Sunday, January 29


What exactly is the outline/format of paper #1? Is it on the the webpage before you click the link to enter the blog?


  1. 2.5 page max
    double space
    no title page
    no citations required
    otherwise - see some posts below, including the coments

  2. Right, but how is it supposed to look, as in, like the template on the webpage before entering the blog?

  3. i have no idea what you are asking? what template? URL please. thx.

  4. oh, now I see you are asking if the "Box" on the webpage is a template for the paper. No, it is not. It simply offers the notion that your goal may be about one side of the cube. If my goal is "to become more outgoing" it is about SELF. If my goal is "to break up with my boyfriend" it is about NETWORK. If my goal is "to get a job" it is about SOCIAL STRUCTURE. If my goal is to "adjust to 2012 and the apocolypse I see coming" it is about CHANGE. Each one of these will ripple through all the other "sides" of the quad, but they can be seen as impacting, first, a particular "side." that was just to help you ... see. you should also see the long "example" that I started on a post below which is titled "Please Help"

  5. I am still unclear, this is what I was referring too _ before we enter the blog the right side is for soc 301 and paper #1 and the directions are listed int the box, should out paper be exactly like that with bullet points and such? I may be over thinking this too much but I don't want to get dock off for points if I am not following the template correctly.

  6. I have already answered this question, PB. see comment above your latest.

  7. Aha! Now I understand, I had to re-read it over and the 'Please Help' post. Thanks

  8. Okay - this REALLY helped. I just wrote the start of my paper (after reading what MT wrote under the "Please Help" post ........and of course I really like it but then I stopped and thought ..... oh crap am I answering all those questions? Now I see not all the sides of the cube need to be addressed specifically and I am just going to "go with it" and do my best writing and hope it is what you want! All of these explanations help. Thanks everyone!! (Back to the double spaced drawing board!!!)

  9. If it is "what YOU want," then there is a greater chance it will be what someone else wants. Please yourself.
    Just be sure to proofread
    Look for Structure (beginning, middle, end)
    and TITLE that pulls it all together. Once you get your title, it can be nice to go back through and USE it.

  10. i didn't see anything that could help me with this paper.I'm just going to do my best and hopefully my paper comes out good.
