Tuesday, April 19


Is everyone happy with their first papers grade??
and if NO!! What were the errors?


  1. I am not too happy with my grade...I did not do so well on following the assignment. I guess I described it too much instead of explained it. What about you? Although I did perfect on structure and grammar!

  2. Yeah! I wasn't to happy either :(
    Did you have someone proof read or edit your paper? Sorry, for asking I just want to know how to improve. Any advice?

  3. proofreading is always a good idea. it's a good idea to write the day before so you can proof the day it is due.

    I wanted you to know that I am sticking to the rules of structure and the rules of grammar - as well as attending to the question asked.

    now we have set the bar ... now you can improve.

  4. I think I had trouble with the explaining vs. describing.

    I had minor grammar problems, just need to be a little more careful when I proof read.

  5. I was surprised at my grade.

    I've been told all my life that my grammar is horrible, that I do not use punctuations correctly, and I do not explain my ideas thoroughly.

    This was the highest I've scored on any English or writing assignment at CSULA. I'm shocked that I was able to do a writing assignment correctly.

    One of the few moments in my life where I did not see "come see me after class" or "Did you take the pre-requisites for this class?"

  6. Very good!
    What was your secret this time (TheLoudOne)? lol

  7. No idea. I was in euphoria when I saw my grade. I hope it continues.

  8. I know what you mean TheLoud One. I was surprised at how well I did. Writing is not my strongest attribute.
