Thursday, January 14

Restless and thinking about Patience

How can a society that exists on instant coffee, frozen microwaveable dinners, fast food, and instant pictures- teach patience to its young?

I'm posting this because, I saw a mother throw a tantrum at my work because, a co-worker in her words "wasn't fast enough," getting a shoe she wanted. At the same time, her son was throwing a fit cause he want a toy, she quickly turned addressing him in a stern voice and said, "You have to be patient!" After getting the shoes; she wanted a discount for the time that she spent waiting, which in total was 2 minutes and 45 seconds (Yes! I did time it, I'm OCD like that).

Guess what...
She got that discount... -__-

"The costumer is always right!" says, my manger with a bitter smile.

At times I think , what a better world it would be if well all, the whole world, had cookies and milk about 3 o'clock every afternoon and then lay down on our blankets for a nap.

1 comment:

  1. I agreeee!
    We tend not to appreciate things when we dont have to wait for them anymore.. think about the last time you sat down for a meal..and thought about how nice it is to HAVE a meal to eat..we all need to slow down.. lets stop and smell the roses..
