Sunday, January 22

can u be self-sustaining??

any society has the potential to be self sustaining, however people must escape  ideologies that make us dependent on resources that exploit others.


  1. Awesome. Thanks for sharing. It is so true - we get caught up with what we think we HAVE TO HAVE (Car for instance.) But we can do without so much and live a simpler life and not get caught up in the 9 - 5 working for someone idea .... it can be done!!

  2. I enjoyed watching this it really shows how people can live without the dependency of electricity or fuel. Maybe if we can get back to the basic, we can relearn how to live in a more harmonious manner with the earth!

  3. Great video! We CAN live more harmonious with nature, and if we use cleaner forms of energy our earth's resources will last. Technology has also made it more possible to provide everyone with the necessities of life, including transportation.
