Thursday, April 7

SOC 301 writing assignment

I am sitting here thinking about how I am going to construct my writing assignment for SOC 301. The question is "Explain your behavior?" Sounds straight forward but I am having a hard time starting it. It is actually nerve racking because I have to look inward and examine my motives.I am going to free style write like I did with my morning papers and see what I come up with. Is anyone else having a hard time starting this paper as well?


  1. Yes. I find it hard to describe what I'm still searching for... which is myself. My behavior? I'm not a psychologist.
    What to do, what to say? I'm just as lost as you are.

  2. good idea to muse freely in Morning Pages.
    Glad this was posted on Thursday. If any Mon-Wed people want to post in the future about the week's question, save it until Thursday at 6PM so the Thursday people don't know in advance.
    Oh, a Monday person asked in class: is there is wrong answer to this question. I replied "No." For if you answer the question, it is your explanation, which is what the question asks you to do. So there is no wrong answer; but there may be a poorly constructed paper - or a paper that does not address the question.

  3. Do not think about it too hard, you know yourself better than anyone else. Write about something you love, and about your behavior in a certain setting or role and your paper will flow.

  4. lost as well. What makes it hard for me its both writing and trying to make the work creative in some way, its not a easy as it seems...this is the first time I have to try to dig very deep for a essay.

  5. I'm having trouble here as well. Do we describe our behavior in certain situations, for example, at ball park, on a dance floor, at home, at school you know out in the public? Or how we behave on a daily basis?

  6. we talked for quite a while in class about selecting your unit of analysis - whether a group (e.g., family, friend, romance, church member, or Greek) or an "aggregate" (such as a sex, a gender, an orientation, an age, a member of a generation, or a "type" of some other sort).
