Saturday, January 23

WRI Monday

Remember:  go directly to the Library, not the classroom


  1. We bring our papers with us to correct? Also, thank you for the awesome topics you provided me with! Idecided to do the family. also for our papers, did you want us to have a work cited page? And, just so I am able to make some corrections to my paper, did you want us to have more facts and less opinion or a little but of both?

  2. happy my comments worked. citations are up to you - if you cite something that needs substantiation, you need to give the reference. Yes, bring you papers. Go to Library, North - it will probably be the big room in the back on the first floor. it will be listed on the electronic bulletin board when you go in - watch it flip through its screens. try to stick to FACTS.

  3. Library North, first floor, room in the back. 6:10PM.

  4. above 3 comments were from night - future ones ( below ) will be from day
