Monday, January 23

morning writings

So I missed class last week and I thought the blog was going to keep me updated. I guess it really does make an incredible difference when you are not there.  I have been doing the morning writings and I have to say it is actually pretty wonderful.  I can't say I wake up looking forward to doing it but it has been a process that has been enjoyable.  It is amazing though how much your mind can just flow.  I find myself writing and wring and I do not even notice how much I have written.

Some mornings are easier than others.  Some mornings I write 3 pages before I know it and some mornings I cannot even manage to get a paragraph on paper.  I assume this is normal because I cannot be the only person with writers block at 9 in the morning.  It is difficult to know what I have written also as you are not supposed to reread what you have written. I have to admit though I do feel better once it has been completed so I guess for that it is good and useful.


  1. I havne't started on the morning writtings, but based on your possitive comments, I have an idea of what it will be like :)

    Best, Leslie (:

  2. glad to hear it was positive

  3. I started the journal last week and it's been good. I found myself writing 3 pages at the beginning and now it seems that I'm writing 2 pages. Sometimes i feel that i have nothing to write and other days i do. On the 13 of this month i wrote 3 pages because i was writing about the car computer that was stolen from my car. Today I wrote about the rain and the issue i had with my car again. Sometimes i feel that others might write more than me because they have more going on everyday in their lives. Well I'm not bummed out I just wanted to share my opinions. :)
