Thursday, January 28

Procrastination - again

Well, it's the time of class and I have not done anything with regard to my paper that is due next week. I was hoping to have a rough draft done by tonight. I guess the feeling that I have is that either I'm not going to do a good job and/or the task is going to be too difficult. Well, the important thing is to get it done, and to learn something about writing, and my unique writing characteristics, such as why I don't like to write, and/or why I procrastinate. It's funny, Monday I said to myself that I can at least come on to this web site and blog about something, instead of waiting until the last day. However, here it is Thursday, and I'm just now blogging. Well, at least I did it.


  1. Lol. It is hard to blog for alot of us. Some are just naturally good at it and some just aren't. At least we can say we tried!

  2. I've been battling procrastination all quarter! I'm blaming it on the weather (even if that's a horrible excuse, it's mine and I'm sticking to it!)
