Saturday, February 28

Can You Be Trusted?

A couple of weeks ago, I was reading a magazine and I read something the interviewee said. It caught my attention and I thought it was accurate. It said "... Trust takes one second to lose and a lifetime to rebuild." Trusting someone fully is quite difficult and it may take a while for it to happen. Some may say “It’s hard for me to trust people” or “I have trust issues”. This depends on the person as well. It may seem easy when the trust they have with someone has never been broken, but it's different when one always gets betrayed and experience disloyalty on a daily basis. Your trust can be broken in diverse ways. When you think you truly know someone and then they turn their backs on you, you can’t help but be shocked and hurt. Trust can be lost between families, friends, significant others, associates, etc. I’ve experienced losing trust in former friends and it does take a very long time to be restored. Sometimes trust can be lost forever. To this day, I am still unable to trust them. How do you all feel about what the interviewee said and how do you feel about trust being broken and if there is a possibility, being rebuilt??


  1. It reminds me of the saying that goes something like, "I forgive but I won't forget." We don't want to hold a grudge towards somebody for a long period of time for something bad they may have done to us, but at the same time it's hard to forget the act or the emotion it brought. In the case given, I do feel it is hard to trust someone who has broken our trust. From the point trust is broken I am going to wonder if I can relly or trust the person that once let me down. Of course we all have different circumstances in which our trust has been broken be it big or small, but trying to go back to the state in which trust remained unharmed and was valid is difficult. It also depends on the individual. Some can handle the situation better than others and can slowly try to trust again while it may take others longer or more effort.

  2. I agree with the interviewee. Trust does take one second to lose and a lifetime to rebuild. For me personally, I have a hard time trusting others. I learned at an early age that in able for me to trust someone, it takes a long time to build. Even now, individuals that I say I trust, I don't trust them fully because of others past betrayals. I have a hard time trusting others because of that reason. Once someone breaks their trust with me, they're unable to restore it with me simply because of they betrayed me once, they're just going to do it again. Depending on the individual, I guess trust can be rebuild, but in order for that to happen we must forget the things this particular individual did. However, I don't give second chances. If you screw up once then the trust is not going to be there anymore because I won't bother trying to restore it. However, that's just me.

  3. Trust does take one second to lose and a lifetime to rebuild. In my life, starting at a young age actually, I trusted my friends with everything. I thought I could be able to count on them. I remembered like it was yesterday. All of my friends started to gain up on me one day and shared all my secrets with one another. I felt horrible, sad, and mad all at the same time. I felt like I lost everything. Til this day..I still find it hard to trust anyone but myself. I learned that it's not a bad thing after all to depend on myself only. I learned to appreciate and accept myself more.
