lol
    it only took me 6 years to realize that.

  2. Yes i have already felt that feeling thats why now i go for it. If its meant to be it will be and if not at least I tried :-)

  3. This is so true. That is why we need to live life to the fullest without regrets and without dwelling on the past. It will do no good!

  4. i agree with the no dwelling. People should not ruminate on past events or words. Remember the good times live in the now and make a better tomorrow for yourself

  5. that is all true but sometimes the past isn't as easy to get away from. I believe that it is better to always remember about the past even though it might not always be what we hoped it was because we can learn from our mistakes. Honestly i used to always believe that forget about the past and just live life to the fullest but sometimes you cannot live life to the fullest without addressing your past. If you don't fix things you left pending then you cannot be happy because your conscious will make you feel terrible. At the same time, you cannot just life by trying to fix your past because you will miss the importance of living. After saying that, i just want to end by saying that for everything if your looking at your past or future just use your best judgement to make things happen!(whether good or bad).
