Tuesday, June 7

Summer Goals

A place to log a Summer Goal - use Comments Section.
Then log your progress - also in Comments.
We can help keep one another "on track."
This will be linked for ease of access on upper R.H. corner, under Mooji.


  1. I will dedicate 14 hours/week to studying for the LSAT

  2. I will exercise 5 days a week for at least an hour (get up the courage to actually use my expensive 24hour fitness membership); give up sugar / white flour; write at least 2 pages a week (complete something worth submitting to the CSU Soc. Journal) :-) Here is to a fabulous summer!!!

  3. I will exercise six days a week - mostly at the gym, but sometimes in front of a movie on my computer.

  4. I will take five minutes of everyday to meditate, I will wake up early to run around the block for at least half an hour,
    And I will read at least two books over the summer.

  5. Balance family, school, building a constitution for the organization I've been idealizing, finishing summer quarter's 16 units with a 4.0 all the while participating in 4 different student associations.

    Maintain relationships/rapport with all my former Professors in the Sociology department as I'm officially done with Sociology.

    Keep my weight off, as a matter of fact, lose 15 more lbs. I would like to weigh 140lbs. Same as when I was a young, 19 y.o. medic in the Army lol

  6. Starting my summer off right. Took an hour long hike and a 20 minute meditation.

  7. I will catch a couple of shows at the Hollywood bowl, attend local events, exercise 4 days out of the week. Volunteer. Look for a REAL JOB bc i have a Bachelors degree. Also i will Mediate and work on myself, i have been out of balance this last month.

    Good Luck to everyone and have a great Summer
    Dream Big!!

  8. I doubt that anybody is reading this anymore, but I will keep updating to keep myself honest. Just had the guts to weigh myself a couple of days ago. Ugh. Not too much of a shock. I knew I had gained about 50 pounds in the last couple of years. I am determined to keep my mind, body and spirit in tune. No more denial. I have to do the work or I won’t get the results, but most of all I have to keep your mind in the right place. My mind creates my life. I am my own motivator in every other part of my life, other than physical fitness and health. This is probably the most difficult issue I have battled in my life. I have struggled with my weight for years. No more struggling! It is all about right thinking. Having balance in every part of life is so important. Balance is the key. Move your body every day, engage your mind everyday, nurture your spirit everyday and the dynamic person you are meant to be will emerge.

    All the above being said, I have worked out every day of the week for at least and hour, I have been eating healthy and finding time to meditate everyday. I can do this. And even though it has only been about a week since we have finished the quarter and I have dedicated myself to summer goals, I am already starting to feel it. My energy level is up and I feel amazing.

    Hope everyone out there is having a good initial experience with his or her summer goals.

  9. Not doing too well with my summer exercise goals. However, I did just return from a camping trip outside of Bishop and went on two beautiful 6 mile hikes into the back country. I am very proud of myself for overcoming some physical obstacles, personal limitations and fears. There is nothing like being immersed in the overpowering beauty of nature. It was like a walking meditation. The roaring creeks, lush foliage, outstretched trees and glassy lakes were absolutely miraculous. Both an outer and inner journey, this trip made me aware of some deep inner uncertainties and limiting personal beliefs that needed to be confronted. It was a wonderful experience that I won’t soon forget. Now I am back and ready to conquer BootCamp 5 days a week for the next few months. Hope everyone is doing well.

  10. I quit smoking one month ago today. YAY! I'm so happy to be free from the nicotine trap!

  11. That's Great! It was good to see you the other day. Don't you love how I am answering this two months later. I love blogs...PS. I have been going to boot camp 5 times a day for 2 and half months..Lost 12 pounds. It's coming off slow, but it is coming off. The first time in my life that I feel like I am working on my mind, body and my spirit in equal parts. Trying for balance. I miss the writing class and the circles :( If any of the group is out there. Hope your doing well!!
