Wednesday, April 13


After writing the first paper I realized how much filler and "padding" that I use in my writing! I think that because many teachers require long papers, we have become used to "filling" our papers. Did anyone else realize this about their writing?!


  1. lol o yes! all i had to do was reread a sentence and i could easily erase words, and im actually thinking of whats worth putting on it and not just repetitive sentences

  2. YES!
    Now for my other classes, I'm screwed because I have a 5 page paper coming up and I feel like I'm just going to BS 5 pages when I could really finish it in 2 pages.

  3. I agree!! I was writing my paper as if I was writing a 5 page essay. We have to stop becoming robots!!!

  4. Oh man! I'm on the same boat!!! It's going to be really hard to get out of that habit.

  5. wow! same here...I think short papers are GREAT!! you still express your self the same way or even better then in a longgg 5 page paper.
