Hope everyone else is enjoying their weekend.
Saturday, April 30
This is my first post, i usually comment on people's posts, but tonight i would like to vent. if you do not want to hear me bitch (excuse my language)then pass over my post.
This is my last quarter and i find it to be the hardest, not because of the curriculum but because my grandmother is passing away.I have been preparing myself for this moment for about a year now and yet i am not ready. My grandmother is a strong woman but her time is ending and i am unable to let her go.
I am grateful that it is happening gradually so i can say good bye and spend time with her but i hate seeing her suffer, in and out of the hospital, seeing my grandma on morphine hurts me bc it confuses her and she can't think straight, grant it yes it is helping her pain but she's different. My family alternates nights, one with grandpa and one with grandma at the hospital
I spend two nights out of the week with my grandparents and it is exhausting.
Any words of encouragement would help.....i am tired, but i also know my grandmother is too.
P.s Sorry for being a Debbie Downer,
but thank you for reading my post...i needed to get it off my chest
Friday, April 29
Thursday, April 28
Snappy Title

What a brilliant show. Deals with so many issues like racism, classism, sexism, and I'm sure any other -ism you can think of. I swear, it must be some sort of sociology degree in and of itself once the series is completed. Clearly it doesn't hold the same 'educational' value as a university degree might, but if you have the right kind of brain, this show will cover basically everything you could think to cover in any and all sociology classes. Just in a clever, outrageous sort of way. I bet even 'mayon-egg' is mentioned in a class somewhere.
Trippy Disney Collage Time!
Wednesday, April 27
My doggie is back home!
Its been a month since my girl dog TY became ill. We have been in and out of the vet since then. for the last three days she's been staying at the vet over night. I picked her up today. I am so happy to see her back at home. She suffers from megaesophagus and at the moment has pneumonia. I feel like im taking care of a new born baby, which i dnt mind at all. As long as she gets better, i would do anything for her. It will take extra care to get her back on her normal weight and i know she is strong enough to get through this.
Having One Of those Days
I feels as if I have so much to write about, but once i start typing, nothing makes sense... Writers blockage!!! >:O
Bad Experience
Today was such a beautiful day and I was in a great mood. I was happy that I was almost done with my paper and studying, but it was all ruined by this person who I completely trusted. I had a really bad experience with this person and now I don't know how to react to it.
NO CUTS COALITION::they say cut back, we say FIGHT BACK!
Thursday, April, 28th from 3:15-420 in the Los Angeles Room of the USU on the third floor, No Cuts Coalition will be hosting a forum to discuss the next steps that we must take to ensure our education during these times of mass budget cuts. Everyone's opinion and ideas are valued so I hope that you could be there. Please tell your student organizations,friends and teachers. Our voice has to be heard, not only for us but for the future generations as well!!! Also, N.C.C. holds meetings to organize against the cuts every thursady at 3:15 in King Hall room C4077. MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD. PEACE!
A Land Destroyed
This is a trailer of a documentary called "The Garden." In 2006, the largest urban garden in the United States was destroyed out of greed. The 14 acre farm served 350 families in and around South Central. To this day the land remains barren. If anyone is interested I have it on DVD.
Sociological Evolution
Really stuck out as the song examines the sociological evolution of man and violence. The chorus states "This is evolution...monkey, man then the gun."
Pre-School Bullying
About a week ago, I took my one-year old son outside to play with some of the kids in my apartment building. This was his first time outside because I wasn't too confident is his walking since it's only been a few months since he started. The children who were outside were ages 3 (boy), 3 (boy), 3 (girl) and 8 (girl). At first I was being an overprotective mother but then I convinced myself to let him venture off on his own so that he could learn to be more social without my prescence (which he had no problem with). As I sat back and observed the children, I began to notice a pattern. It seemed as if the younger children were picking on my son (the 8-year old basically left the other children alone and did her own thing). So, I decided to pay close attention to what the children were doing and saying. I noticed that whenever my son picked up a toy (all of which were his own that I brought outside for him to play with) one of the 3-year olds would take it away from him and tell him "No, no baby." There was also a lot of snatching from him and saying "Haha! You can't have it" and then running away from him. Also, the children would not let him play any of their little games they invented on the spot. He was completely left out of their little alliance. Of course, as a mother, it really pissed me off to see these children mistreating my son but I allowed them to continue and only interfered when my son began to become upset. I didn't take him outside to conduct an observation, but once I noticed this "bullying" pattern, I wanted to pay close attention. My son did not seem to care about the other children and their antics; whenever they took something away from him, he found something else to occupy his time. However, this did make me wonder, is bullying something natural? I know that these children's parents did not teach them to pick on someone who is younger and smaller than they are, yet, I was watching it happen right before my eyes. They did not pick on those of their own size, only my little 1-year old. One of the 3-year old boys physically pushed my son TWICE because he leaned in to give him a kiss (he's a very affectionate child). My instinct was to defend my son but I just picked him up and took him away from the little boy. This really made me wonder where this type of behavior is learned and if it is not learned, where these children got these instincts from.
By the end of the day, the mother in me wanted to kick some pre-school butt!! LoL
By the end of the day, the mother in me wanted to kick some pre-school butt!! LoL
Where our Lives May lead us...look on with a smile
Robert Frost (1874–1963). Mountain Interval. 1920. |
The Road Not Taken |
Time to Vent
Just a few minutes ago I received a phone call from my sister. She was calling to inform me of not so good news. I was feeling so accomplished having completed all three papers that were due today in a timely manner, only to receive her call about my dad.
I don't really know anyone here on campus and it's because of this that I find myself comfortable writing my feelings out for everyone to see because its going to take me almost an hour to get home and figure out what's going on with my dad. I don't like keeping all my emotions in so I thought this was a good way to just vent that I am scared and was caught off guard by the phone call.
I think its time to pray.
I don't really know anyone here on campus and it's because of this that I find myself comfortable writing my feelings out for everyone to see because its going to take me almost an hour to get home and figure out what's going on with my dad. I don't like keeping all my emotions in so I thought this was a good way to just vent that I am scared and was caught off guard by the phone call.
I think its time to pray.
Much needed motivation
When I got my paper back yesterday, I was pleasantly surprised at my grade. I doubted myself the entire time I was writing. I have reached that point in the semester where I started telling myself that I didn't care about my grades or work anymore and started focusing on how burnt out I feel. That grade really helped remind me why it is that I am working so hard and that we only have five more weeks! I desperately needed that extra motivational boost. Has anyone else reached that point? If so, where do you get the motivation to power through the last few weeks?
Promise of HOPE
Subject: FW: CARL!!
Dear Friends...
Carl was a quiet man. He didn't talk much. He would always greet you witha big smile and a firm handshake.Even after living in our neighborhood for over 50 years, no one couldreally say they knew him very well.Before his retirement, he took the bus to work each morning. The lonesight of him walking down the street often worried us.He had a slight limp from a bullet wound received in WWII. Watching him, we worried that although he had survived WWII, he may not make it through our changing uptown neighborhood with its ever-increasing random violence,gangs, and drug activity. When he saw the flyer at our local church asking for volunteers for caringfor the gardens behind the minister's residence, he responded in his characteristicallyunassuming manner. Without fanfare, he just signed up. He was well into his 87th year when the very thing we had always feared finally happened. He was just finishing his watering for the day when three gang members approached him.Ignoring their attempt to intimidate him, he simply asked, 'Would you likea drink from the hose?' The tallest and toughest-looking of the three said, 'Yeah, sure,' with amalevolent little smile. As Carl offered the hose to him, the other two grabbed Carl's arm,throwing him down. As the hose snaked crazily over the ground, dousing everythingin its way, Carl's assailants stole his retirement watch and his wallet,and then fled. Carl tried to get himself up, but he had been thrown down on his bad leg.He lay there trying to gather himself as the minister came running to help him. Although the minister had witnessed the attack from his window, hecouldn't get there fast enough to stop it. 'Carl, are you okay? Are you hurt?' the minister kept asking as he helpedCarl to his feet. Carl just passed a hand over his brow and sighed, shaking his head. 'Justsome punk kids. I hope they'll wise-up someday.' His wet clothes clung to his slight frame as he bent to pick up the hose. He adjusted the nozzle again and started to water. Confused and a little concerned, the minister asked, 'Carl, what are youdoing?' 'I've got to finish my watering. It's been very dry lately,' camethe calm reply. Satisfying himself that Carl really was all right, theminister could only marvel. Carl was a man from a different time and place. A few weeks later the three returned. Just as before their threat wasunchallenged. Carl again offered them a drink from his hose.This time they didn't rob him. They wrenched the hose from his hand and drenched him head to foot in the icy water. When they had finished their humiliation of him, they sauntered off downthe street, throwing catcalls and curses, falling over one another laughingat the hilarity of what they had just done. Carl just watched them. Then he turned toward the warmth giving sun,picked up his hose, and went on with his watering. The summer was quickly fading into fall Carl was doing some tilling whenhe was startled by the sudden approach of someone behind him. He stumbled and fell intosome evergreen branches. As he struggled to regain his footing, he turned to see the tall leader ofhis summer tormentors reaching down for him. He braced himself for theexpected attack. 'Don't worry old man, I'm not gonna hurt you this time.' The young manspoke softly, still offering the tattooed and scarred hand to Carl. As he helped Carl get up, the man pulled a crumpled bag from his pocket and handedit to Carl. 'What's this?' Carl asked. 'It's your stuff,' the man explained. 'It's your stuff back. Even the money in your wallet.' 'I don't understand,' Carlsaid. 'Why would you help me now?' The man shifted his feet, seeming embarrassed and ill at ease. 'I learnedsomething from you,' he said. 'I ran with that gang and hurt people like you we picked you because you were old and we knew we could do it But every time we cameand did something to you, instead of yelling and fighting back, you tried togive us a drink. You didn't hate us for hating you. You kept showing love against our hate.' He stopped for a moment. 'I couldn't sleep after we stole your stuff, sohere it is back.'He paused for another awkward moment, not knowing what more there was tosay. 'That bag's my way of saying thanks for straightening me out, I guess.' And with that, he walked off down the street. Carl looked down at the sack in his hands and gingerly opened it. He tookout his retirement watch and put it back on his wrist. Opening his wallet,he checked for his wedding photo. He gazed for a moment at the young bridethat still smiled back at him from all those years ago.He died one cold day after Christmas that winter. Many people attended hisfuneral in spite of the weather.In particular the minister noticed a tall young man that he didn't know sitting quietly in a distant corner of the church. The minister spoke of Carl's garden as a lesson in life. In a voice made thick with unshed tears, he said, 'Do your best and makeyour garden as beautiful as you can. We will never forget Carl and his garden.'The following spring another flyer went up. It read: 'Person needed to care for Carl's garden.' The flyer went unnoticed by the busy parishioners until one day when a knock was heard at the minister's office door. Opening the door, the minister saw a pair of scarred and tattooed handsholding the flyer. 'I believe this is my job, if you'll have me,' the young man said.The minister recognized him as the same young man who had returned the stolen watch andwallet to Carl. He knew that Carl's kindness had turned this man's life around. As theminister handed him the keys to the garden shed, he said, 'Yes, go take care of Carl'sgarden and honor him.' The man went to work and, over the next several years, he tended theflowers and vegetables just as Carl had done.During that time, he went to college, got married, and became a prominentmember of the community. But he never forgot his promise to Carl's memory and keptthe garden as beautiful as he thought Carl would have kept it. One day he approached the new minister and told him that he couldn't carefor the garden any longer. He explained with a shy and happy smile, 'My wife justhad a baby boy last night, and she's bringing him home on Saturday.' 'Well, congratulations!' said the minister, as he was handed the gardenshed keys. 'That's wonderful! What's the baby's name?' 'Carl,' he replied.That's the whole gospel message simply stated
Hate them . . . Love them . . . Wish they didn't exist but somehow need them in my academic career . . . Why do they torment me before I take them and worry me until I get the result? Regardless of the outcome, I'm filled with relief after these weeks are over.
Tuesday, April 26
Oh well
It is funny how you see someone you thought you were cool with. You say what's up and they just ignore you. All of a sudden they do not know you.
Monday, April 25
This quote is empowering!
It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.
~William Shakespeare
~William Shakespeare
Do we have to constantly post new things on the blog, to be counted as a "blogger"? I personally like to leave a comment on what people say, is that fair enough?
Today I put on braces...and now they are hurting my teeth...cant take it...I feel intense pressure...I want to take them off NOW!!! Any advice on how to make this experience smoother...
Birthday week!
I am excited for my birthday tomorrow but I am sad that my doggie is spending three days at the vet starting today. Its hard to be happy knowing that she is in a cage sick, but i know that is whats best for her at this time. I also have two papers to write and explaining how i correct my mistakes is alittle tough. Well its time to get to those papers so I could spend time with my fam tomorrow and also go pay alittle visit to my doggie at the vet.
hard to blog sometimes
It is really hard to blog when your toddler is next to you trying to push the buttons on the keyboard so this is the best I could do for now because I have two papers due tomorrow.
It's been 14 years since their break-up in 1997, and Soundgarden is finally returning to the stage in Los Angeles! They will be at the Forum on July 23rd I believe. Bought floor tickets on Saturday!
Armenian Genocide
The Armenian Genocide, the first genocide of the 20th Century, occurred when two million Armenians living in Turkey were eliminated from their historic homeland through forced deportations and massacres between 1915-1918.
The Ancient Armenians
For three thousand years, a thriving Armenian community had existed inside the vast region of the Middle East bordered by the Black, Mediterranean and Caspian Seas. The area, known today as Anatolia, stands at the crossroads of three continents; Europe, Asia and Africa. Great powers rose and fell over the many centuries and the Armenian homeland, when not independent, was at various times ruled by Persians, Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, Arabs and Mongols.
Despite the repeated invasions and occupations, Armenian pride and cultural identity never wavered. The snow-capped peak of Mount Ararat became the focal point of this proud people and by 600 BC Armenia as a kingdom sprang into being.
The Ancient Armenians
For three thousand years, a thriving Armenian community had existed inside the vast region of the Middle East bordered by the Black, Mediterranean and Caspian Seas. The area, known today as Anatolia, stands at the crossroads of three continents; Europe, Asia and Africa. Great powers rose and fell over the many centuries and the Armenian homeland, when not independent, was at various times ruled by Persians, Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, Arabs and Mongols.
Despite the repeated invasions and occupations, Armenian pride and cultural identity never wavered. The snow-capped peak of Mount Ararat became the focal point of this proud people and by 600 BC Armenia as a kingdom sprang into being.
Sunday, April 24
A Little Reminder
Today that I was out celebrating with my family easter ( by the way Happy Easter everyone) I thought to myself.. How would like be if I didn't have my family by myside? It just makes me appreciate that I still have every member in my family in great health, they are happy, and that's what truly matter.. we sometimes don't appreciate the people that really make us happy.. so instead of complaining because were to short, or to fat.. appreciate what you have, and cheering all the moments you have with them..
Best day of my life!!!
Hello to all!!! Yesterday at work, Gwen Stefani and Her family came to eat at the restaurant!! She's so cool. She wasn't stuck up or trying to avoid people from seeing her. It makes me happy to know, though we live different lives, she was still very friendly. Having money or being upper class shouldn't change the way people treat each other. I wish more people could see it that way, but not all of us are the same.
"To each its own."
"To each its own."
Worst night of my life!!!! RIP bmw!!!!
I just fuckin crashed my brand new BMW!!! fml this was my new car, my baby, it didnt even last me a year!! barely had 14000 miles on it!!! my parents are pissed but happy im alive!!! this is my 4th car in three years!!!! maybe i can write the mistake paper on this lol
Saturday, April 23
Goodbye Self. Hello Work.
I used to have a good job in reception at a high powered international corporate law firm in San Franscisco, making $20 an hour. Deciding to quit working there to get a job with more flexible hours so I could pursue a college degree, seemed like a great idea at the time. I was fed up with working for attorneys who made $250 an hour, compared to my wages.
Did anyone else make more moeny before they went to college?
I had many friends that told me how much money I could get waitressing, plus I could basicly pick my own hours, so that is what I did. I took a job at a well known food chain resturant. I worked there all through out the time I spent at the local community college, about two and a half years. At first it was fun and easy. But after about a year, my high spirits began to dissipate. Working in an office, I had more leisure time to chill at my desk, go on myspace, cruz the hall looking to share a conversation with a fellow co-worker, or at times when I was busy, most I had to do was make phone calls, and type up letters and schedules, that sort of thing. Although I was completely BORED out of my mind, it was a low stress atmosphere. Giving that up was a real sacrifice. Working in a resturant is very fast paced, and it is basicaly a commision based pay, which means you have to constantly put on your best face, weather your happy or not. Of course this is true for all jobs, but commision based jobs make you become a different person. It is like you are not you anymore. You are a worker. You are the face of that establishment. If you are having a bad day and let it show, you will not make money. This over time is an awful feeling. Losing who you truly are because of the work you do.
Has anyone else ever been alienated from their true self because of their occupation?
For my first year at a four-year university, I wanted to focus on school, and just live off loans and grants. This, I did. But now summer is coming around, and to my surprise federal aids and grants are only givin for three quarters, which means that I need to get a summer job. I want to take summer courses and work at a place with felxible hours. Where will I work? Should I take a waitressing job because that is what I know? What other jobs have flexible hours? What kind of jobs have flexible hours, good pay and I do not give my soul away to do? Am I just pipe dreaming?
No one told me how broke I would be as a college student.
Did anyone else make more moeny before they went to college?
I had many friends that told me how much money I could get waitressing, plus I could basicly pick my own hours, so that is what I did. I took a job at a well known food chain resturant. I worked there all through out the time I spent at the local community college, about two and a half years. At first it was fun and easy. But after about a year, my high spirits began to dissipate. Working in an office, I had more leisure time to chill at my desk, go on myspace, cruz the hall looking to share a conversation with a fellow co-worker, or at times when I was busy, most I had to do was make phone calls, and type up letters and schedules, that sort of thing. Although I was completely BORED out of my mind, it was a low stress atmosphere. Giving that up was a real sacrifice. Working in a resturant is very fast paced, and it is basicaly a commision based pay, which means you have to constantly put on your best face, weather your happy or not. Of course this is true for all jobs, but commision based jobs make you become a different person. It is like you are not you anymore. You are a worker. You are the face of that establishment. If you are having a bad day and let it show, you will not make money. This over time is an awful feeling. Losing who you truly are because of the work you do.
Has anyone else ever been alienated from their true self because of their occupation?
For my first year at a four-year university, I wanted to focus on school, and just live off loans and grants. This, I did. But now summer is coming around, and to my surprise federal aids and grants are only givin for three quarters, which means that I need to get a summer job. I want to take summer courses and work at a place with felxible hours. Where will I work? Should I take a waitressing job because that is what I know? What other jobs have flexible hours? What kind of jobs have flexible hours, good pay and I do not give my soul away to do? Am I just pipe dreaming?
No one told me how broke I would be as a college student.
Friday, April 22
The Big 4
After a long week, going to the The Big 4 Festival in Indio tomorrow. Metallica, Slayer, Megadeth and Anthrax will be performing.
Relax: omitting one paper!
week 5 - paper #3 due, as scheduled ... then a relaxation
week 6 - no paper due
week 7 - paper #4 due
Week 8 - a combination of the questions for paper #5 and paper #6 due
Week 9 - no paper due
Week 10 - final paper due
week 6 - no paper due
week 7 - paper #4 due
Week 8 - a combination of the questions for paper #5 and paper #6 due
Week 9 - no paper due
Week 10 - final paper due
Thursday, April 21
mira como te ha dejado esta vida antes que pineses que vas a envejecer mira como te ha dejado esta historia antes que pienses que vas a enloquecer mira que la vida no es eterna en cualquier momento nos olvida mira como te cae todita la cabellera antes que pienses que vas a enloquecer mira como se te escurre todito el corazon y tu, y tu, y tu no haces nada mira que la vida no es eterna en cualquier momento nos olvida mira que la vida no es eterna en cualquier momento nos olvida
*****Look how this life has left you, before you think you will age, look how this story has left you, before you think that you will go crazy, look how life is not eternal, at any moment it'll forget us, look how your hair falls, before you think that you will go crazy, look how everything gets dark in your heart and you, and you, and you, and you dont do anything, look how this life is not eternal, at any moment it'll forget us, look how life is not eternal, at any time it'll forget us.
Lost in a Whirlwind!!!---->advice needed
I am in a difficult situation. My relationship of six years has seen the beautiful as well as the down right ugly. My family looks down on my partner for everything that we have been through. I feel like I am constantly forced to choose between my family and my partner, the father of my son. I could understand why they do not like him and why many people stereotype him. He grew up on the streets and has tattoos everywhere. His most recent one is on his eyelids (which I hate!!!!!!). He does not look to take the most righteous of paths because he has only been shown deviance. Because we are a family, I love him and I feel like I have to have his back. Recently we just put a deposit down on a studio. It is not the nicest place but it has all of the neccessary things we need. Am I wrong for staying with him? And how do I tell my parents that I'm leaving??? I am so lost and do not know if I am making a big MISTAKE that I may end up regretting. I hate doubt! PLEEEASE HELP!!!
Wednesday, April 20
Just in time!
its funny how we are writing about mistakes when someone in my life just made a huge one that cannot b taken back and just cost us our whole relationship. i was just writing about how mistakes are measured, that anyone can do anything and not look at it as a mistake, it all depends on who looks at it as a mistake, and this was exactly our case, i saw it as a mistake but he didnt.
(just wanted to let my frustration out)
(just wanted to let my frustration out)
Question on Paper 2
Does paper #2 have to be five paragraphs long?
What if it is four paragraphs long?
Bad Day
Today has not been a good day for me. I am very frustrated and tired but I still have to finish my papers that are due tomorrow.
How do u guys/girls deal with all this stress and frustration?
Paper #2
I simply CANNOT think of a "snappy" title and that was one of the comments I was given on the first paper!! HELP!!
Time seems to be an illusion...yet it moves forward into the next moment, and waits on no one. Paper # 2, challenged that concept for me-- how about the rest of my Soc 301 peers?
Tuesday, April 19
"One Love" I love the music! It has the power to unify like nothing else.
Through spirit and consciousness we are all interconnected. My life has no meaning without your life. Your humanity and my humanity are irrevocably intertwined. There is no need, there is no desire there is only infinite love.
Christina Sheldon's power point
If you need to go over it on your own: http://calstatela.libguides.com/soc301_tabor and it is always in the R.H. column of this blog
Monday, April 18
Professor Tabor or my fellow students...what was the advice that was given for our second paper?? I didn't get a chance to right it down.
Paper #2
As I create paper #2... the thoughts of my life journey comes to the conscious path... how is it for you my peers?
Booker T. Washington
Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome.
Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome.
Library Week this week
do not go to the classroom! meet in the Library.
Monday: basement - Tuesday: see website or your syllabus. one is in basement; the other is behind and to the right of the Reference Desk.
Monday: basement - Tuesday: see website or your syllabus. one is in basement; the other is behind and to the right of the Reference Desk.
Sunday, April 17
Is anyone else having a problem with this essay and the idea of mistakes. It took me a long time but I now feel that mistakes are more of a blessing and they help you to live your life better. So do we still make mistakes even though you may not view it as a bad thing?
Spring quarter
This quarter is tougher than I thought. I have four papers due on Monday and I am stressing!
so much to finish, so little time
I feel overwhelmed, so much homework due tomorrow, I feel out of touch with my studies today. I had a long week and weekend. I'm still waiting for B to call me from Europe. I wish I could blink and all my frustrations would be gone.
goodbye my little turtle...
My baby box turtle died today and I feel so sad. I also feel guilty because I didn't take her to the vet on time. I just wish I could have held her a little longer the last time I did. She is the coolest turtle I have ever met and I can only hope that she's in a better place now. Goodbye my little turtle; I miss you so much. Thank you for your love.
<----(she loved bananas)
currently listening to the following song :[
Saturday, April 16
Our next paper which is to "explain my mistakes".... Hopefully, we can find within the depths of ourselves to write this paper... Mistakes are only "NEGATIVE' if we do not learn from them... I view my past as the stepping stones of my future and my NOW... Peace!!!
Friday, April 15
We all the know the lyrics of Michael Jacksons' "Man in the Mirror"... if not... you should listen to it... It speaks of TRUTH...AND CHANGE... WHICH BEGINS...WITH THE PERSON LOOKING BACK AT YOU FR THE MIRROR...2009 after his passing, while in London...I listened for the very first time of the lyrics...HOW TRUE... HOW TRUE... SOCIAL AWARENESS...BEGINS AT HOME WITHIN OURSELVES.. PEACE
Thursday, April 14
The Conversation of LIKE
I have observed many conversations of what I called "modern conversation." And what I have learned is many people violently use the word "like" in their conversation. Some conversations are very short, about 3 sentences, but I can count almost 10 words of "like." Here is an example of a sentence, I try "like" to be nice with her, but "like" she is "like" kind of mean or "like" kind of shy. What is going on people? Is it called modernization of conversation?
Queens of the Stone Age
I saw these guys last night at the Wiltern and they rocked it! Inspired to finish my paper.
Its not all about me
Personally I never liked writing about myself and i always found it more difficult to write about myself. I think its because i don't really like looking too deep into my life, I like going about with my life with things that I have learned and my mental growth. I like to discover myself with how open minded I can be by writing about things I wouldn't normally think about everyday. Instead of thinking about myself I like to think about what type of person I can be. I discover my real thoughts and mentality when im not thinking.
Wednesday, April 13
After writing the first paper I realized how much filler and "padding" that I use in my writing! I think that because many teachers require long papers, we have become used to "filling" our papers. Did anyone else realize this about their writing?!
Favorite Part of the Day...
Like many of the students at Cal State LA, I am a parent. I have a one-year old son who is the absolute light of my life. I was fortunate enough to be able to stay home with him for the first 9 months of his life, however, I had to come back to school to finish my education and of course give him a better life. It was EXTREMELY hard for me to go back to school because I had been with him every single day of his life. We were attached at the hip (or my chest since that's where he slept). Now, it seems as if he is becoming increasingly attached to me everyday. This, at times, makes it hard for me to leave for school because of how badly he cries out for me. I have, however, learned to look at the brighter side of having to go to school. Whenever I pick him up from his grandmother's house, he runs to the door with the biggest smile on his face, laughing and screaming at the top of his lungs. When I step inside and pick him up, he gives me a million hugs and kisses and it is the most amazing moment in the world. This makes me feel a lot better about going to school because I know that this is the greeting I will get when I return. This is my absolute FAVORITE part of the day...
What's yours?
What's yours?
Settings for our Soc301 paper
Do I have the correct settings or format? For the indentation left and right should be 0" and in Special it should have First Line at 0.5" correct?
Still stuck on our Paper for Soc.301
The question for our paper is, How do I explain my behavior? Should I explain how I am today? Or Explain my behavior towards something? Any suggestion? It seems like an easy essay, but I always have trouble understanding the general questions.
Student Assistant/Federal Work Study Supervisors!
... up to attend our annual Student Employment Supervisor Orientation. The purpose of this workshop is to update and re-orient student employee supervisors and/or administrators on the policies and procedures for student employment. New supervisors are highly encouraged to attend.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Cordially, Brenda Aguilar
May 10, 2011 from 9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. OR May 11, 2011 from 9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
All orientations will be held at the Applied Gerontology Institute CC 98-99. sign up for one day only by clicking : http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/GHKRT62Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Cordially, Brenda Aguilar
breathing time
I have been feeling much better today! Still sleepy and tired but not exhausted to the point of just going thru the motions of my day. I was able to focus much better today. We'll see what tomorrow brings :)
Tuesday, April 12
Computer Day
I have been sitting in front of a computer all day long. I spent eight and a half hours at work creating a show schedule for my job that I could have done better and another three hours after dinner putting the final touches on my first paper. I kind of feel like today could have been a better day. I wish I could have spent my time in another way. I guess this is the cost of getting promoted at work in the middle of trying to finish my degree in sociology. Is anyone else tired? Is it a weakness to admit that you are tired? Anyone out there?
Pestilent Existence ~ Against All Authority
One of my favorite politcal bands....be open minded and listen.
At first glance this song seems to be about two lovers. But upon second lyrucs it can be read as a woman disucssing the sociologically woes and stresses of personal relationships upon the woman as a person and as a vessel.
Les Enfants Perdue
This video was particularly poignant to me as it approaches visual estimations on the effects of war on the psyche of children. I t was originally made in a more choppy form following the chernobyl incident by the band Les Enfants Perdu, but upon the release of Angelique Kidh]jo's "Les Enfants Perdus" this version was inspired and created to go along with their reworked "Cristal":
The original Angelique Kidjo song can be best found here(no official music video): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_lL68iSiht8
Translated into English, the lyrics are :
They are always behind When the wind blows In the back They are there anyway They are the eyes to the ground When other Look at the top They see us anyway They do not have easy words Around We said too They speak to us still
Who will listen to the call Lost children Who will approach them That will color the sky Lost Children That will enlighten Who will love As they liked (Who will dream as they dream)
They still have a little cold When outside The sun is so hot They follow us anyway It makes them so afraid So scared When by chance it touches their hearts They still love us
On a similar note about global effect on further regions is Rammstein's "Amerika". The song is specifically about the pyshological and sociological affect the country has through it's domination over the world
The original Angelique Kidjo song can be best found here(no official music video): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_lL68iSiht8
Translated into English, the lyrics are :
They are always behind When the wind blows In the back They are there anyway They are the eyes to the ground When other Look at the top They see us anyway They do not have easy words Around We said too They speak to us still
Who will listen to the call Lost children Who will approach them That will color the sky Lost Children That will enlighten Who will love As they liked (Who will dream as they dream)
They still have a little cold When outside The sun is so hot They follow us anyway It makes them so afraid So scared When by chance it touches their hearts They still love us
On a similar note about global effect on further regions is Rammstein's "Amerika". The song is specifically about the pyshological and sociological affect the country has through it's domination over the world
"The Police" said it in a nutshell
"Sting" being an educator himself obviously studied Hegel.
There is no political solution
To our troubled evolution
Have no faith in constitution
There is no bloody revolution
We are spirits in the material world
Are spirits in the material world
Are spirits in the material world
Are spirits in the material world
Our so-called leaders speak
With words they try to jail you
The subjugate the meek
But it's the rhetoric of failure
We are spirits in the material world
Are spirits in the material world
Are spirits in the material world
Are spirits in the material world
Where does the answer lie?
Living from day to day
If it's something we can't buy
There must be another way
We are spirits in the material world
Are spirits in the material world
Are spirits in the material world
Are spirits in the material world
More lyrics: http://www.lyricsfreak.com/s/sting+police/#share
To our troubled evolution
Have no faith in constitution
There is no bloody revolution
We are spirits in the material world
Are spirits in the material world
Are spirits in the material world
Are spirits in the material world
Our so-called leaders speak
With words they try to jail you
The subjugate the meek
But it's the rhetoric of failure
We are spirits in the material world
Are spirits in the material world
Are spirits in the material world
Are spirits in the material world
Where does the answer lie?
Living from day to day
If it's something we can't buy
There must be another way
We are spirits in the material world
Are spirits in the material world
Are spirits in the material world
Are spirits in the material world
More lyrics: http://www.lyricsfreak.com/s/sting+police/#share
Explaining my Behavior
I find that to explain my behavior in a mear 475 words, even if i narrow it down to a topic, group or setting, seems to be impossible due to the many interactions and social relations that i must take into account...this is not an easy task, and had i to write about anything else i would...
Koyaanisqatsi: Life out of Balance, a 1982 film directed by Godfrey Reggio with music composed by Philip Glass and cinematography by Ron Fricke. It is a full length film without dialogue. This is just a portion, but if you haven’t seen it, it is spectacular. Koyaanisqatsi means "crazy life, life in turmoil, life out of balance, life disintegrating, a state of life that calls for another way of living.” A film with an environmental slant, there is a spiritual undertone that expresses the paradox of human separateness and spiritual oneness by contrasting the beauty and power of nature and the kinetic claustrophobia of manmade structures. It is quite beautiful.
GURU - Whos There [feat. Les Nubians]*****SOCIAL REALITY FOR SOME PEOPLE
These distraught thoughts of a single mother in a homeless shelter
About pain and heartache, ain't nothing you can tell her
The case worker says that she should find a job
But does this worker know what kind of jobs that there are?
Degrading things like cleaning up people's vomit
For a little bit of dough, and plus your brain gets nothing from it
I'm smarter than that this girl thinks to herself
I'm worth more than that, she thinks to herself
She pours a drink for herself while she stares out the window
This guy says he got work for her, maybe she should go to him yo
The money's good, and plus he'll dress her up nice
She left her baby's daddy cuz he beat her up twice
She don't really like sex
But she hates welfare checks
And where there's money, that's where she thinks there's respect
And what's this girl's purpose? Will she self-destruct?
When this sisters about to go down, who's there to help her up?
(Les Nubians singing Chorus)
These distraught thoughts of a young man in a rooming house
This messed up life, this poverty, he could do without
But what options does he have when all hope is gone?
A brother gotta eat, plus all the Henny and all the smoke is gone
All it takes is one quick stick
Gotta fill his belly now, which vic should he pick?
He does his dirt all by his lonely, forget his homies
He doesn't fell like splitting any loot, them suckas be acting phony
So much potential but all gone to waste
Now he lurks in night, with a loaded gun on his waist
Too late for this lost soul, his life's in a chokehold
Mentality is weak, and doing crime is all he knows
Never caring who he hurts, as long as he's taking money
Forget an education, and legal ways of making money
And what's this kid's purpose? Will he self-destruct?
When a brother's about to go down, who's there to help him up?
(Les Nubians singing Chorus)
Who's there for my people on the streets? (Who's there? Who's there?)
Who's there for my people who got nothing to eat? (Who's there? Who's there?)
They build more prisons, and close down schools
Who's there to teach the children the golden rules?(Who's there? Who's there?)
Who's there for my people in the streets?(Who's there? Who's there?)
Who's there for my people who got nothing to eat?(Who's there? Who's there?)
They break our family, neglect the elderly
Who's there to bring a cure? Where's the remedy?(Who's there? Who's there?)
(Les Nubians signing)
Monday, April 11
It's week 3 of school and I feel like I have been eternally exhausted! It doesn't matter how much rest I get I feel really tired. I'm not liking this feeling one bit! I hadn't felt this way in the longest time. I really hope I get rid of this feeling soon!!!!!
What is the Root of ALL EVIL?
Is it money? ideologies? thoughts and actions? This a 95'-96' classic that I had to pull from the vault... I hope you take a good listen and leave your expressions. remember:BABYLON CAN'T FOOL THE PEOPLE.ONE.
How do you start trusting someone? What steps do you take after someone has lost your trust for them to regain your trust? I hate LIES!!! Once someone lies, I lose trust in that person. Can anyone help me on what I can do to start trusting that person when that person is trying very hard to earn my trust??
OK - I made it to class by 1:49 - many had left.
This is a good reason to keep your eye on the blog - last minute changes.
ANYWAY, for all Monday-Wed people, I will be giving you one extra day to complete paper #1. It will be due on Thursday this week, not Wed. If you do not come to campus on Thursday, we will work out a "buddy system" and someone else can put a hard copy in the envelope on my office door by 4PM.
This is a good reason to keep your eye on the blog - last minute changes.
ANYWAY, for all Monday-Wed people, I will be giving you one extra day to complete paper #1. It will be due on Thursday this week, not Wed. If you do not come to campus on Thursday, we will work out a "buddy system" and someone else can put a hard copy in the envelope on my office door by 4PM.
A different take on 2012
Do you think its possible to influence the outcome of 2012 through our thoughts?
Some people believe that our collective thoughts manifest into reality.
If this is true, wouldn't it be beneficial for all of us to change our thoughts about "2012"?
I wonder why the media is scaring us into believing the world will come to a catastrophic end in
the near future... Que piensas? (what do you think?)
Some people believe that our collective thoughts manifest into reality.
If this is true, wouldn't it be beneficial for all of us to change our thoughts about "2012"?
I wonder why the media is scaring us into believing the world will come to a catastrophic end in
the near future... Que piensas? (what do you think?)
Eddie Vedder!
Eddie Vedder of Pearl Jam will be performing at the Wiltern in July!...sure to be a great show! Great singer/song writer/performer!
A time for change...2012
According to the Mayan prophecy, the world will experience a "change" in the year 2012. What kind of change? They say it will be an awakening that will transform the world as we know it.
Personally, I feel that change is inevitable. We are always changing. I like to think that whatever 2012 brings our way, will help us change in a way that is beneficial to our planet and to the human race. I believe that if we continue to disrespect the earth and each other, we will pay the price. Think about it, how long will the earth sustain us if we continue to destroy it? It's only a matter of time.
I want to know what you guys think will happen in 2012? Another Y2K perhaps? Maybe not.
Personally, I feel that change is inevitable. We are always changing. I like to think that whatever 2012 brings our way, will help us change in a way that is beneficial to our planet and to the human race. I believe that if we continue to disrespect the earth and each other, we will pay the price. Think about it, how long will the earth sustain us if we continue to destroy it? It's only a matter of time.
I want to know what you guys think will happen in 2012? Another Y2K perhaps? Maybe not.
Food On My Mind
So I've decided to do a cleanse. Ten days of no eating just drinking this lemondae concocktion and water. It's day 1 and all I can think about is food!! Wish me luck
paper due
I need clarification....... The paper is due on Thurs correct?! for our Soc 301 T/TH 1120. Thanks in advance!
Social Awareness
Hello Soc Majors, Quick question --what do you think of "Social Awareness" and how does it fit into your world as an American? I know--- some of you are saying WHAT...???? I'm curious...I mentor young people in South Central and would like to take back the views of my peers. Thank You... Peace...
Sunday, April 10
If Today Was Your Last Day....
I absolutely LOVE this song. The message really speaks to me and it really makes you think....The video made me cry the first time I saw it (shhh...)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrXIQQ8PeRs (embed code was disabled)
If you want to know exactly what they are singing about...here are the lyrics...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrXIQQ8PeRs (embed code was disabled)
If you want to know exactly what they are singing about...here are the lyrics...
Donald Trump for President?
Hell NO!!! You might disagree with me, but let's excavate some facts that I know. ---Educational Achievement: only BA - meaning that everyone in this blog can run for President. I personaly believe that a modern President must possess at least MA or Ph.D. so he/she can have broader view and able to use their knowledge analyzing and solving the problem as their best. ---Personal Achievement: inherited from family - meaning that if one wins a top amount of Mega Lottery, then he/she can run for President. D.T. is a loser of financial crisis from 1989-2009, in which he and his organization have "filed for bankruptcy" for many times. ---Personal Attitude: D.T. is a Conservative, and he represents the interests of elite group. His goal of leading this country is nothing more than some hundreds of deals that he has made during his trading of business. This tells me that every American is worth something to trade. I do not think I have more to say. Tell me your thought?
First paper
How do I explain my behavior? Wow. I looked back from begining to now. This assignment really had me in tears. To think about all that I've been through. I tried to write 475 words, but my fingers kept typing and i didnt stop until i was wrote over 1,000. I have such and interesting story that i dont think about on a day to day basis. It makes me want to share it with people close to me because it explains so much!!!! I love assignments like these, that have you look deep into your own story... Anyone else had some type of epiphany or revelations??? :)
Saturday, April 9
So on Wed. the Professor mentioned she didn't have children. That is the third Professor that has said that in class.WOW!! So I don't have to have kids..big sigh of relief!! I have so much pressure about that, and sometimes I think yes I do, and then no I don't.My husband says "No" but then he has his moments as well.So what to do our clock is ticking as it is said, who ever said that?I'm 34 and my husband is 35 we have been married for 10 years in Oct., we can pass for 25 year olds...a good thing=) Family pressure is the worst, I try to answer them in a polite way, it just bugs us when we get asked, "when are you guys planning on having kids"? Family doesn't seem to understand that I feel that there is a lot of work to be done in our society and that is where my heart is, but at times I question if I will regret not having any.....
Man Babies

So this past week in class, we were discussing subsections of sociology, and 'gender issues' was brought up. A point was made about the fact that 'gender issues' classes do not address what they are advocating -- gender equality -- and that classes under the title of 'gender issues' should deal fairly with both men and women's issues. While I am all for learning about and wanting to help deal with everyone's gender issues, the fact of the matter is that women have had significantly more issues throughout history than men. So, when trying to educate people towards the idea of equality, it would just make sense to deal with the facts, which include dealing more with what has happened to women more so than what happens with men. Not to mention, our entire schooling system up until university (and, debatably, university, as well) is taught through mostly men's perspectives and informs us of men's accomplishments. So doesn't having a class that has a heavier discussion on the history of women and their experiences effectively equalize the playing field? Just a thought.
I thought man babies would be a fitting image to include, since it deals so blatantly with men's possible issues of feeling inadequate in an overly-masculinized society. A topic equally as important as the fact that women are more likely to be impoverished because of the sex gap in pay.
Morning Papers
Alas...my thoughts are allowed without prejudice, and I am free to be free without my own criticisms...of my ego!!!
Watch what you say
It can come back and bite you in the buttocks.
Friday, April 8
Creativity and Knowledge
The crucial variable in the process of turning knowledge into value is creativity...John Kao
Capital Hill
Amazing...the RICHEST country in the "world" could be shutting down, because of their own mis-management of OUR TAX $$$'s... When are we going to stand up to those BUREAUCRATS and DEMAND THE TRUTH... we have the right-wing-- debating Pro Life, and the left-wing pointing fingers... while millions of Americans are losing their homes and jobs; We are forgetting that the American government works for us...it is time that we use our democratic vote and call and let our elected official know that their continued games are costing Americans their hope of tomorrow not just today but, all of our tomorrows....
Thursday, April 7
Something to Inspire!
"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -Martin Luther King Jr.
SOC 301 writing assignment
I am sitting here thinking about how I am going to construct my writing assignment for SOC 301. The question is "Explain your behavior?" Sounds straight forward but I am having a hard time starting it. It is actually nerve racking because I have to look inward and examine my motives.I am going to free style write like I did with my morning papers and see what I come up with. Is anyone else having a hard time starting this paper as well?
Wednesday, April 6
linked the blog to my phone!!
Trying out this link on my phone to my blog. I like that I was able to link the blog to my phone. I think I'll be blogging more often :)
The Fame of Teenage Pregnancy...
I know that everyone is well aware of the growing epidemic of teenage pregnancies in this country in recent years. After reading online today that Bristol Palin (daughter of Sarah Palin) makes over $250,000 a year, this made me a little upset. Admittedly, I am an avid watcher of 16 & Pregnant, Teen Mom and Teen Mom 2 because I know the INTENTIONS of the show. However, what the shows' creators failed to take into account is the fact that the teenagers watching these shows are still very much influenced by the world around them, especially media outlets. Many of the shows' viewers are looking at the glamour of being a teen mom and not about the consequences of having a child before graduating high school. There has recently been report of young ladies attempting to get pregnant so they can appear on one of these reality shows. They make these decisions without thinking about the possibility of not being casted for an upcoming season. This leads to them living with a child to care for and no education or income to support that child. These young ladies who actually make it onto the show are highly compensated. I don't believe that they should be paid as much as they are because if the show is supposed to showcase their struggles, this should include the financial aspects of their lives as well. Maybe the intention of these shows was to show how difficult it is to be a teen mom, however, it seems to me as if these shows have made teenage pregnancy famous. What do you guys think?
The Technology Takeover
Watched this video two quarters ago and it was definitely an eye-opening experience...
Food for Thought...
My SOC 348 professor showed the class this clip last quarter and I instantly loved it. I really hope everyone appreciates what he is saying and is captivated enough to watch the entire presentation....
Thanks to Soc 301 writing class... my rambles can be RIGHT TO THE POINT...in less than 30 words...
Tuesday, April 5
today i was finally able to add soc 301 the last class i need to graduate. what a relief. maybe now i can get some sleep, and look forward to the week.
YAY! My first blog. I feel good about this Spring quarter at CSULA. I have recently added SOC499 an independent study. Human Interactions at the Dog Parks: Motivation and Reasons for Participation. Does anybody know of any Dog Parks around their city? Thanks
hope everyone's day is going great. Blogging is a new experience for me, let's see how this goes. :-)
Lyrics for ...
UPLIFTMENT AND ENCOURAGEMENTI hope you enjoy the positive message with-in the lyrics! We all go through struggles to maintain our sanity. Always be greatful for the finer things of life :)
Im a student from MT's previous writing class and I have to tell you guys that I truly enjoyed the class. At the beginning I was a little query about the assignments and the questions but once you get into it you'll be fine. My first essay was horrible but then I saw what I needed to improve and worked on that. Good luck girls and guys!
How to Sign Up if UR having tbl
THIS LINK IS a brief video that shows U how to sign up if U R having problems. I re-sent many many invites this morning. If you are already "in" - just ignore the 2nd invite.
... remember, conversations (comments) are the key to a good blog . . .for example, "Positive Thinker" started a "convo" on creativity...
... remember, conversations (comments) are the key to a good blog . . .for example, "Positive Thinker" started a "convo" on creativity...
- if you click on the title of a post, you get a URL (web address) to that particular post rather than to the blog in general.
- if you are signed in you ought to see a little pencil under your own posts; this allows you to edit a post if you wish.
- look down the R.H. side for 1. a new poll and 2. a list of current posts
Essay due this week?
do any of you know if we have an essay due this wednesday...i did not hear her say anything about it
When I can't fall sleep...I put this on repeat...it never fails. Try it some time! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CbMeAOTPJzM
Monday, April 4
Time Goes On
After this weekend I looked forward to starting off this week on a positive note. I woke up to write my morning pages only to figure out that I was running short on time. I wrote as much as I could and as I drove to campus I realized that not only did I forget to print my morning pages but I forgot two of my textbooks at home. Living more than twenty miles away there was no turning back to retrieve my forgotten items. As I sat in my 9:50 class I felt my heart race and I felt myself become frantic. As much as I tried to concentrate on my professor at the front of the classroom I could not focus. I didn't want to get up and interrupt class so I started to finish writing my morning pages in hopes of alleviating my inner panic. As I wrote I felt myself calm down and my breathing return to a normal pattern. I soon realized that I was subconsciously stressing myself out over having forgotten my books and laptop at home. Just writing out my frustrations helped me get over what I had no control over. I guess this was a learning lesson for me: time goes on whether we are ready or not. Maybe this will only make sense to me but just the simple act of writing to help me relax really helped me feel better.
first time blogger.!
Yayyy I'm finally in here...I feel much better now that I know im not the only one who had never blogged before... this looks fun :]
First Full Week!
It's finally starting to settle in that the Spring quarter has begun. I guess I can never get enough of Spring Break! At any rate, have an awesome week!
Social Awareness
How socially aware are we in America regarding unemployment? The statistical postings by the daily news paper are questionable...since, I am one of several million unemployed for three years, many of my friends who are either MA or Ph.D unable to find work in their field or fields that are relating to their degrees. Families are losing their homes, financially displaced; yet our government claims the economy is raising above the economic slump... what do you think?
Sunday, April 3
New Blogger
This is my first time writing a blog which is a little weird since I'm an English major and write all the time. For some reason it had not occur to me to start blogging. Maybe because between essays, work and family it's hard to write just for fun. But any who, I'm excited to try it. :) Hope everyone had a good weekend!
Newbee to Blogging
Hello Peeps, I am new to blogging. I hope this will be a great experience. I am already feed up with all the homework I have the first week of class. I will do it today. Last week was great; it felt like summer but we are now back to springy days. I hate this weather. It's hot one day and cold the other. Have a great Sunday.
Saturday, April 2
Left/Right Brain Quiz
I found this quiz very interested. If you have time, try it at http://www.intelliscript.net/test_area/questionnaire/questionnaire.cgi This link is from Professor Tabor's webpage. It only takes few minutes of your time, but you can get to know yourself a bit better. Have fun, guys.
so much for our future...
I have been planning my fiance's 22nd birthday for months now and I was so excited when the day came so when we get off the freeway our car overheats. And we stopped at a 7 eleven and added water so we parked the car and still clubbed. So when we get out the club we decide to head home.. and literally when we get off the parking structure the car starts over heating so we still took the car and got off again to add water by csula.. so once we add the water so we were like ok we should be ok now.. well then the dam car doesn't wanna turn on.. we stood there for a while tring to start it and then all the water we put just came out so the car started and we got on the freeway and we just drove the car and it was overheating again it broke down a block away from my house.. so ne next day we had to take it to the machanice and he said that the engine burned and we had to replace it and it would be 3000 to rebuild it.. I was so sad when he said that because my fiance and I have been saving up for a while to get married next year and put a down payment for our house now.. we have to get another car and its going to take us longer to get married and get our house.. and it just broke my heart cuz we have been pulling the wedding back and back.. I just feel as I'm never going to be happy.. so if anyone knows of a place were they sell use car for a good price please let's me know.. Thanks for listening to me I just had to let these feelings out..
Friday, April 1
A few days ago I added a certain individual as a friend on Facebook. When we were in high school I didn't get along with this person because I thought that person was really immature and me honest as I was and still am, told that person I didn't like them because of it. The problem then was not so much the way that person acted but the remarks that the person made about others. I mean we are all entitled to a certain level of immaturity to keep us from going insane in the adult world, because deep down we don't want to face the cruel reality that we have grown. But I guess some people never do grow even if just a bit. When I added the person I figured, we were in high school way back in the age of the dinosaurs time has passed maybe they've matured. Boy was I wrong, apparently maturity hasn't kicked in yet, and I find it frustrating when I come across the stupid remarks that person makes. Now I'm just contemplating the idea of "de-friending" that person. Have any of you ever dealt with such individuals?
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