Saturday, March 10

Two more weeks

Two more weeks of school and my Soc 412 professor is gone mad. We have two papers left and a final smh what is he thinking. Man if I dont pass this class I'm not sure what I will do. I can see if i slack off or wasnt trying thing I wouldnt be so upset, but I feel I'm working my butt off....ugh this is the wrost year for me at CSULA :( but its okay today is a good day so I'm filled with joy just thought I get that off my chest.


  1. Replies
    1. Berk! If you ever take him pls pls take nothing else but fun courses cuz he's a killer

  2. two papers and a final in the last two weeks? you have Bernie Berk? I had him for 412 and I was so overwhelmed in his class. I actually had to withdraw and take it again another quarter, which was probably the best decision I ever made.

    1. Yes it's him!!! Ugh I should of dropped I thought I could handle it! It's so much! Man this final is take home and it's a killer even the in class final is a killer ! Who do you retake it with
