Monday, January 25


As I was walking to the libary for class, a heavy set girl came up to me and said "Its call Proactive." Without thinking I responsed with "Its called Nutrisystem!" The face she made was priceless. =]


  1. I've always fantasized about pulling a major zinger like that on some Nosy Nelly. Kudos, KidMedic - now my dream has been vicariously realized!

  2. WoW! That was deep. I don't know what to say. You left me speechless. :)

  3. How rude! Why do people think they have the right to meddle in the business of complete strangers? Good for you for saying something back.

    I had a similar situation once. I was standing outside smoking a cigarette near a public ashtray, when this woman who was (like your assailant) overweight came up to me and said, "You know that's going to kill you." I get sick of this. I don't live in a bubble - I know that smoking is bad for me. I must have been having a bad day (being grumpy makes me bold) because I replied, "So can clogging your arteries, but that doesn't seem to be stopping you from shoving twenty twinkies per day down your throat."

    She walked away looking horrified. I felt a little guilty, but if people are going to dish it out, then they had better be able to take it, too. One of the reasons why I don't nose my way into other people's business (without being provoked, of course) is because I realize that I have just as many faults as other people do. Oh, and I was taught manners.
