Thursday, June 2

Waited till the end...

I'm just going to be honest. I haven't been blogging not because I don't care. Blogging just isn't my thing. I've been focusing on my papers and assignments for all of my classes and it feels great to almost be done. I would love a break from school but I want to continue my education and finish as soon as possible. I hope everyone has enjoyed this quarter and wish you all a good luck! Summer is coming and I'm turning 21!!!! :)


  1. Yay!! congrats on turning 21! what will you do for the big day? And I am also very happy school is almost over. It feels like such an accomplishment doesn't it? :)

  2. well, at least you're honest.
    Grats on turning 21. You'll soon wish you were 25 for your insurance rates to drop. Then you'll wish you started aging backwards once you get to... uhm... I'm 21, too.

  3. LOL So True...I am already doing that and I turned 24 two days ago!

  4. what the! you should've said something! more donuts in class next time, I guess. :(

  5. Well, I would have but I am not in your class :)

  6. lol u guys are funny. I wish u have a wonderful 21 is about to roll away :/

  7. I turned 21 six year ago...enjoy it because it goes down hill from there.
