Tuesday, June 7

Learning to FLY!!!

I just woke up from a six hour nap. I was up all night finishing my final papers so I was exhausted when I got home. I feel so much better.  Today was my last day of school. After today, my new life will start since I am graduating this Saturday. SOC 301 was my last class of the day. It was interesting to see the face behind the blog screen names. I hope everyone enjoys their much needed break and if you are graduating, congratulations! I will see you this Saturday.
Although, I am graduating this quarter, I have decided to continue blogging.  I enjoy reading all the insightful posts and now that I have more time, I can actually leave more comments. This video expresses how feel about starting my new journey in life. Enjoy!


  1. Anonymous said...Congratulations to YOU and to all graduates!
    Yes, continue to have faith and to know that the best feeling is like the one the little boy has in the LEARNING HOW TO RIDE BIKE video. If you have faith and are consistent in the application of your best effort - you will ride!

  2. Good for you..I am sure it has been a long time coming now. Here you are finally, about to graduate and start a new chapter of your life. Congratulations and I with you the very best and hope that you follow all of your dreams. :) You can do absolutely anything you want to.

  3. congrats new mommy!
    Hope everything bright comes your way :D

  4. Congratulations and good luck in your future endeavors! P.S. Pink Floyd rocks.

  5. Thanks for all the encouraging messages! MT, I really enjoyed your class. I hope the best for all of you. Life is beautiful!
