Monday, April 11

Food On My Mind

So I've decided to do a cleanse. Ten days of no eating just drinking this lemondae concocktion and water. It's day 1 and all I can think about is food!! Wish me luck


  1. Is that the diet which consists of cayenne pepper and maple syrup? If so, I tried it once. I'm not a fan of diets myself because I don't think they work but I'm curious to see how it works for you. Keep us posted.

  2. yes, please tell. and TRUdell - how did it work for you?

  3. No, don't do it. I did it, and it's just not healthy for you, in the long run. Try a cleanse that just cuts out processed foods and drinks.

    Like one where you only eat vegetables, fruit, nuts, chicken, or fish. And drink only water and tea.

    That's much healthier for you and does the same thing. Scientifically, you body cleanses itself, you don't need to do the master cleanse to get huge results. You put your body in minor shock asking it to survive on less than 700 calories a day.

  4. Yes! I agree with Charmed. Any cleanse that entails no food, only liquid is not healthy for you. I've done a few cleanses that were very benificial, and taught me how to eat more healthy.

    If you do eat this week, try eating green vegetables or fruit. Both are full in fiber, will give you natural energy, and
    will (hopefully) quench your hunger.

  5. My friends have done it! Both male and female reports frequent visitations to the porcelain god... from both ends.

    Do take multi-vitamins... and don't keep your stomach completely empty. Tofu is okay.

  6. The cleansing diet didn't work for me. I think the reason why is because I didn't have the right intentions. I was just looking for an easy way to lose weight and it was way too easy to give in to food. I love food.

  7. I tried this cleansing diet but couldnt last the ten days i just did four it was very hard not to think about food...

    try doing the drink in a slushee form so u wont get tired of just drinking it kinda gives it a different taste =)
