Tuesday, January 24

paper #1 Due Day Wed Feb 1 Night Tu Feb 7

  1. remember the "I" and the "me" of George Herbert Mead.  Your "goal" might be to become more balanced or more "me" if you are I-I-I or more I if you are ok-me-me-what-do-you-want-of-me-me-me.
  2. maybe you are a certain "type" in the quads and you see you could augment the opposite tendencies in yourself.  or maybe you see that your significant other is better understood and related to once you study that persons type.
  3. It will be good to attach to your 2.5 page paper a one-sheet that states Goal, Obstacles, Actions, Operationalization, steps taken.  This will FORCE you to attend to each of those and then you can more easily and naturally fold them into your paper.
  4. FINALLY, if you wish to keep private and not do this paper on yourself, you can take a well-known character, e.g., Forrest Gump or Maggie in "Million Dollar Baby" and use that character (rather than your own character) as your node of sociological analysis.
Comment.  Make sense?  Other questions?