Tuesday, January 26

No right way to write

I have never had a strict way of writing papers. I don't follow a methodical formula, and - so far in my educational career - it seems to have worked for me. However, this quarter I'm taking a course in which the professor wants the paper written following a strict formula... and I do mean that every step of the process has to be turned in individually. It's cramping my style!!!

I can see how his formula could work for some people, so I'm not criticizing it. Furthermore, I know he's trying to help. However, I think I've come to the realization that there is no right way to write, and that the same product can emerge from many different processes.

Now that I've decided that there is no right way to write (and thus, there can be no criticism), I'm interested to know: how do you tackle the writing process? Are you formulaic, or all over the place like me? Has that process changed much over time, or have you stuck to your ways?


  1. One quick note: the course I'm referring to in this post isn't this course, just to prevent any confusion.

  2. professional writers tend to have a routine - however their routines vary among them! some write in the AM; others, in the PM. Hemingway wrote standing up and he always stopped mid-sentence so he knew where to start the next day. some write with outlines; others write free-form. No one way to do it, but good to have a routine. However, I find my routines change, year to year.
