Wednesday, February 25


Any time you meet a payment. - Good Times.
Any time you need a friend. - Good Times.
Any time you’re out from under.
Not getting hassled, not getting hustled.
Keepin’ your head above water,
Making a wave when you can.
Temporary lay offs. - Good Times.
Easy credit rip offs. - Good Times.
Scratchin’ and surviving. - Good Times.
Hangin in a chow line - Good Times.
Ain’t we lucky we got ‘em - Good Times.

These are the lyrics for Norman Lear TV Show “Good Times”. How I had the lyrics to this song in my head as I went to the grocery store for the first time in two months.

As I went shopping for items to replenished my pantry I was reflecting upon the economic situation we are currently facing. I did not have much money to shop with so I was extra careful with my purchase. So I was trying to keep my head above water.

How to accomplish such a feat, such as keeping my head above water? First, I made two lists. The first list contained purchased that I need immediately. The second list contained purchased that I need to restock my pantry and or freezer. I made my list and took along my coupons. Most of everything I wanted to purchase with the coupons was higher than the sale items. So I had to reconstruct my list.

After shopping I stopped by my mother house. She asked for my to assistance in making a vegetable garden for this year. She wanted to go to a particular nursery for certain vegetables that she was unable to find in the nursery in her area. In return for my assistance, since I live in an apartment, I would be able to plant what I want in her garden. (a second but good option)

I choose to plant items which I could use for canning or freeze for later use. For instance, I want to plant tomatoes, which I could freeze and use in soup, and pasta later on in the year. The tomatoes could also be used in fresh salad, etc.

Just trying to scratch and surviving. Good Times

1 comment:

  1. I fear that in the event of a huge disaster no one will know what to do. I picture massive chaos and all because we as a sociey are so dependent on others resources especially food. We need to learn how to downsize and go back to basics like planting a garden, baking bread, etc.. We need to be re-trained on the basic survival skills.
