Thursday, June 2

How To Approach Your Final

  1. 6RELAX:  do the best you can.  Idea:  Resume Morning Pages to find out what is REALLY on your mind.  
  2. take the 5 questions and answer them one of two ways
    a.  take bits and pieces from the meat of your existing papers OR
    b.  ask yourself:  how do I relate to these 5 question NOW - and start all over again.
         1.)  U may start all over again, writing it from NOW rather than from 10 weeks ago
         2.)  You may wish to relate each of the 5 questions to one of our shared videos
              a.  shared "He Said, She Said."  <-- link
              b.  shared "Civilization"   (Pt 1 Competition).  (Pt 2-6: sci., democ, medicine, consumerism, work) 
              c.  "Waiting for Superman" - the video we see in class
               d.  4 "quads" -  Self-Goals |  Netowrks-Integration |  Operations-Social Strucure | Adaptation-Change
  3. 3.5 pages max
  4. 3 References on the bottom of the 4th page (not on a separate page - just skip some extra lines) 
  5. Use your REAL NAME, not your CIN # as author
  6. Refview Christina's Power Point file for proper way to cite and to construct References:  top, R.H. of blog. 
  7. Due on the final day of class, which is either Wednesday Jun 1 or Thur Jun 2
  8. APPEAR IN CLASS ON FINAL WEEK - with print out from the blog.  I will explain in class this week. 


  1. Thank you for for posting this. I felt lost but I think I will be fine now. I want to go out with a bang!

  2. This is the last paper we have right. Its due next week June 2 for the TTh Pm class.
    What is our final on June 7 going to consist of?

  3. on the week of finals, we meet at the designated time and you bring the print outs (I will show you how) of your best post and your best comment on the blog. Include the dates and your screenname - and then just add in ink your real name.

  4. If we choose to write our paper by using bits of our past papers is there a central question we need to answer?

  5. Jam: you approach ALL FIVE questions - and smash it effectively into 3.5 pages, with 3 cites, which may be repeats of the cites you used before.

  6. Thanks MT that clears things up!

  7. dangit. I think I'll have to swing by the office again to make sure what I'm doing is correct.

  8. I am having trouble starting the paper for the section " 1.)U may start over again, writing it from NOW rather than from 10 weeks ago "

    do you want us to write how we changed as individuals?...
