Monday, June 6

Rules 4 Real Men

Rule #1 Never hit a female/woman. Even if you catch her cheating on you. Just leave her. Please remember that we are stronger then them, you can cause much damage and it is not worth it. Let us say that you beat the sh###t out of her, what did you prove? Nothing. Especially if you get back with her too.

Rule #2 When you are with a woman in a relationship, you bring your half to the relationship. Real men do not live off women. If your a house husband, that's different.

Rule #3 Do not control your woman with words or mental games. Sometimes us men do not understand that words hurt very bad. Calling your girl fat is not cool. I call my girl P.H.A.T. Pretty Hot And Tempting. If you call your girl ugly, you picked her, that means you are ugly.

Rule #4 Remember, just because you have a penis do not make you a man. You have to go through a Rite of Passage to become a man. I know a lot of professional teenagers that are over 30 years old that are not men. I do not hang with them but I do know who they are.


  1. Where's the like button on this site...

  2. Good rules.
    Smart men call their women P.H.A.T., spelling it out, of course.
