Thursday, June 2

"For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness."
Ralph Waldo Emerson


  1. Wow, that is a lot of lost life for many people. It is so unhealthy to be angry. I know this because I have felt the effects of anger. Anger is just a thought. It does not mean anything. Just brush it off because life is what it is and you cannot change others-you can only change the way you react to life's happenings.

    Beautiful quote by the way. Geese, I really feel like this soc class has enlightened me! amazing, I would have never expected this.

  2. Absolutely Agree! it takes way less energy to just smile. I think positive attitude passes positive energy all around you.. it really works

  3. I know who snokertsunshine is. I wonder who Desert_Rain is. :)
