Tuesday, January 31

I came across this picture a few days ago and it brought a huge smile to my face. It's simple things like this that bring back memories of my childhood. Walking into the classroom and seeing this meant that it was going to be a great day. Come to think of it, no matter what the movie was about, it always ended up as a great day. Anyone with me?


  1. lol this is funny! I agree, you never really cared what the movie was about you just knew it beat out doing written work or anything else for that matter. This is for sure a blast from the past. I loved movie days as a kid but now, as a college student, I'm happy when I see a note on the door that says; CLASS IS CANCELED!

    1. Oh how i love those notes that read: CLASS IS CANCELED!

    2. I use to love seeing notes that class was cancelled now with the tuition cost going up it upset me thinking that i paid and came to campus and are not getting what I paid for I understand teachers get sick as well but tuition cost is just so high, plus my drive is long! Lol

  2. Yup! Those were the days! aaahhh!
